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The Tutorial is an interactive introduction to Mega Man Maker's level editor, available through both a pop-up that may appear upon opening the editor, or through the Extras menu on the title screen. It acts as a guide for new players and people who need a refresher for how to work with the editor.

Instructions are given through humorous dialogue between Dr. Light and Dr. Wily going through each tab of the editor.


Click to view
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Hello there! You're here to create your own levels, I assume?
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Then you've come to the right place! I've used this editor to create my award-winning stages for years.
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Allow me to teach you the ins and outs of the stage editor so you can give that pesky Mega Man a run for his money!
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: And who knows, maybe one day you'll be able to match the great Dr. Wily...
SprTutorialWily 1.png Dr. Wily: Though needless to say, that will be a real challenge...
SprTutorialWily 1.png Dr. Wily: Hehe.
SprTutorialWilyGray 1.png
Dr. Light: Hey now, that's not a good way to motivate them, is it?
SprTutorialLight 1.png
SprTutorialWily 2.png Dr. Wily: Light? What are you doing here? SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 2.png
Dr. Light: Just thought I'd help you enlighten them about the editor.
SprTutorialLight 2.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 2.png
Dr. Light: Two heads are better than one, right?
SprTutorialLight 2.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 2.png
Dr. Light: ... or is this one of your evil schemes?
SprTutorialLight 3.png
SprTutorialWily 2.png Dr. Wily: Of course not! Why would it be? Hehe... SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 2.png
Dr. Light: Great! Let's get this ball rolling then, shall we?
SprTutorialLight 2.png
SprTutorialWily 4.png Dr. Wily: Yeah, yeah, whatever. SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: First of all, we should probably create some terrain that the player can traverse. Watching him fall to his doom is fun and all, but that wouldn't be satisfying, would it? SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Hold the left mouse button to place terrain in the level. SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Go nuts! Oh, and make sure to press the green checkmark once you're finished. SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
The player places some tiles down.
SprTutorialWilyGray 0.png
Dr. Light: Looks good! Though, the stage looks pretty empty at the moment.
SprTutorialLight 3.png
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: You're right, it's time to place some of my ingenious robots! SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Do you see that bar at the top of the screen? SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: There, you can select all kinds of stuff to place in the level, such as terrain, enemies and stage hazards. SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Since we want to place enemies, select the enemies category and place some in the level! SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
The player places some enemies down.
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: Much better! SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 5.png
Dr. Light: Definitely!
SprTutorialLight 2.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 5.png
Dr. Light: However, make sure not to overuse enemies in your level. A challenge every now and then is fine, but if you want to keep things fun, use them with care.
SprTutorialLight 1.png
SprTutorialWily 4.png Dr. Wily: Way to ruin my fun... SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 4.png
Dr. Light: This is not about your fun, Wily, it's about the player's fun.
SprTutorialLight 1.png
SprTutorialWily 4.png Dr. Wily: I guess.. SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Moving on, only using these Met enemies gets old after a while. Luckily, I made sure you have a lot more robots at your disposal! Once you've selected a category in the blue bar at the top, you can open its dedicated menu. Simply click the category icon again to open this menu, which allows you to choose from lots of different assets! Why don't you see for yourself? SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Try placing a different kind of enemy in the level! SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
The player places more enemies down.
SprTutorialWilyGray 0.png
Dr. Light: That's a great selection of enemies you have there, Wily!
SprTutorialLight 2.png
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Dr. Light: You put a lot of effort into this, didn't you?
SprTutorialLight 2.png
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: Thank you, but this is just the beginning! SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: As I said before, the stage editor allows for a lot more than just terrain and enemies. If we go back to our bar, we can see that there's a level objects category on the right of the enemies category. SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: This category holds a variety of objects, such as checkpoints and stage gimmicks! SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 0.png
Dr. Light: Speaking of checkpoints, make sure to use them regularly as a way of rewarding a player for completing a tough section.
SprTutorialLight 0.png
SprTutorialWily 1.png Dr. Wily: Don't use them too much though, otherwise you may just make it too easy for that Blue Bomber. SprTutorialLightGray 0.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Why don't you place an object in the level? SprTutorialLightGray 0.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Remember, click the category icon to select that category, and click it again to chose a different object. SprTutorialLightGray 0.png
The player places some Level Objects down.
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: Not bad! This level is coming along nicely! SprTutorialLightGray 0.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 5.png
Dr. Light: Be careful with stage gimmicks, though. A good level always introduces them in a safe environment before challenging the player with them. You don't want to cause unfair deaths!
SprTutorialLight 1.png
SprTutorialWily 4.png Dr. Wily: Either way... SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: The level feels a bit plain, don't you think, Light? SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 0.png
Dr. Light: Hmm... Maybe if the level had some kind of background...
SprTutorialLight 1.png
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: I've got you covered! SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: The very left category on the top bar is the backgrounds category. Here you can select any background to make your level look prettier. Go ahead, try placing one in your level! SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
The player places a background down.
SprTutorialWilyGray 0.png
Dr. Light: That looks much better! Amazing how such a simple detail can add so much to the level!
SprTutorialLight 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Before we move on, there's something I haven't yet mentioned about the tiles category. Aside from regular terrain, this category is also home to ladders, water, plates and death spikes. SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 1.png Dr. Wily: And between you and me, make sure to place as many spikes as possible! Anything to give that Mega Man a hard time! SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 1.png
Dr. Light: Wily, you know very well that death spikes should be used with caution. Using them carelessly can make a level too frustrating for its own good.
SprTutorialLight 1.png
SprTutorialWily 4.png Dr. Wily: You and your fair level design... SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
SprTutorialWily 4.png Dr. Wily: Whatever, just place some ladders or spikes so we can move on. SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
The player places down ladders and spikes.
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: That will do. SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Not enough death spikes in my opinion, though.. SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 0.png
Dr. Light: Wily, I thought you'd stop this!
SprTutorialLight 1.png
SprTutorialWily 4.png Dr. Wily: Fine, fine. SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 4.png
Dr. Light: Also, I don't see Mega Man anywhere in this level...
