Wily Challenge/References

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Revision as of 00:16, 13 June 2024 by Midas Magnezone (talk | contribs) (Added 9 references and italicized game names)
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Message Reference
Failure! A line said upon failing a minigame in the Super Smash Bros. series.
SUDDEN DEATH A line said at the start of match tie-breakers in Super Smash Bros.
TOO BAD - WALUIGI TIME! A line from a Super Smash Bros. webcomic, "Brawl in the Family," commonly used by Nintendo fans.
The Dark Souls of Mega man games! A reference to IGN calling the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy "The Dark Souls of Platformers."
I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST... The first line of the first Pokémon anime theme song.
Have you tried not dying?
There are no easter eggs here, go away.
Are you just looking for more Game Over messages?
Thank you Mega Man, but your victory is in another castle. A reference to the line "Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!" from the original Super Mario Bros.
Go home and be a family man!
next time i hope i win, but if not win its better than nothing A reference to the "i hope i win" meme from the Make a Good Mega Man Level series.
Dr. Light will remember that. A reference to the common use of "X will remember that" in Telltale games.
god i wish that were me
try out Fox Maker too!
It's probably the Yoku Spikes' fault.
sorry if moving platforms killed you.
I miss hound
notices bolt owo whats this
im dead and wat is this
OPPSIE WOOPSIE!! Uwu You made a gamie ovar! A wittle outla liveso!!
from game import over
rm -rf /*
| |||| |_ A reference to the "Loss" meme from the webcomic series Ctrl+Alt+Del
Error: undefined response from server
Segmentation Fault - Core Dumped
Try the simple tutorial.
Add weapon capsules.
Your ad could be here.
It's not that hard, just don't get hit.
If you read this, you have died.
No johns.
Lag killed me.
Try again for 2000 bolts.
0111100101101111011101010010000001100100011010010110010101100100 "you died" in binary
That was fun, but now you're done.You're outta luck because you suck
This is the Ridley reveal trailer all over again. Reference to when Mario and Mega Man are impaled by Ridley from Metroid in the reveal trailer for Ridley's addition to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Welcome to Die
Winners Don't Do Drugs
See You Space Cowboy...
Mega Mangled
You're not even good for scrap.
The cake is a lie. Reference to the phrase from Portal
[Diabolical Scientist Laughing]
You're not winner
Take a Break (Man).
Press F to pay respects Reference to an action in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Welcome to the scrapyard
See you in my dreams!
I gave you robot hair, but I should have given you thicker armor.
Guess I'll Die.
You're Gonna Have a Bad Time. Reference to a phrase by Sans from UNDERTALE
WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR?! Reference to a phrase spoken by Zero in Mega Man X4
Sizzling circuits!
Your scheme for world domination has faild!
It's only game... Why you have to be mad?
error 404 lives not found
Don't worry, you'll do better next time, right?
You were so close, but in the end, you weren't fit to be a Mega Man Maker.
You chose. Poorly.
You win! Wait... no you don't.
Game over? So quickly?
Getting here is half the fun.
You win some, you lose some.
Have you considered handing the controller over to your more skilled friend?
git gud
I knew you'd risk yourself for Mr. Lincoln.
You Have Died of Dysentery.
Game Over Return of Wily
Mission failed...
Kid, you're almost not worth the effort!
Prepare better next time.
A rewind button would be handy now...
Almost there!
Keep on trying!
This is so sad... Pointan, play Despacito. Reference to the "This Is So Sad Alexa Play Despacito" meme
Try switching your control scheme to Kinect!
End of the line, kiddo.
GAME! Reference to the sound effect when a player is knocked out in the Super Smash Bros. series
Back to the drawing board...
What a loser!
You were close - don't give up!
Keep trying to do your best!
You're doing great! Keep going!
Want to try again?
Better luck next time!