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The Gori-Three is an enemy from Mega Man 8 and Mega Man and Bass that appears in Search Man stage and in third Wily Tower stage in MM8 and Burner Man stage and second King Fortress Stage. It will be introduced in 1.8.0

Gori-Three is a gorilla-like robot that throw an object at Megaman. So far there are four types of Gori-Three - Goriblue that throws bouncy balls and is recognizable by it's blue and yellow colors, Gorigree that throws spiked balls in straight line and have green and purple coloring, and Gorigro that is black and yellow and throws bombs or rocks that can be used as platform ( So far it is unknown if boulder mechanic will appear in Mega Man Maker ), and Gori-three with blue and Pink colored body that throws bouncy ball in the same color.


  • Fourth type of Gori-Three (Blue and Pink colored variant ) is exclusive to Mega Man Maker. It is also have the same colors as Mega Man when using Mega Ball and Bounce Man
  • There is fifth variant of Gori-Three - Giant Gori-Three that appeared only in cutscene of Mega Man 8