Mega Man Maker:Mega Man Maker important files and folders

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Revision as of 23:33, 9 June 2024 by Midas Magnezone (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[ Pastebin link] Files pertaining to ''Mega Man Maker'' are primarily stored in two locations: # The <syntaxhighlight lang="CSS" inline>AppData\Local\MegaMaker</syntaxhighlight> folder # The extracted .zip file of ''Mega Man Maker'' that you have downloaded. These are the folders and files stored in your <syntaxhighlight lang="CSS" inline>C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\MegaMaker</syntaxhighlight> folder, where USER is your Windows usernam...")
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Files pertaining to Mega Man Maker are primarily stored in two locations:

  1. The AppData\Local\MegaMaker folder
  2. The extracted .zip file of Mega Man Maker that you have downloaded.

These are the folders and files stored in your C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\MegaMaker folder, where USER is your Windows username. You can search for the AppData\Local folder easily by typing %localappadata% in your file directory or using the Run command (Windows + R). If you want to search for the folder manually through File Explorer, note that AppData is a hidden folder and requires you to go to View --> Show --> Hidden items to enable and view.

  • Autosave: If anything goes wrong while building a level, a backup of your level is saved here automatically. Note that you need to have named your level to have it saved. Levels are autosaved automatically every two minutes. You are asked whether you want to load a backup when you load up a level that went wrong.
  • Changelog: The changelog of the current version of Mega Man Maker if you have updated to a new version using the auto*updated. The changelog of all versions can be viewed on the Mega Man Maker website.
  • ErrorLogs: Error log files that pop up while playing the game. Files are saved in the .html format and named by yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss. Please copy and paste any errors encountered in #help_support or #bug_reports (after reading the top pinned messages in those channels) depending on the error.
  • GIFs: Each GIF recorded is saved individually in the AppData\Local\MegaMaker folder by the name Recording# (# is the screenshot number) and can be upto one minute long. GIFs can be taken started and stopped using the F7 button and are saved in the .gif format at 2x resolution.
  • IntermediaryErrorLogs: Files are saved in the .txt format and named by yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.
  • Levels: All your downloaded and built levels are stored here in the .mmlv format. You can also insert .mmlv files in this folder and they will show up in the game or send .mmlv files to others from this folder.
  • Settings: BeatenLevels.sav, Builder.ini, ChallengeLevels.sav, Checks.ini, Gamepad.ini, Keyboard.ini, PlayedLevels.sav, Profile.ini, Settings.ini, and VotedLevels.sav. Please do not touch these files unless needed.
  • TempLevels: Stores the MMLV files of online levels played the last time Mega Man Maker was opened. The folder is automatically deleted when a new instance of Mega Man Maker is opened.
  • Screenshots taken in game: Each screenshot is saved individually in the AppData\Local\MegaMaker folder by the name screenshot# (# is the screenshot number). Screenshots can be taken using the F9 button and are saved in the .png format at the resolution of the window size (1x, 2x, 3x, 4x) of your game at the time of the screenshot.

These are the folders and files in the .zip file that comes when you downloaded the game:

  • Shortcut to Gifs: Leads to the GIFs folder in AppData\Local\MegaMaker
  • Shortcut to Levels: Leads to the Levels folder in AppData\Local\MegaMaker
  • DLL: Comprises two .dll (dynamic*link library) files, MegaDLL.dll and RollMQTT.dll, and the updater.exe file used by the game.
  • ExampleLevels: Example levels made by beta testers and developers of Mega Man Maker and winners of past fan challenge events. Levels are stored in the .mmlv file format.
  • Music: The music used by the game stored in the .nsf file format. It can be replaced with your own custom .nsf files: for more information on that, read the pinned messages in the #nsf_replacements channel.
  • Files: Comprises, gme.dll, MegaMaker.exe, options.ini, rousrDissonance.dll, and buffer_zlib.dll. Please do not fiddle with these files unless required.