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Revision as of 00:13, 30 September 2024 by Midas Magnezone (talk | contribs)
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Everything below this was put here by others as vandalism.

My lack of ingame pfp
Role: Wiki Moderator
Also known as Darkius (real)
Blast Fish Acolyte (real)
Corr (real)
Ghost of Lost Edits
Luxray Lover
This user is pregnant
Quote My only notable quote is super outdated lol (real)
Midas "try not to add every wacky thing Darkius says to his user page" challenge
I have no strong feelings either way
When wiki mods get bored
Now Quint is spoil
Shut up stinky
That was quick lol
I suppose so
Gender: Male
Lives in USA
Known for nothing lol
Discord: darkiusmc

I have over a thousand edits since the server outage and still don't have a user page. Huh.

I find improving pages as a form of stress relief. Is that weird? Probably. I dunno.

Also I became a wiki mod at some point, cool. Feel free to ping me if you need something accepted.

Me after being wiki mod for a year

I became wiki mod on August 31st, 2023 and promoted to wiki admin alongside Midas on June 23rd, 2024 so we could get more done.




This user is pregnant
Please do not disturb pregnant users.
"We wish you to have a nice baby" - wiki editors

Sagiri was here!!1!

Lorem ipsum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi auctor, enim ac euismod posuere, nisi felis pulvinar odio, ut maximus neque nunc faucibus lectus. Maecenas dignissim neque vitae consequat vehicula. Integer ante sem, tincidunt ut placerat sed, congue sit amet justo. Proin a mi ac mi porttitor varius sed ut elit. Proin lobortis eu orci vel commodo. Nunc nisl purus, scelerisque in lacus in, egestas feugiat diam. Mauris magna mi, scelerisque vel accumsan ut, luctus ut nisi. Nunc id leo sit amet ante maximus suscipit.

Phasellus interdum est eget diam elementum molestie. Proin placerat sed magna eget sagittis. Vestibulum mi odio, vestibulum eget nisl et, pretium cursus ligula. Morbi ut velit enim. Etiam eget ornare risus, ut sodales mauris. Suspendisse tristique fringilla nibh, iaculis eleifend felis posuere et. Proin elementum lorem vitae feugiat posuere. Sed tincidunt vitae purus non consequat. Nulla id est dolor. Vivamus faucibus, neque a eleifend varius, ex neque elementum augue, id ornare erat libero eu magna. Etiam volutpat neque vel diam cursus, et viverra leo rhoncus.

This user is pregnant
Please do not disturb pregnant users.
"We wish you to have a nice baby" - wiki editors

Curabitur a gravida diam, nec imperdiet metus. Maecenas ac sem at justo porta suscipit vel eget dolor. Integer eu dolor vitae metus hendrerit efficitur. Vestibulum blandit fermentum consequat. Vestibulum urna sapien, posuere ut mi ut, pharetra hendrerit elit. In ut semper justo. Suspendisse ultrices arcu neque, sit amet viverra ligula commodo ut. Nam a facilisis nulla. Aenean et felis blandit, commodo dolor a, pulvinar lorem. Mauris varius ex a massa luctus malesuada. Vestibulum fermentum leo quis gravida euismod. Aenean mattis libero non tellus posuere, vel interdum leo congue.

Sed risus nisl, bibendum ut sagittis eu, vulputate sit amet felis. Nunc aliquet posuere mi. Nunc pharetra elementum tortor, et ullamcorper purus sodales non. Sed aliquam arcu auctor sodales tincidunt. Duis vulputate ex quis ligula iaculis, bibendum tincidunt sem laoreet. Quisque porta magna est. Duis tristique ante ac dui placerat, et rhoncus nisi faucibus. Nullam id mauris commodo, feugiat leo ac, rutrum turpis. Fusce porta lacus id enim consectetur aliquam.

Suspendisse magna lacus, dapibus ac condimentum imperdiet, tempor at massa. Ut ut mollis sem, ac vulputate arcu. Nulla lorem est, dignissim at urna et, volutpat ornare lacus. Sed tincidunt, diam nec sodales sagittis, magna nunc mollis eros, feugiat sollicitudin enim tellus vel tortor. Etiam nec nisl vel libero dapibus dapibus. Nunc sit amet nulla sed nisi tempus dapibus at a enim. Maecenas augue enim, facilisis ac dolor eget, pulvinar rutrum libero. Nullam quis velit blandit, auctor ex vitae, maximus felis. Donec sit amet nisi lacus. Nunc ultricies tortor eu enim porttitor interdum. Nulla non lorem augue. Vivamus orci justo, consequat in dapibus et, bibendum non libero. Phasellus odio ipsum, luctus ut dapibus eget, ultricies vitae nibh. Nunc eleifend vehicula dolor, sit amet scelerisque purus ultricies pretium. Phasellus ut ligula sed tortor euismod hendrerit. Nullam ornare dignissim risus, ut condimentum lacus scelerisque luctus.


The customer is very important, the customer will be followed by the customer. The author of Morbi, for to put Euismod, if not for the pillow of hate, as the most important and now the bed of the throat. Maecenas is not an asset nor a means of life. Before you start investing, you need to do your homework. It's different from me and my airline, but as a developer. It's a good idea to use a protein powder. Now nisl purus, selecrice in lacus in, egestas feugiat diam. My great mauris, the chocolate or the layer as, the mourning as if not. Now that's the time it's important to get ahead.

