Tengu Man

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Tengu Man
Artwork of Tengu Man from Mega Man 8
Level Builder
Description: A flying boss. Dives to attack, and shoots wind gusts that push you away.
Category: Bosses
Builder space: 2x3
Game information
HP: 28
Added in version: 1.9.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 8
Other appearances: Mega Man & Bass
Spriter(s): Son Loto
Sound effect creator(s): Hansov

DWN-057 Tengu Man is one of the eight Robot Master bosses from Mega Man 8. He is featured in Mega Man Maker since 1.9.0. His signature weapons are the Tornado Hold and Tengu Blade.


Ice Wave was Tengu Man's native weakness in Mega Man 8 and his special interaction with Ice Wave is recreated in Mega Man Maker. So long as Tengu Man has not been given immunity in the created level to Ice Wave, if hit close to a surface with it he will be frozen in place for a few seconds.


  • Although Tengu Man appears as a boss in both Mega Man 8 and Mega Man & Bass, as of version 1.9.0 his behavior in Mega Man Maker is taken from Mega Man 8 exclusively.
    • Likely due to this, his sprites include "MM8" in the file name, even though most bosses do not specify a game.
      • Interestingly, some sprites have duplicates under "AB" (likely referring to Mega Man & Bass) that go unused, and attempting to load them in through text editing will crash the game.
    • This means his weakness to Spread Drill is not implemented in Mega Man Maker as of version 1.9.0.
  • Like in Mega Man 8, when Tengu Man is hit by the player's Ice Wave and lands on ground, he will be frozen in place temporarily.



Mega Man Cut ManBomb ManIce ManFire ManGuts ManYellow Devil
Mega Man Powered Up Time Man
Mega Man 2 Bubble ManQuick ManWood ManCrash ManMetal ManBoobeam Trap
Mega Man 3 Spark ManTop ManMagnet ManHard ManKamegoro Maker
Mega Man 4 Ring ManSkull ManToad ManPharaoh ManCossack CatcherWily Machine 4
Mega Man 5 Stone ManCrystal ManNapalm ManCharge ManDark Man 3Dark Man 4Big Pets
Mega Man 6 Wind ManFlame ManKnight ManYamato ManPlant ManWily Machine 6
Mega Man 7 Spring ManFreeze ManShade ManBurst Man
Mega Man 8 Grenade ManAstro ManTengu Man
Mega Man 9 Concrete ManSplash WomanTornado ManGalaxy ManJewel Man
Mega Man 10 Sheep ManPump ManStrike ManNitro Man
Mega Man 11 Blast ManBounce ManFuse Man
Mega Man & Bass Cold ManBurner ManPirate Man
Game Boy EnkerPunkPluto
Unused Gemini Man
Other Boss DoorEnergy ElementParty BallAI Changes

Version 1.9
Major Features
Burst ManBurst BubbleTengu ManJewel ManGalaxy ManNitro ManFuse Man
Swim Metall DXAstro ZombiegSuccubattonShururunOctoneCamouflametallDarspiderSuzak and FenixYonbainArc WeldyBoyornLamper
Slash ClawScorch WheelIce WavePlug BallRebound StrikerAcid Barrier
Level Objects & Pickups
Water DropCracked Ice PlatformInvisible TileInvisible DecorationInvisible PlatformInvisible LadderInvisible SpikeTel TelTel Tel FountainBurst WaterCount Bomb CDCount Bomb CD SlowLift ElevatorLift Elevator MarkShupponpon Front DoorShupponpon Side DoorShupponpon RailFloating SpikeFloating Bubble GeneratorFlipping DoorsAnti Grav SectionBlast SensorBlast Sensor On/OffBlast WireBlast Wire On/OffBlast CrateFalling Blast CrateBlast Big CrateBlast Scrapped Car
Major Patches

Mega Man 8
Mega BusterMega BallTornado HoldFlash BombThunder ClawFlame SwordIce Wave
Shell'nBunby Tank DXJoe ClassicSurumakerHannya AttackerCrunchranFire MetFire Met SpawnerWall TeckRabbitonPenpen EVBig TellySuccubattonShururun
Level Objects
Thunder Claw PoleTNTAstro GateAstro ButtonAstro Reset ButtonGori Three RockCount Bomb CDLift ElevatorShupponpon DoorFloating SpikeFloating Bubble GeneratorFlipping Doors
Assets Listed Under Mega Man & Bass
Gori ThreeDodonpa CannonRomperHogaleHogale SpawnerAmmonerSydeckaIce BlockIce Block SpawnerExplosive CratesBell Ringer
Grenade ManAstro ManTengu Man
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