Mega Man & Bass

Mega Man & Bass (released as Rockman & Forte [ロックマン&フォルテ Rokkuman ando Forute] in Japan) is a Mega Man series platform game released for the Super Famicom on April 24th, 1998, and Game Boy Advance on August 10th, 2002. The game has two playable characters: Mega Man, who can slide and charge the Mega Buster, and Bass, who can shoot in seven directions, dash, and double jump. It takes many assets from Mega Man 8, although it differs in some concepts from the game.
In Mega Man Maker
Prior to version 1.8.0, there were no folders for its features, but two elements were taken from Mega Man & Bass. Version 1.3.0 brought Bass with the gameplay's foundations from this game and his fusion with Treble, Treble Boost, while 1.5.0 brought the reflective variant of the Yoku Block.
Version 1.8.0 focused on adding much more content from the game, including returning enemies from Mega Man 8. The update added 6 weapons, 3 bosses, 15 enemies, 15 level objects, 104 backgrounds, 98 tilesets, 13 ladders, 21 spikes, 3 water skins, and 15 music tracks.
- Gori-Three
- Dodonpa Cannon
- Plasma
- Romper
- Snoler
- Big Telly
- Electric Generator
- Mokumokumo
- Hogale
- Hogale Spawner
- Ammoner
- Oni Robo
- Oni Robo Cloud
- Oni Robo Wind
- Sydecka
Level Objects
- Reflecting Yoku Block
- Ice Block
- Ice Block Spawner
- Explosive Crates
- Dynamo Conveyor
- Moving Light
- Moving Light Redirector
- Moving Light Terminator
- Moving Light Darkness
- Floating Balloon
- Floating Balloon Spawner
- Oni Cloud Generator
- Oni Wind Generator
- Pressurized Cracked Block
- Rotating Spike Box
- Bell Ringer
- Intro BG
- Intro BG 2
- Intro BG 2 (Alt)
- Intro BG 3
- Intro BG 4
- Intro BG 5
- Intro BG 5 (Alt)
- Cold BG
- Cold BG (Alt)
- Cold BG 2
- Cold BG 2 (Alt)
- Cold BG 3
- Cold BG 3 (Alt)
- Cold BG 4
- Burner BG
- Burner BG (Alt)
- Burner BG (Alt 2)
- Burner BG 2
- Burner BG 3
- Burner BG 4
- Burner BG 5
- Pirate BG
- Pirate BG 2
- Pirate BG 2 (Alt)
- Pirate BG 3
- Pirate BG 4
- Pirate BG 5
- Pirate BG 6
- Pirate BG 6 (Alt)
- Ground BG
- Ground BG (Alt)
- Ground BG 2
- Ground BG 3
- Ground BG 3 Alt 1
- Ground BG 3 Alt 2
- Ground BG 4
- Tengu BG
- Tengu BG (Animated)
- Tengu BG 2
- Tengu BG 2 (Alt)
- Magic BG
- Magic BG 2
- Magic BG 3
- Magic BG 3 (Alt)
- Magic BG 4
- Magic BG 5
- Magic BG 6
- Magic BG 6 Bell
- Magic BG 6 (Alt)
- Magic BG 7
- Magic BG 7 Bell
- Magic BG 7 (Alt)
- Astro BG
- Astro BG 2
- Astro BG 2 (Alt)
- Astro BG 3
- Astro BG 4
- Astro BG 5
- Astro BG 6
- Astro BG 6 (Alt)
- Astro BG 7
- Astro BG 8
- Dynamo BG
- Dynamo BG 2
- Dynamo BG 2 Alt 1
- Dynamo BG 2 Alt 2
- Dynamo BG 3
- Dynamo BG 4
- Dynamo BG 5
- Crystal Gate BG
- Crystal Gate BG (Alt)
- King 1 BG
- King 1 BG Alt 1
- King 1 BG Alt 2
- King 1 BG 2
- King 2 BG
- King 2 BG Alt 1
- King 2 BG Alt 2
- King 2 BG 2
- King 2 BG 2 Alt 1
- King 2 BG 2 Alt 2
- King 2 BG 3
- King 2 BG 3 Alt 1
- King 2 BG 3 Alt 2
- King 2 Boss BG
- King 2 Boss BG (Alt)
- King 2 Boss BG 2
- King 3 BG
- King 3 BG 2
- King 3 Boss BG
- King 3 Boss BG (Alt)
- King 3 Astro BG
- King 3 Burner 1 BG
- King 3 Burner 2 BG
- King 3 Cold BG
- King 3 Dynamo BG
- King 3 Ground BG
- King 3 Tengu BG
- King 3 Tengu BG 2
- King 3 Magic BG
- King 3 Pirate BG
- King 3 Pirate BG Alt 1
- King 3 Pirate BG Alt 2