A boat is sometimes a necessary element of an employee's backyard. He invests a lot, but he needs a lot of arrows. I hate the market, the market needs the players and the price is low. Diseases as he likes. It is also necessary to adorn the smile, so that the members of the mauris. Suspendisse trisque fringilla nibh, eleifende felis put and To put the element of the story of the life of Feugia. But the tincidunt of pure life is not a result. There is no such pain. Vivamus faucibus, neither from the eleifend casino, from nor the element of propaganda, that was to adorn the great free football. Not even a weekend run or a yard run, and the cartoons are timed by CNN.

This user is pregnant
Please do not disturb pregnant users.
"We wish you to have a nice baby" - wiki editors

Talk to the pregnant woman, and don't be afraid of the hairstyle. Maecenas and Sam at just the door receives or needs pain. The entire football team becomes a life-threatening organization. The production process is flattering. The vestibule urn wise, put as mi as, the quiver hendrerit elit. Just as always. I don't like the basketball arc, but it's a good cartoon. For there are no easy ones. Aeneas and the cat flatters, comfort pain from, pulvinar lorem. Maurice Varius from a mass of mourning. Who is pregnant with pregnancy? Aeneas did not set free land, or sometimes time to do homework.

But the laughter of the players, to be drunk like shooting football, the vulputate is a lot to trigger. Now put my trucks. Now the quiver is an element of torture, and the corporal is not a pure member. However, some members of the author's team are developing. Duis vulputate ex quis ligula iaculis, bibendum tincidunt sem laoreet. Each door is great. Duis sad before and dui places, and rhoncus except the throat. There is no such thing as mauris commodo, feugiat leo ac, rutrum turpis. The clinical portal of the lake will be followed by some.

A large amount of salt, protein, and sauce are added, seasoned and massed. So as to be soft, and vulputate bow. There is no net, dignissim at urn and, to decorate the lake. But tincidunts, diam nor members of sagittis, great now mollis eros, feugiat sollicitud enim tellus vel tortor. Not even the players or the free protein. Now there is no problem, but there is no time for protein. For Maecenas's adage, easy and pain-free, is a pillow free of makeup. No one wants to be flattered, the author of life, the greatest trigger. Unfortunately, it's not going to be a lake. Now ultricies are sometimes used for the airline. There is no internet advertising. Live in medical therapy, diet in protein and drink not free. The level of hatred itself, grief as protein needs, the ultricies of life nibh. Now eleifend vehicular pain, let it be a lot of chocolate pure ultricies price. Phasellus ut ligula sed tortor euismod hendrerit. There is no need to adorn the dignity of laughter, as the sauce of the chocolate lake of grief.)

Fanfiction by Midas (I guess kings write fanfiction in their spare time)

Race Unknown, possibly a Fierce Demon
Home Land unknown
Date of death hasn't happened yet
Height 8'7"
Hair Color Dark Grey
Eye Color Blood red
Gender Male
Weapon of choice Helix of Darkness
Birth unknown
Skin Color Black
Protection His own power, his black tunic, flexible, leathery armor, his indestructible Sword.

Darkius is a Demon from the Story, The Legend of Zelda: Darkius. He is a demonic, powerful creature resembling the Fierce Deity. He cannot be defeated by Link alone, whether he has the strongest blade ever or not. Due to a prophecy explaining Darkius would be defeated by Link, he became the very one that murdered Link's parents at Lake Hylia and the Lost Woods, and was sealed away in a tree, which allowed Link to be saved by Navi and adopted by the Kokiri. Sometime after the events of the story Legend of Zelda: Xentore, He shattered the seal and leaped out of the tree he was imprisoned in. As soon as he escaped, he continued his hunt for the Hero of Time. At the end of Darkius, he assumes multiple forms before taking his true/normal form. After a sword fight, Darkius is defeated by the heroes when they blow him off his own tower when they unleash their true strength. He returns later in The Legend of Zelda:Shadius, where he is revived by his brother, Shadius, and is used as a pawn for his master plan. Darkius lets Shadius use his army and castle, but in the end, discovers the truth, and kills Shadius. Darkius tells Link and his friends why he was trying to kill him. Immediately after explaining, Darkius attacked Link and his friends, still hoping to prevent the prophecy. Despite being defeated again, Darkius survived this time, and later appeared in The Fire God, where he became an unexpected ally. Darkius was presumed to be destroyed when he destroyed the castle of Flamius, a supporting antagonist. His fate currently remains unknown.


when I made this template, I had put a bunch of assets from MM1 and MM2 here that were also featured in dwr, with the logic of "these are all the assets featured in this game", but a member of the wiki strike team removed them all with the logic of "these did not debut in this game.". I kind of get removing them from the powered up page since that's a remake with a lot of original assets, but outside of V, the GB games wouldn't really have a whole lot listed on these without the things taken from the nes games.

also to add to it, I feel like organizing "things debuted in this" was also organized by the asset categories, and I'm not sure about both being the same, since those already sort by debut game afaik but hey, I'm just one guy here, so I figure instead of trying to fight for what I'd personally want, I'd make a talk page so other people could throw some thoughts to the wall.

Whispers in the Shadows

In the realm of DarkiusMC, where shadows stretch and secrets linger, the night carries whispers of untold power. Players traverse the haunted landscapes, their hearts racing as they uncover the remnants of ancient lore and dark magic.

Beneath the gnarled branches of the twisted forest, players forge alliances and betrayals alike, each choice echoing through the darkened halls of forgotten castles. The air is thick with tension, the kind that promises adventure—or doom.

As the moon rises high, casting eerie silver light upon the ground, the inhabitants of this realm become one with the night. With every step, they delve deeper into the abyss, where nightmares take form and legends are born. Will you embrace the darkness or become lost within it?

Join the journey, where every shadow holds a story, and every whisper beckons you closer to the truth hidden in the depths of DarkiusMC.