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Revision as of 12:54, 6 June 2024 by Midas Magnezone (talk | contribs) (Added proper bullet points)
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Version 1.8.3 (01/01/2023)

New Features

  • Cold Man has his missing heal resistance to ice weapons when they are not set as a weakness.
  • Sun Rays, adds visual effects at the top of water.
  • Time bombs now can be set with a zero delay to instantly explode after activation.


  • Online Builder is no longer in maintenance.
  • Weapon Block and Weapon Barriers now show the weapon icon and colors in the builder.
  • Astro Door Horizontal can now push the Lighter Push Block.
  • Weapon can now be removed from the list of weapons by right clicking on it on the builder menu.
  • Oni Robo Wind machines no longer push Gori Three Rocks but only Lighter Push Blocks.
  • Shell'n weakness to Electric Shock was missing.
  • Better performances when the level uses a lot of backgrounds.
  • Better performances in long sections.

Fixed Bugs

  • GB Crystal Spikes are badly cropped.
  • The following Spikes are reversed horizontally : Clash Spike GB, Clash Spike GB (Alt), Wily Spike GB II, Wily Spike GB II (Alt).
  • Icon for Wily Spike GB II in the builder menu is the wrong color.
  • Tengu BG (Animated) can sometimes desync from one screen to another.
  • Astro BG 3, 4 and 5 can sometimes desync from one screen to another.
  • Super Arm does not trigger Soccer Ball Jet.
  • Super Arm does not trigger Kakinbatank's movement.
  • Super Arm draws above certain objects such as enemies.
  • End of Credits do not scroll to the right position.
  • When there's multiples Oni Wind Generators, the speed for pull and push is inconsistent depending on positions.
  • Astro Door stops moving after a screen transition while in movement.
  • Oil Slider on moving platforms acts differently than it was in previous versions.
  • Hell Metall DX can drop pickups when the threads are destroyed.
  • Target animation doesn't stop when time is stopped.
  • Target rails are still active and moving targets while time is stopped.
  • Weapon Barriers and Weapon Blocks are not acting as a wall of section anymore.
  • Astro Door Horizontal going into each other gets stuck.
  • Yellow Devil placed vertically between two sections damages player during transition and boss intro.
  • Wily Machine 6 gets stuck during a jump when moving platforms enter it.
  • Big Pets platforms behave incorrectly with certain projectiles.
  • Cold Man's Ice Wall loses all speed and rises in water when a single pixel touches water.
  • Giant Springer's missile goes invisible as it flies a certain way.
  • Cold Man's Ice Wall breaks early when it hits a screen edge with a connected screen by transition.
  • Dark Man 3's stun causes the player's colour to change while stunned when opening, closing the pause menu or when switching weapons on pause menu.
  • Dark Man 3's stun causes the player's colour to return to Command Select's default colour instead of the currently selected weapon's colour.
  • Super Arm blocks placed by the player do damage to the Acid Drop Spawner.
  • Soccer Ball Jet activates and damages players when they are at rest and the player is under them.
  • Dynamo Conveyors may crash the games when on edge of screens at start of the level.
  • Dashing with Bass and swapping to Charge Kick weapon gives the wrong hitbox to the player.
  • Magnetic Coil SFX can be heard from outside of the section.
  • Magnetic Coil SFX doesn't stop when leaving the section.
  • Hyoey SFX doesn't play properly when another Hyoey is dead or out of section.
  • Plasma's connection SFX doesn't play properly when another group of Plasma are connected on the section.
  • Plasma's connection SFX doesn't stop playing when leaving the section.
  • Surumaker in water is not able to track the player properly.
  • Shooting Tornado Hold while inside Waterfalls makes the projectile teleports.
  • Switching weapons to or from Power Adaptor while shooting locks up player controls.
  • Certain bosses do not target Copy Vision when it is made.
  • Bosses always target Copy Vision even when it is not a primary or secondary weakness.
  • Water animation can get desync after a transition.
  • Icicle spawning on a jumpthrough moving platform may crashes the game.
  • Icicle cannot spawn if overlapping with Spinning Wheels on spawn.
  • Ice Wall does not properly lose durability to hitting enemies or bouncing off walls.
  • Spark Shock teleports to enemies starting position when they are stunned and despawned.
  • On/Off Ladders make enemies move up slightly when transitioning while over them.
  • Boss projectiles are drawn behind plates.
  • Hornet Chaser is drawn under yoku blocks.
  • Brain Break does not properly take damage from Ballade Cracker.
  • In the editor water goes through some things it should not.
  • Jewel Satellite does not destroy small masked projectiles like the ones from Hot Dog.
  • Music Changer on transitions doesn't work properly.