Wily Challenge/References

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Message Reference
A reference to backlash from the Mega Man Maker community from when developer Luigi was initially hired as a programmer, suggesting he instead be replaced by the user Bucket
Is that what winning looks like?
GAME OVER YEEEAAAAAAH References the game over screen from Sega Rally
Hit the bricks pal, you're done. Voice line from the Scout from Team Fortress 2.
Snake? Snake? Snaaaaaake! References the voice lines when the player gets a Game Over in Metal Gear Solid
You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance. Reference to a mistranslation of a win quote from Ryu in Street Fighter 2.
Protocol 3: Protect the pilot. The third protocol in the video game Titanfall 2
Mega Man was poked to death by Sweet Berry Bush. Reference to the death message when the player dies from a Sweet Berry Bush in Minecraft
Mega Man? More like... dead.
What was that damage my guy?
You are dead, not big surprise. Voice line from the Heavy Weapons Guy from Team Fortress 2.
So how does that ground taste?
==To Be Continued==> Reference to the "To Be Continued" stills from the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime adaptation.
First time? A quote from the movie The Ballad of Buster Scruggs where James Fanco's character is crying while on the gallows
Aw, poor baby couldn't beat Quick Man?
Do you think you're safe now?
Rest In Pepperoni.
How many controllers did you break to get here?
Failure! A line said upon failing a minigame in the Super Smash Bros. series.
SUDDEN DEATH A line said at the start of match tie-breakers in Super Smash Bros.
TOO BAD - WALUIGI TIME! A line from a Super Smash Bros. webcomic, "Brawl in the Family," commonly used by Nintendo fans.
The Dark Souls of Mega man games! A reference to IGN calling the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy "The Dark Souls of Platformers."
I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST... The first line of the first Pokémon anime theme song.
Have you tried not dying?
There are no easter eggs here, go away.
Are you just looking for more Game Over messages?
Thank you Mega Man, but your victory is in another castle. A reference to the line "Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!" from the original Super Mario Bros.
Go home and be a family man! Reference to one of Guile's win quotes from the localization of Street Fighter 2.
next time i hope i win, but if not win its better than nothing A reference to the "I Hope I Win" meme from the Make a Good Mega Man Level series.
Dr. Light will remember that. A reference to the common use of "X will remember that" in Telltale games.
god i wish that were me A reference to a comment posted on DeviantArt on a post where a small man is seen cradled in the hands of a large woman
try out Fox Maker too! A reference to Fox McCloud from the Star Fox series
It's probably the Yoku Spikes' fault. A reference to the Yoku Spikes gimmick that are spikes that function like Yoku Blocks in the game Mega Man Unlimited]]
sorry if moving platforms killed you.
I miss hound A reference to the user HoundBlue who left the Mega Man Maker Discord server
notices bolt owo whats this
im dead and wat is this
OPPSIE WOOPSIE!! Uwu You made a gamie ovar! A wittle outla liveso!!
game_end(); A reference to how functions are called in many programming languages
from game import over A reference to how certain functions can be imported from libraries in many programming languages
rm -rf /* UNIX terminal command that deletes the contents of the top-level directory and its sub-directories.
| ||
|| |_
A reference to the "Loss" meme from the webcomic series Ctrl+Alt+Del
Error: undefined response from server
Segmentation Fault - Core Dumped
Try the simple tutorial.
Add weapon capsules. A reference to how Weapon Capsules in Mega Man Maker were a highly suggested feature before their addition in version 1.2.0
Your ad could be here.
It's not that hard, just don't get hit.
If you read this, you have died.
No johns.
Lag killed me.
Try again for 2000 bolts.
0111100101101111011101010010000001100100011010010110010101100100 "you died" in binary
That was fun, but now you're done
You're outta luck because you suck
First two lines from the YouTube video "Mega Man 3 Game Over WITH LYRICS" by user brentalfloss.
This is the Ridley reveal trailer all over again. Reference to when Mario and Mega Man are impaled by Ridley from Metroid in the reveal trailer for Ridley's addition to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Welcome to Die One of Magneto's voice lines from the X-Men arcade game.
Winners Don't Do Drugs
See You Space Cowboy... Reference to the song featured in Cowboy Bebop
Mega Mangled
You're not even good for scrap.
The cake is a lie. Reference to the phrase from Portal
[Diabolical Scientist Laughing]
You're not winner A reference to the "You're winner!" screen when completing a race in Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
Take a Break (Man). A reference to the name of the disguise used by Proto Man in Mega Man 3
Press F to pay respects Reference to an action in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? Reference to the game over sequence from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask when Link runs out of time.
Welcome to the scrapyard
Demonetized A reference to how YouTube videos are often demonetized for mentioning certain words such as "die"
See you in my dreams! This is a reference to line spoken by Clown Man from Mega Man 8.
