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Image(s) needed: Art or screenshot of Hogales
Game information
Description: Basically a whale, can swim through water and tiles, almost indestructible.
Category: Enemies
Damage: 6 (contact)
Added in version: 1.8.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man & Bass
Programmer(s): Luigi

Hogale is an enemy originating from the game Mega Man & Bass (where it appeared in Pirate Man's level) that was added to Mega Man Maker in version 1.8.0.

It is a large whale that swims through water destroying basically everything in its path. They do not collide with tiles and instead choose to swim past them. If not in water, they will fall to the ground before dying. Despite their description describing them to be "almost indestructible," Hogales can in fact be slain, their death explosion resembling how a mid-boss explodes when slain.


  • Hogales take their name from the Japanese term hogei (written ほげい in Hiragana), which means "whale hunting."
  • These Hogales are actually an aquatic variant of an airborne enemy named Hogale which appeared in Tengu Man and Frost Man's levels in Mega Man 8. The airborne Hogales, however, are absent.
    • The aquatic Hogales were also called "Hogale Submarines" for differentiation purposes, though here, they are just called "Hogale," probably because the airborne Hogales do not appear.


Version 1.8
Cold ManPirate ManBurner ManEnkerPunkPlutoYellow DevilBoobeam TrapKamegoro MakerCossack CatcherWily Machine 4Dark Man 3Dark Man 4Big PetsWily Machine 6
Gori-ThreeDodonpa CannonPlasmaRomperSnolerBig TellyElectric GeneratorMokumokumoHogaleAmmonerOni RoboSydeckaHyoeyBiribareePiripareeDoncatchHeli Mettall DXFukuhornMetall SniperPress'NCutting WheelTampLa JabaFankurowShuhornChainsoar
Ice WallWave BurnerSpread DrillCopy VisionTengu BladeMagic CardGrab BusterSalt WaterElectric ShockBreak DashSpark ChaserTangoUber Chain
Level Objects & Pickups
Low Grav SectionHorizontal Astro GateHorizontal Astro ButtonHorizontal Astro Reset ButtonGori-Three RockHot PlateIce BlockExplosive CrateDynamo ConveyorMoving LightMoving Light RedirectorMoving Light TerminatorMoving Light DarknessFloating BalloonOni Cloud GeneratorOni Wind GeneratorPressurized Cracked BlockRotating Spike BoxBell RingerSuper CutterMelting Snow BlockIcicleShifting Falling StoneGuts HoverMove HoverNapalm FireAlternating Timing ConveyorWater Fall SpawnerUranus PlatformGirderPluto BlockTargetsTarget RailHealth ModifierWeapon Energy ModifierLighter Push BlockHeavier Push BlockMobile Push BlockMagnetic CoilSection Wide WaterWater Height MarketWater Height CrystalHealth Block CheckerWeapon Energy Block CheckerArrowsFuse Lazer TurretAnti YashishiDrop Suppressor
Major Patches

Mega Man and Bass
Mega BusterBass BusterIce WallWave BurnerCopy VisionSpread DrillTengu BladeMagic CardTreble Boost
Enemies (&Bass)
Gori ThreeDodonpa CannonPlasmaRomperSnolerMini SnowmanMini Snowman SpawnerBig TellyElectric GeneratorMokumokumoHogaleHogale SpawnerAmmonerOni RoboOni Robo CloudOni Robo WindSydeckaKamikamin
Enemies (8)
Shell'nBunby Tank DXJoe ClassicSurumakerHannya AttackerCrunchranFire MetFire Met SpawnerWall TeckRabbitonPenpen EV
Level Objects
Ice BlockIce Block SpawnerExplosive CratesDynamo ConveyorMoving LightMoving Light RedirectorMoving Light TerminatorMoving Light DarknessFloating BalloonFloating Balloon SpawnerOni Cloud GeneratorOni Wind GeneratorPressurized Cracked BlockRotating Spike BoxBell RingerKamikamin Chest
Cold ManBurner ManPirate Man
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