Mega Man Maker:Rules

From MegaManMaker Wiki
Revision as of 21:36, 14 August 2024 by Midas Magnezone (talk | contribs) (Removed info about streamers, minor wording and formatting edits)
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Welcome to the Mega Man Maker Wiki! Please follow these rules when creating or editing pages on the wiki. The moderators reserve the right to suspend or ban your account if you do not follow these rules.

  • Articles should be written in a clear, readable format. Use proper English, but avoid unnecessarily complex words or sentence structure. Do not be flowery or dramatic—the wiki is an encyclopedia more than a novel. The simpler and clearer an article is, the more people will understand it.
  • Be objective. Opinions and other subjective material does not belong on the wiki. For example, do not create a tutorial on how to make a good level. Opinions of current and developers can still be listed under trivia if they meet the requirements listed below.
  • Only write about features already present in the game or publicly announced to be added in upcoming updates. Do not write about features you think will be added in a future version, and do not write about features you personally want to see added. The main focus of this wiki is Mega Man Maker, not Mega Man as a whole. A feature is publicly announced if it is posted on the official Mega Man Maker Twitter page, the r/MegaMakerOfficial subreddit, the Mega Man Maker YouTube channel, or the #game_announcements channel in the Discord server. For further guidelines regarding upcoming content, see this page.
  • Only include non-Mega Man Maker pages or trivia if it is relevant. That is, do not include pages/trivia that are obscure or unreasonably subjective. For example, notable/famous opinions of (former) developers or staff, community memes and references are allowed; non-community memes or opinions that do not meet the aforementioned criteria are not allowed.
    • Allowed:
      • "Shine is the lead developer's favorite weapon"
      • Pronto Man
      • "Knight Man's description is a reference to Mega Man: Rock Force's ending sequence"
    • Not allowed:
      • "Skeleton Joe is often called Bone Man in the GigaBoots community"
      • "This is streamer X's least favorite enemy"
  • Do not vandalize, troll or spam. Only create or edit pages if you're serious about it; do not attempt to cause harm to the wiki or staff in any possible way.
  • Do not copy pages or sections from other wikis. Moral and legal ramifications aside, articles taken from other wikis will not be written in respect to Mega Man Maker.
  • Do not create a page for any random user of this game or trolls. Pages should be about Mega Man Maker, not about its fans. Pages or trivia about troll users are strictly forbidden, since they only generate drama. Similarly, adding images about them is not allowed.
  • No jumping ship. Do not try to post on the wiki purely to complain about your warn/ban on another one of our platforms or continue doing the things that got you warned or banned from those platform(s) in the first place.

Official games

This section describes best practices for making pages on the Mega Man classic games that have been represented in Mega Man Maker in some capacity, whether by originally having assets used in the game or by inspiring how one or more elements of the game work.

  • Focus on the elements or ideas used in Mega Man Maker from the official game. While an introductory description is necessary to understand what the game is about, the article should not be primarily about the game. Do not create detailed sections about the game, since they defeat the purpose of the wiki.
  • Do not add links to play the games through illegal means. This includes links to ROM downloads and website emulators.


Main article: Mega Man Maker:Images

  • Images uploaded must contribute in some way to the purpose of the wiki. Do not treat the files as a personal repository. Images outside of the Wiki scope will be deleted. Images that are not used on other pages or duplicate images will also be deleted.
  • Images must have a name that represents their content. If the name of the image is irrelevant, forgettable, or a series of forgettable numbers, the images will be harder to use and find, especially on charts that need them.
  • Do not add images just to advertise your art. If you want to share your artwork with the community, use the proper channels in the subreddit or in the Discord server. Your fan art may be used with prior approval if no official art for an asset can be found.
  • Add a applicable category to an image where possible. This is so that images can be easily sorted through.