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28 March 2025

     04:37  Level Objects‎‎ 4 changes history +1,891 [Blue Bummer‎ (4×)]
04:37 (cur | prev) +24 Blue Bummer talk contribs (→‎Mega Man 8)
04:33 (cur | prev) +210 Blue Bummer talk contribs (→‎Mega Man 9: adding 1.9 anti gravity)
04:27 (cur | prev) +579 Blue Bummer talk contribs (→‎Mega Man 8: adding Level Objects (done adding categories))
04:12 (cur | prev) +1,078 Blue Bummer talk contribs (→‎Mega Man 8: adding Level Objects (work in progress))
     03:27  Spine‎‎ 2 changes history +213 [Blue Bummer‎ (2×)]
03:27 (cur | prev) +24 Blue Bummer talk contribs (→‎Weaknesses)
03:16 (cur | prev) +189 Blue Bummer talk contribs (→‎Weaknesses: Updating weakness list)
     01:28  Wanaan diffhist +91 Midas Magnezone talk contribs

27 March 2025

     12:38  Wanaan diffhist +362 Wurlyburd talk contribs (Added information, refined aspects of page) Tag: Visual edit
     12:19  Spine‎‎ 3 changes history +36 [Midas Magnezone‎; Wurlyburd‎ (2×)]
12:19 (cur | prev) +8 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (Updated version info, game italics)
12:14 (cur | prev) +11 Wurlyburd talk contribs (→‎Navigation: Added navigation box) Tag: Visual edit
12:13 (cur | prev) +17 Wurlyburd talk contribs (→‎Gallery: Added navigation header) Tag: Visual edit
 m   12:16  Telly diffhist +29 Wurlyburd talk contribs (→‎Trivia: Added navigation box and header) Tag: Visual edit

26 March 2025

 m   21:55  Enemies diffhist +50 Bokoknight74 talk contribs (Missing options for Cargou Q) Tag: Visual edit
     20:12  1.8.0‎‎ 2 changes history +408 [Midas Magnezone‎ (2×)]
20:12 (cur | prev) +29 Midas Magnezone talk contribs
20:09 (cur | prev) +379 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (Added Wily Capsule 7 info)

25 March 2025

     15:49  Mega Ball diffhist +403 Blue Bummer talk contribs (Adding gallery and gif images, created "Interactions" category)
     15:42  (Upload log) [Blue Bummer‎ (2×)]
15:42 Blue Bummer talk contribs uploaded File:MegaBall Kick vs Fuse Turret.gif(Mega Kicking a Fuse Laser Turret)
15:42 Blue Bummer talk contribs uploaded File:MegaBall Kick vs Fuse Crawler.gif(Mega kicking a Fuse Laser Crawler)
 m   01:59  Picket Man‎‎ 2 changes history +37 [Wurlyburd‎; DarkiusMC‎]
01:59 (cur | prev) −1 DarkiusMC talk contribs
00:56 (cur | prev) +38 Wurlyburd talk contribs (Added navigation boxes)

24 March 2025

     20:42  Lantern Fish diffhist +24 Midas Magnezone talk contribs
     19:20  Template:LevelObjects diffhist +57 Midas Magnezone talk contribs
     19:18  Template:V1.7‎‎ 2 changes history +96 [Midas Magnezone‎ (2×)]
19:18 (cur | prev) −45 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (Turret was 1.8)
19:18 (cur | prev) +141 Midas Magnezone talk contribs
     19:17  Template:MM11 diffhist +57 Midas Magnezone talk contribs
     19:15  Template:V1.8 diffhist +19 Midas Magnezone talk contribs
     19:14  Bell Ringer diffhist +93 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (→‎Gallery)
     18:59 Upload log Midas Magnezone talk contribs uploaded File:BellRingerYellowFuseLaserCrawler.gif(Category:Level objects)
N    18:52  Fan‎‎ 3 changes history +2,223 [Wurlyburd‎; Midas Magnezone‎ (2×)]
18:52 (cur | prev) +1 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (→‎Gallery: GIF not PNG)
18:37 (cur | prev) +631 Midas Magnezone talk contribs
17:34 (cur | prev) +1,591 Wurlyburd talk contribs (Created page, still needs edits and gallery. Will add gifs for gallery soon)
 m   02:17  Magnetic Coil diffhist −5 Blue Bummer talk contribs (→‎Behavior: Putting quotations)
 m   02:04  Spring diffhist −1 Blue Bummer talk contribs (→‎Interactions: removed extra comma)

23 March 2025

     21:33  Template:V1.7‎‎ 4 changes history +51 [Midas Magnezone‎ (4×)]
21:33 (cur | prev) +14 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (Ordered level objects by game)
21:11 (cur | prev) +10 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (.)
21:10 (cur | prev) −29 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (Because if you link to a specific section on a page then the link doesn't bolden...very nice, MediaWiki)
21:09 (cur | prev) +56 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (Added fire wall modifier)
     21:29  Template:LevelObjects diffhist +13 Midas Magnezone talk contribs
     21:24  Template:MM11 diffhist +13 Midas Magnezone talk contribs
     21:16  Fuse Crosser‎‎ 2 changes history +99 [Midas Magnezone‎ (2×)]
21:16 (cur | prev) +60 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (Space and layer info)
21:14 (cur | prev) +39 Midas Magnezone talk contribs
     21:08  Fire Wall‎‎ 7 changes history +601 [Midas Magnezone‎ (7×)]
21:08 (cur | prev) +82 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (This will be the last edit before any fixed bugs are added)
21:03 (cur | prev) +21 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (Fixing more stuff)
21:02 (cur | prev) −3 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (Updated header template)
21:01 (cur | prev) +23 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (Minor reformatting)
20:58 (cur | prev) +5 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (→‎Fire Wall Modifier)
20:58 (cur | prev) +177 Midas Magnezone talk contribs
20:57 (cur | prev) +296 Midas Magnezone talk contribs
     20:23  Meka diffhist +3 Midas Magnezone talk contribs (→‎Level Objects)
 m   20:23  Level Objects diffhist +3 Midas Magnezone talk contribs