I gave you robot hair, but I should have given you thicker armor.
Guess I'll Die. A reference to the meme of an old man in a red shirt shrugging
You're Gonna Have a Bad Time. Reference to a phrase by Sans from UNDERTALE
WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR?! Reference to a phrase spoken by Zero in Mega Man X4
Sizzling circuits! Reference to the Mega Man animated series by Ruby-Spears.
Your scheme for world domination has faild! A reference to the phrase uttered when Mr. X in disguise is revealed to be Dr. Wily in Mega Man 6
Wasted Reference to the screen that appears when the player dies in Grand Theft Auto V
It's only game... Why you have to be mad? A reference to a quote by Russian professional ice hockey goaltender Ilya Bryzagalov in response to a journalist's question about a teammate who joined the former's team, Anaheim Ducks, in a controversial trade from another team, Edmonton Olliers
error 404 lives not found A reference to the "404 Not Found" error often encountered when a webpage cannot be found
Don't worry, you'll do better next time, right?
You were so close, but in the end, you weren't fit to be a Mega Man Maker.
You chose. Poorly. A reference to the "He chose...poorly" quote by Grail Knight from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
You win! Wait... no you don't.
Game over? So quickly?
Getting here is half the fun. Reference to the screen "Getting Here is Half the Fun" from VVVVVV.
You win some, you lose some.
Have you considered handing the controller over to your more skilled friend?
git gud "Get good", often aimed at gamers to tell them to get better and improve at a game
I knew you'd risk yourself for Mr. Lincoln. Reference to the Mega Man animated series by Ruby-Spears.
You Have Died of Dysentery. Reference to a potential cause of death in Oregon Trail.
Game Over Return of Wily Reference to the game over screen from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.
Mission failed...
Kid, you're almost not worth the effort! A reference to the same voice line spoken by Tengu Man when the player encounters him in Mega Man 8
Prepare better next time.
A rewind button would be handy now... A reference to how many emulated games and game collections often include a rewind button to return to a previous point in the game
Almost there!
Keep on trying!
This is so sad... Pointan, play Despacito. Reference to the "This Is So Sad Alexa Play Despacito" meme
Try switching your control scheme to Kinect!
End of the line, kiddo.
GAME! Reference to the sound effect when a player is knocked out in the Super Smash Bros. series
Back to the drawing board...
What a loser!
You were close - don't give up!
Keep trying to do your best!
You're doing great! Keep going!
Want to try again?
Better luck next time!
Dear diary, today I died. A reference to the game over screen in The Binding of Isaac
Another sacrifice to the almighty Big Fish.
Goodbye, cruel world!
GO AHEAD DAUNTLESSLY! MAKE RAPID PROGRES! A reference to the line "This room is an illusion and is a trap devised by Satan. Go ahead dauntlessly! Make rapid progress!” seen when a player completes a level in Ghosts 'n Goblins
Try using the secret God Mode cheat code!
You've doomed us all!
Super failing robot! A reference to the lyric "Super fighting robot!" in the opening theme of the Mega Man TV show by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears
Skill issue.
I hope you had life insurance.
Welcome to Brazil.
Mega Man was ejected. A reference to the hit social deduction indie game Among Us.
I was using a steering wheel, and I was blindfolded, and I wasn't even trying, and...
Wily always wins!
That is not how Kamikazee works.
Fraud detected.
You must recoveh all that enershy immedialy, M-Megaman. This line originates from Mega Man 8. It was initially spoken by Doctor Light in a cutscene around halfway through the game.
We found the fake gamer.
Well, this is awkward.
If robots become ghosts, who ya gonna call? A reference to the 1984 comedy film Ghostbusters - namely, a specific lyric from their theme song.
Wily cries with joy at this moment.
And then the Mega Man X project began.
I hope the metal recycling bin is not already full.
There is an issue between the keyboard and your chair.
LEBRON JAMES REPORTEDLY FORGOT TO SLIDE BEFORE JUMPING. A reference to the "LeBron James Reportedly X" meme where users are often mocked for making simple mistakes in video games
This is a certified "Bruh" moment.
Is this the part where Zero saves you?
Probably should've picked up that E-Tank.
Those spikes can really blend in sometimes...
Are you telling me you can't beat a 1% clear rate kaizo level?
We personally apologize for that one. Sincerely, the Mega Man Maker dev team.
Do you want to turn on Sticky Keys? A reference to how pressing the Shift button five times in quick succession on a Windows computer brings up a prompt that asks the user whether they would like to turn on Sticky Keys
Clearly you missed the dev exit.
Happens to the best of us. Or in your case, the worst.
Hey, Mega Man, Smash Bros. called. They want their invite back.