- King 3 Pirate BG Alt 3
- Intro Tile (MMB)
- Intro Tile (Alt) (MMB)
- Intro Tile 2 (MMB)
- Intro Tile 2 (Alt) (MMB)
- Intro Tile 3 (MMB)
- Intro Tile 4 (MMB)
- Intro Tile 4 (Alt) (MMB)
- Intro Tile 5 (MMB)
- Intro Tile 5 (Alt) (MMB)
- Cold Tile
- Cold Tile 2
- Cold Tile 3
- Cold Tile 4
- Cold Tile 5
- Cold Tile 6
- Cold Tile 6 (Alt)
- Burner Tile
- Burner Tile 2
- Burner Tile 3
- Burner Tile 3 (Alt)
- Burner Tile 4
- Pirate Tile
- Pirate Tile (Alt)
- Pirate Tile 2
- Pirate Tile 2 Alt 1
- Pirate Tile 2 Alt 2
- Pirate Tile 2 Alt 3
- Pirate Tile 3
- Pirate Tile 4
- Pirate Tile 4 (Alt)
- Pirate Tile 5
- Pirate Tile 5 (Alt)
- Astro Tile
- Astro Tile Alt 1
- Astro Tile Alt 2
- Astro Tile 2
- Astro Tile 3
- Astro Tile 4
- Astro Tile 5
- Astro Tile 5 (Alt)
- Astro Tile 6
- Astro Tile 7
- Astro Tile 7 (Alt)
- Astro Tile 7 (Alt 2)
- Astro Tile 8
- Astro Tile 8 (Alt)
- Astro Tile 9
- Astro Tile 9 (Alt)
- Astro Tile 10
- Astro Tile 10 (Alt)
- Dynamo Tile
- Dynamo Tile (Alt)
- Dynamo Tile 2
- Dynamo Tile 3
- Dynamo Tile 4
- Dynamo Tile 5
- Ground Tile
- Ground Tile 2
- Ground Tile 3
- Ground Tile 3 (Alt)
- Ground Tile 4
- Ground Tile 5
- Ground Tile 6
- Tengu Tile
- Tengu Tile 2
- Tengu Tile 3
- Tengu Tile 4
- Tengu Tile 5
- Magic Tile
- Magic Tile (Alt)
- Magic Tile 2
- Magic Tile 3
- Magic Tile 3 Alt 1
- Magic Tile 3 Alt 2
- Magic Tile 3 Alt 3
- Magic Tile 3 Alt 4
- Magic Tile 4
- Magic Tile 4 Alt 1
- Magic Tile 4 Alt 2
- Magic Tile 5
- Crystal Gate Tile
- Crystal Gate Tile 2
- King 1 Tile
- King 1 Tile 2
- King 1 Tile 3
- King 1 Tile 4
- King 2 Tile
- King 2 Tile 2
- King 2 Tile 2 Alt 1
- King 2 Tile 2 Alt 2
- King 3 Tile
- King 3 Tile (Alt)
- King 3 Tile 2
- King 3 Tile 2 (Alt)
- King 3 Tile 3
- King 3 Tile 3 (Alt)
- King 3 Tile 4
- King 3 Tile 4 (Alt)
- Intro Ladder (MMB)
- Cold Ladder
- Burner Ladder
- Pirate Ladder
- Astro Ladder
- Dynamo Ladder
- Ground Ladder
- Tengu Ladder
- Magic Ladder
- King Ladder 1
- King Ladder 2
- King Ladder 2 Alt 2
- King Ladder 2 Alt 3
- Intro Spike (MMB)
- Cold Spike
- Burner Spike
- Burner Spike (Alt)
- Pirate Spike
- Pirate Spike (Alt)
- Pirate Spike (Alt 2)
- Pirate Spike (Alt 3)
- Astro Spike
- Astro Spike (Alt)
- Dynamo Spike
- Ground Spike
- Tengu Spike
- Magic Spike
- King Spike 1
- King Spike 1 (Alt)
- King Spike 1 (Alt 2)
- King Spike 1 (Alt 3)
- King Spike 2
- King Spike 2 (Alt)
- King Spike 2 (Alt 2)
- Cold Water
- Pirate Water
- Intro Water (MMB)
- Intro Stage
- Cold Man
- Burner Man
- Pirate Man
- Astro Man
- Dynamo Man
- Ground Man
- Tengu Man
- Magic Man
- Crystal Gate
- King Stage
- King Stage (Nix ver.)
- Wily Stage
- Robot Master (MMB)
- Wily Boss (MMB)
- King Plate
- Bass' gameplay and Bass' exclusive utility are largely based on his appearance on Mega Man & Bass.
- Bass' ability to double jump originates from Mega Man & Bass and only appears in said game.
- The Treble Boost's main functioning comes from this game.
- Burner Man and the lances of his stage are alluded to in Needle Man's alternate backgrounds. Burner Man is also referenced in Mash Burner's flavor text.
- Some of the returning enemies from Mega Man 8 have HP status taken from this game:
- Dodonpa Cannon has 5 HP points and 5 possible shooting angles like in Mega Man & Bass.
- Rompers have 2 HP.