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1.8.5 was an update to Mega Man Maker.

Version 1.8.5 (10/9/2022)


  • Assets in the boss category that are not bosses, are now able to be copy-pasted with the selection tool.
  • Chill Block now breaks and freezes Lava on contact.
  • Thunder Claw no longer makes the player go lower when using another character than Megaman.
  • Molier is now able to break destructible blocks from droppers or manually placed.
  • Firewalls will now wait for the player to be out of the teleporter before starting to move when entering a section.
  • Flying alt of the Ice Block now better matches the non flying alt colors.
  • Fixed typo for manual MM11 block description.
  • Fire Storm projectile is now strong enough to slowly melt the Melting Snow Block.
  • Magma Bazooka projectile fully charged is now strong enough to melt the Melting Snow Block.
  • Solar Blaze projectile is now strong enough to melt the Melting Snow Block.
  • Gemini Laser behavior was too much different from 1.7 and will now act more like in previous versions.
  • Mini Snowman now bounces properly on Spring and Bouncy Ball.
  • Plasma SFX when reconnecting should feel more like in the original game.
  • Boobeam on rails can now be frozen by ice weapons when considered enemies.
  • Electric Shock can no longer absorb projectiles from gimmicks except from the Elec Beam gimmick.
  • Spawner now has alt colours for MM11's block and GB5's can.

Fixed Bugs

  • Multiples Boobeam tends to not work properly when together as enemies.
  • Tackle fire from spawner does not freeze in place when hit by Ice Slasher or Freeze Cracker.
  • Pasting objects doesn't properly delete all others objects under it.
  • Giree isn't saved by Lava Hover Saver when already on a wall.
  • Impact Spike is always looking up.
  • When changing level from the builder, the camera doesn't move to the player spawn location.
  • Napalm Drill sometimes doesn't spawn properly when on the edge of a section.
  • Droppers timer doesn't properly reset when taking a teleporter or after a transition.
  • Hovers animation still plays when on ground.
  • When placed over ground, Water Hover phase through it.
  • Pile Driver crashes when hitting a new Destructable Block
  • Ice Blocks stutters when moving down in Section Water.
  • Tackle Fire doesn't emit light in Darkness.
  • Water Hover and Lava Hover can still move left and right when controlled and under Time Stopper effect.
  • Bottom corners of Fuse Rail don't work properly.
  • Target Rails and Boobeam Rails are not properly visible under Darkness.
  • Gravity Fields are not properly visible under Darkness.
  • Press can be moved by moving platforms.
  • Concrete Shoot crashes the game when used on a Kamikamin Chest Gimmick.
  • Moving blocks can pass through other entities that are controlling a Water Hover or a Lava Hover.
  • Astro Gates no longer work properly under Time Slow.
  • Elec'n gets stuck in place when placed between two sections.
  • Placing specific gimmicks next to tiles can make lava pass through the said tiles.
  • Bounce Ball crashes the game when used on Kamikamin Chest Gimmick.
  • Big Pets Platform phase through the player and enemies instead of pushing them when moving.
  • When fighting two Pirate Man at the same time, the game crashes after killing the second Pirate Man.
  • Mag Fly works a bit differently than previous versions when at 3 tiles distance from ground.
  • Player doesn't die when in Feeber Bubble and the bubble is following a spike ceiling.
  • Feeber Bubble doesn't get damaged by Oil on fire or Napalm Fire when following the fire from below.
  • Hell Metall DX doesn't work properly on edges.
  • Player sometimes gets hit twice on the same enemy.
  • Astro Gates when placed between two sections can sometimes despawn.
  • Hogale sometimes falls off when entering inside tiles.
  • Explosive Crates don't properly get damaged by Tengu Blade attacks.
  • Molier can destroy itself where a moving platform previously was.
  • Destructible blocks from droppers or directly placed, crash the game when bouncing on Bouncy Balls while in Lava.
  • Uber Chain hits through invulnerable bosses like Kamegoro Maker.
  • Drop Platform top solid property sometimes stays there forever after a transition, making the platform impossible to go through.
  • Wind Platform top solid property sometimes stays there forever after a transition, making the platform impossible to go through.
  • On Off Block, Ladder and Spike could keep their solid or top solid when right into the next screen and state is changed to off before passing the transition.
  • Fuse Laser Crawlers can be kicked while appearing or disappearing making them fly in diagonal.
  • Sinking priority for boxes in lava sometimes makes the block stays in the air.
  • When passing through spikes due to a Waterfall, after the Waterfall leaves, the player is invincible to the spikes until out of it.
  • Bass Buster Shots kept being blocked by solid when under a Waterfall.
  • Mini Snowman when falling from the top of the view may be blocked by tiles offscreen on spawn.
  • Flame Blast doesn't properly melt the Melting Snow Block from the side or the top.
  • When passing under a Wall Blaster, the enemy may disappear for 1 frame.
  • When coming back to a previous section, Moving Elevator doesn't reset properly and starts moving immediately.
  • Crunch Don is no longer able to properly destroy most of the new Destructible Blocks.
  • Megaman 9 Wily 1 BG 4 doesn't properly play its sound effect when in connected screens.
  • Blast Man jumps very fast horizontally when blocked by a ceiling when trying to jump back and can end up killing himself.
  • Moving Light sound effect doesn't stop when using weapons with a time stop effect.
  • Punk may bounce against a moving platform just below him when dashing in his screw attack form.
  • Petit Snakey on the ceiling can't be moved or crushed like his ground variant.
  • Fire Wave Redirectors on a corner of a screen may crash the game if a fire wave spawns directly inside of it.
  • Being crushed by a Lighter Push Block on water while being raised up crashes the game.
  • Placing a Boobeam Trap Controller alone without other Boobeam Traps in a section may softlock the player.
  • Kamegoro Vortex coming from both sides can crush the player.
  • When Merserker attacks against a solid, it sometimes gets stuck inside of it.
  • Teleporter with an anchor between two screens vertically are unstable.
  • Icicle Teck doesn't stop at lava properly when freezing.
  • Lava Hover can float in the air where previous lava was after being frozen.
  • Top Solids below Quicksand prevents the player from falling and can have it stuck.
  • Ladders below Quicksand are not possible to use when going down.
  • Moving Cog has the same animation for different speeds.
  • When the player is inside Feeber Bubble, if the bubble is destroyed the player can get softlock.
  • When the player enters Feeber Bubble with Oil Slider, the projectile is not properly removed.
  • Yoku Block can kill the player while appearing with only one Yoku Block.
  • Bari interaction with the Ice Block above them is not working properly.
  • Jet Platforms and Splash Platforms have the movement when under Time Slow, making them move suddenly after a certain time.
  • Hyoey will die in a loop when under lava.
  • Ice Block in levels from older versions may not break when above Hotplates.
  • Pukapucker may now fall off platforms as opposed to the 1.7 version.
  • Mobile Push Block may stop at inactive Dynamo Conveyors instead of ignoring them.
  • You cannot place Section Water at the top of the section when there is an other Section Water on the section above.
  • Stacks of blocks may move twice per movement and look like they are sliding for no reason, especially when on conveyors.
  • Ice Block flying variants get in collisions with other elements below it making them unstable.
  • Ice Block flying variants can get moved by other moving platforms when they are supposed to be immobile.
  • Fuse Crawler spawning top sometimes prevents the laser from hitting a Crystal 1 tile away.
  • Hard Man can sometimes kill itself when in a long section.
  • Old levels with old Teleporters may end up soft locking the player if the player takes the teleporter out of a boss room and the boss becomes unplayable.
  • When using F9 to take a screenshot, you are limited to one screenshot until you move to another menu or level.
  • Tamp will no longer teleport out of view at the top of the screen and get stuck by spikes or other gimmicks.
  • Move Hover and Guts Hover are able to be moved by each others.
  • Tengu Blade and projectiles doesn't damage properly the new destructibles blocks.
  • LaJaba cannot be frozen properly with Ice Slasher.
  • Flame Blast sometimes doesn't properly activate Big Pets Platforms.
  • Placing multiples Magic Backgrounds in a long section that contains a Bell Ringer may not make them all appear in the background.
  • Stopping time while Kamikamin is hurting the player makes it teleport to the player when the time resumes instead of jumping again.
  • Search Snake is not breaking Kamikamin Chests properly.
  • Gravity Field is not working correctly when the base is not visible on the screen.
  • Reflecting Yokus sometimes desync when out of the sections.
  • Bosses with a weakness on Spread Drill will take the same damage for the small versions of the Spread Drill than without any weakness.
  • Animation when using the Tengu Slide with no energy can be wrong.
  • Wall Shadow is missing one skin.
  • Moving a Lighter Push Block with Spread Drill from the right is not working correctly.
  • Enemies can be moved by other hovers when already on one hover.