Despite your namesake, that really did not "Rock."
Did you try equipping Metal Blade?
Are you sure? Ta-da! All ready!
Back in my day, I beat Mega Man levels uphill both ways.
I'm putting that one in my fail montage.
Blue Bomber? More like the Blue Blunder.
Lowering the difficulty is always an option.
Don't forget to wear your lucky Wily Challenge undergarments!
And to think that was only a taste of what's to come. This is a reference to the infamous stage A Taste of Whats to Come - the lowest ranked level in the entirety of Mega Man Maker.
GAME OVER YEEEEEEEEEAH A sound effect heard in the Sega Saturn game Sega Rally Championship
Really? You died there?
You know you don't get a password for getting a game over here, right? A reference to the fact that many older games had a password system to save progress
You should have Zigged when you Zagged.
You should have Zagged when you Zigged.
Injured? Call 1800DRWILEY.
Ya, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here. Well, it all started...
Ya. Ok. So. You're dead.
Man, can you imagine if you died on your own level? Crazy.
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3 A reference to a sketch from the show The IT Crowd where the emergency telephone number in the United Kingdom, 999, is replaced with this number.
You want the Wily Challenge victory? It's yours, my friend. So long as you've got enough rupees.
You seem to really know how to screw things up. Would you like to be a beta tester?
I think I'll give that run a solid [random number from 1 to 10] out of 10.
You can exit into the gift shop on your left. Places of attraction that often end with a gift shop
You can now play as Pronto Man. A reference to the fanmade Pronto Man character, as well as to the "You can now play as Luigi" (No, not that Luigi) notification from the 2007 game Super Mario Galaxy.
if we get to 10,000,000 collective deaths, we all win!
you'll get em' next time, champ
Never let up!!
You're almost there! Just a little bit more.
Go! Go! Go!
I could practically taste Wily's Castle that time.
"To defeat Wily is to win the game." - Sun Tzu
Twice the pride, double the fall. A line by Count Dooku in the movie Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
You just lost the game. A reference to the mind game "The Game" where players lose if they think about The Game
Get back in there, soldier.
You're all about to have a real bad day!
That wasn't supposed to happen!
You failed me ag-... sorry, force of habit. You actually did well.
I'm not proud of you, but I'm not unproud of you.
I'm slightly less disappointed in you than the others.
Mega Man, you need to wake up. You've been in a coma for 30 years.
Now that you died, go help your parents with the laundry.
Dying is the easy part, getting back up is harder. You can do it.
Don't Panic.
Join our discord and post this death screen!
You should have Arc'd when you Weldied. A reference to the Arc Weldy enemy
Thinking of wholesome quotes is difficult.
Make sure to report that level for being impossible.
Uh oh, back to the lab again.
You know what? You tried, and that's what matters.
Can you stop dying so much? We're running out of spare parts.
I hope this doesn't mess with the time line.
Shout outs to my homie Meka-piece. The Mega Man Maker developer Meka
There's no shame in lowering the difficulty!
Tip: press jump to jump.
You took a stupid risk. It wasn't fun.
Dying is bad for your health. Try living instead.
We all make mistakes. Especially you.
Some days you just feel like Bubble Man on land. A reference to how Bubble Man is helpless on land so cries and fires bubbles at the player in Mega Man Maker
Let me ask you, does a machine like yourself ever experience fear? A voice line spoken by Vegeta in the show Dragon Ball Z
When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! A voice line spoken by Cave Johnson in Portal 2
But... the future refused to change.
When life gives you lemons, shoot them at the bad guys.
Return the slab. A voice line spoken by King Ramses in the show Courage the Cowardly Dog
Why not take a break? You can pause the game by pressing start.
The Zombiegs ate your brains!
Burn to the ground! A reference to a voice line spoken by Flame Hyenard in Mega Man X7
This is not how you unlock Luigi. A reference to the different ways characters can be unlocked in the Super Smash Bros. series - although this could potentially be a reference to the 2007 game Super Mario Galaxy.
Win? Like that's ever gonna happen! What a load of- A reference to the 2001 comedy Shrek.
Don't worry, captain. We'll buff out those scratches. A reference to the animated cartoon series SpongeBob SquarePants.
Don't worry, you'll be able to beat the challenge someday in 20XX.
Dr. Wily appreciates your contribution to his K/D ratio.
Dr. Wiley appreciates your contribution to his K/D ratio.
Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better.
A mega buster wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage.
There is no secret power up for dying in the same level four times. We promise.
How did Mega Man fair? ...To shreds, you say...
Should've teched.
We tech those.


  • Prior to version 1.7.0, the quote "IM FRICKING KILL YOU!!!!" could also appear. This may have been removed due to sounding offensive.