SprTutorialLight 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Right! To place him in the level, select the player icon on the top bar and find a good spawn point! SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
The player places a character down.
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: With that out of the way, it's time to expand our level! SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: So far we've only worked on a single screen, but of course, my editor can do more than that! SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: You have several ways to move the camera! SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard, you can use the W, A, S and D keys or you can hold the middle mouse button and move the mouse. Try it! SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
The player moves the camera.
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: There you go! SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: You may have noticed that these new screens are darker than the old screen. That's because these screens are still empty. Let's fix that by placing some terrain there! SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
The player places some more terrain.
SprTutorialWilyGray 0.png
Dr. Light: Not bad, but I've noticed that there's a weird icon between the screens. What is this for, Wily?
SprTutorialLight 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Glad you asked! This icon shows whether or not these sections are connected. If the sections are connected, the camera doesn't stop at the border between the sections. SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: If the sections are not connected, the camera stops at the border and when the player touches the border, he'll undergo a screen transition. SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: By default, sections are connected horizontally but not vertically. SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Why don't you mess around with them? SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
The player adjusts screen connections.
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: Great! SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: One thing to note is that in order to undergo an upwards screen transition, the player must be climbing a ladder or Boss Door. SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Keep that in mind when designing your levels! SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 0.png
Dr. Light: It seems we're making quite some progress on this level!
SprTutorialLight 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Yes, but even if you're a brilliant level designer like me, you don't always get everything right the first time. SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: If you ever want to delete an object you've placed, simply hold the right mouse button when your cursor is on said object. Keep in mind that in order to remove backgrounds, you need to have the backgrounds category selected. SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: Last but definitely not least, it's time to end your level with a boss! I've included several of my brilliant inventions for you to pick from! SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 5.png
Dr. Light: Way to overcredit yourself there!
SprTutorialLight 1.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 5.png
Dr. Light: Should I remind you that some of these are created by Cossack, myself and scientists from around the globe?
SprTutorialLight 1.png
SprTutorialWily 4.png Dr. Wily: As if anyone would pick those inferior models... SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: If you for some reason do not want to include a boss in your level, I've also included Party Balls and Energy Elements as alternatives. SprTutorialLightGray 1.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 0.png
Dr. Light: I also recommend having a separate screen for your boss, as this would allow for a fair robot-to-robot battle.
SprTutorialLight 0.png
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: Yes, nothing can beat a true boss arena! SprTutorialLightGray 0.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: I've also included boss doors to further increase this effect. Place them on section borders for the biggest effect! And if you want to change your boss's weaknesses or change other settings, click on the boss and click on the gear that appears above it. SprTutorialLightGray 0.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Why don't you create a boss arena now? SprTutorialLightGray 0.png
The player places down a boss.
SprTutorialWilyGray 0.png
Dr. Light: Great! Does that mean we're finished, Wily?
SprTutorialLight 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Almost! As you may have already noticed, there are two more icons at the very left of the top bar. SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: But first, let's talk about the settings menu. SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Here you can change several settings, such as your level's name. Click the orange square on the bottom right, then click the gear icon. SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Why don't you try it out? SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
The player names their level.
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Alright, let's move onto this icon. the Weapons menu! Here, you can choose which special weapons the player is allowed to use in your level. You have a lot of freedom here, so you can go as crazy as you want! Keep in mind that the first weapon as infinite ammo, which you can use to build stages around a certain weapon. SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Try changing some weapons of your choice! SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
The player changes the weapon set.
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: We're almost there, only one icon to go! SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: This icon opens the music menu. Here, you can listen to several tracks and choose which one you want to play in your level. SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Give them a try and pick your favorite! SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
The player selects some music.
SprTutorialWilyGray 0.png
Dr. Light: There you go! I assume we're finished then, Wily?
SprTutorialLight 2.png
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: Pretty much! SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: All that's left is to save your level. SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Click the orange square, then the save icon! SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
The player saves their level.
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: We're all set! SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: To play your level, click the green play button on the bottom left! SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
The player plays their level.
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: Look at that, you've just created your very own level! SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: That wasn't so bad, was it? SprTutorialLightGray 2.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 5.png
Dr. Light: Doesn't seem like it!
SprTutorialLight 2.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 5.png
Dr. Light: Thank you for letting other people use your editor, Wily, it's very kind of you to give them such a fun and powerful tool.
SprTutorialLight 0.png
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: You're very welcome! SprTutorialLightGray 0.png
SprTutorialWily 1.png Dr. Wily: Anything to give Mega Man some well-deserved trouble, hehe... SprTutorialLightGray 0.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 1.png
Dr. Light: What was that?
SprTutorialLight 3.png
SprTutorialWily 2.png Dr. Wily: Nothing, nothing... SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWily 0.png Dr. Wily: Either way, that wraps up this tutorial. SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWily 5.png Dr. Wily: Go ahead and show the world your level design skills! SprTutorialLightGray 3.png
SprTutorialWilyGray 5.png
Dr. Light: We're looking forward to what you come up with!
SprTutorialLight 2.png


  • Due to the dialogue in the Tutorial not being updated to account for changes made to the game, only Mega Man is mentioned when the player is tasked to place the player's spawn point.
  • The tutorial uses a special arrangement of Mega Man 7's Intro Stage as its music.

Game Modes
Wily Challenge

Example Levels
Level Builder