Version (17/09/2023)

Fixed Bugs

  • If the player is frozen by Dark Man 3 while shooting with Super Adaptor, it crashes the game.
  • Pipetto splash particles may crash the game.
  • On Off Ladders may crash the game when changing state.
  • Cossack Catcher may crash the game if Wily has nowhere to spawn.
  • Using Concrete Shot on Mokumokumo coming from machines or Cold Man may crash the game.
  • When using the Eyedropper on Health Spawner and Weapon Energy Spawner, it can show the wrong visual.
  • When getting in a pit, Heavier Push Block may force some other assets to fall down with them even when not in contact.
  • The toggle icon for setting if a screen is connected to another can be activated when the mouse is over other UI elements.
  • Flip Platforms top solid sometimes doesn't get properly erased on transition, making them able to softlock the player.
  • Tackle Fire coming from droppers crashes the game when killed by the player.
  • Kaminari Kogoro sometimes doesn't properly reset its properties and position on transitions.
  • Mini Snowman from Snoler sometimes doesn't properly disappear on transitions.
  • Plasma sound effect may sound weird when another plasma is offscreen.

Version (27/09/2023)

Fixed Bugs

  • On Off Ladders are still crashing the game in certain cases.
  • Sometimes you cannot stand on top of a On Off Ladder.
  • Sometimes when an On Off block appears, it moves the player up and the player is not killed even if inside an other solid.
  • Sometimes when an On Off block appears, it moves the player up and the player is killed by an other On Off Block of the opposite state.
  • On Off ladders can crush the player when an On Off block is above them and changing state.
  • Ice Block from Ice Block Generators can crush the player.
  • Objects that normally don't crush the player against tiles, can crush the player against screen borders.


