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1.9.3 is a minor update for Mega Man Maker released on October 10, 2024. It fixed a number of major and minor bugs present in


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Version 1.9.3 (10/10/2024)
  • Burst Man trap bubble will now break on contact with Floating Spikes.
  • Lift Elevator when saving on a checkpoint while the player is inside the said elevator, will now save the Lift Elevator at the same height of the checkpoint.
  • Various other weapons now have improved interactions with Jewel Man's Jewels.

Fixed Bugs
  • Section Chemical crashes the game when entering a level.
  • Standing Lava Hover can be controlled if the player stands on it right after a screen transition.
  • Nitro Man can be placed on the close front layer.
  • Ammoner is not sliced by Slash Claw.
  • Burst Man transporting Bubble does not stop its movement after hitting a solid, and explodes while still moving.
  • Missing animation and sound effect when bouncing against a bouncy ball while in a Floating Bubble.
  • Trapped bombs inside of Burst Man transporting Bubble explode immediately when meeting ground instead of taking a second.
  • Section Liquids are not resetting properly to the right state when restarting from a checkpoint.
  • Blast Scrapped Car does not despawn properly when out of section.
  • Yoku no longer despawn properly out of section.
  • Electric Generator sound effect keeps playing while in the pause menu.
  • MM11 Breakable Block no longer sinks in lava when falling.
  • Tengu Kick attack damages the player while under uber chain invincibility.
  • Invisible tile when alone has the wrong drawing size.
  • Invisible tiles are not appearing properly when entering a section with time stopped.
  • Sru-21/P crashes the game when placed on top of water and trying to go down trying to create the splash effect at the right position.
  • Cracked Ice Platform may crash sometimes when being destroyed.
  • Moving a screen with ladders overlapping tiles in the builder, crash the game when pressing play.
  • Moving a screen with spikes may crash the game.
  • Icicles don’t have their colour option.
  • Magnet Well does not erase the deactivating projectile.
  • Move Hover crashes when hit by Slash Claw.
  • Jewel Man reacts to the down+jump slide input as a jump.
  • Ice wave does not properly damage and destroy spines type enemies.
  • Placing two Magnetic Ceiling Conveyors in the opposite direction with an empty space between them badly creates the solid.
  • Frost Weldy Platforms ice effect is not working the same as classic ice floor effect.
  • Road Roader is not turning properly on ledges when not facing the player.
  • Landing sound effect plays when using Charge Kick from one ground to another.
  • Astro Zombieg changes color when killed by Slash Claw.
  • Astro Zombieg spawning while in a coffin does not properly reset when changing sections.
  • Fan freezing interaction does not properly reset when changing sections.
  • Fuse Man shoots twice at the same position after using speed gear.
  • The player can stand on spikes after using Pile Driver at a certain height.
  • Guts Man Plushie can still break Super Arm blocks placed by the player when lifted by Super Arm.
  • Galaxy Man Plushie is no longer working after taking a teleporter placed out of section.
  • Anti-Eddie appears behind tiles when jumping to leave the section.
  • Jumping out of Burst Water into other water applies permanent water physics to the player.
  • Shupponpon sound effect stays active while on pause menu.
  • Tengu Man, Fuse Man, Nitro Man, Burst Man, Pirate Man, Enker and Punk projectiles are not disappearing properly after killing them.
  • Attacking Tengu Man with Ice Wave before he lands, makes him go in his freeze state when landing even if it is a few seconds after.
  • Blast Tile 6 and Blast Tile 6 (Alt) are named Blast Tile 5 and Blast Tile 6 (Alt)
  • Bouncing the player against a Bouncy Ball on the wall during intro boss no longer works.
  • Strike Man projectile cannot be destroyed by Triple Blade.
  • Cracked Ice Platform can be activated during the intro screen.
  • Danger Wrap Bubble when trapping enemies now breaks when changing weapons.
  • Ring Tile 4 and Ring Tile 4 (Alt) are the same.
  • Acid Barrier and other shields get destroyed by big pets body segments when standing on them.
  • Electric Shock crashes when erased by Jewel Man's Jewels.
  • Camouflametall does not shoot when Time Slow is active. is a minor update for Mega Man Maker released on October 11, 2024. It fixed a number of major and minor bugs present in 1.9.3. This patch is incorrectly also labelled as 1.9.3 on the Mega Man Maker website.


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Version (11/10/2024)
Fixed Bugs
  • Fuse Man and Tengu Man health bars are the wrong colors.
  • Lift Elevator changes from 1.9.3 are not available.
  • Lift Elevator loop sound effect does not stop on death.
  • Magnetic Conveyors are not working properly.
  • Wood Grass Decoration secondary skin is not available in play.



