Big Pets

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Big Pets
Level Builder
Description: Shoots enemies at timed intervals. Can be placed with or without it's platforms. (Big Pets)
This platform will extend forward when it is shot. (Big Pets Body Platform)
Category: Bosses
Game information
HP: 28
Damage: 3 (contact with Big Pets projectile)
5 (contact with Big Pets Body Platform)
10 (contact with Big Pets)
Added in version: 1.8.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 5
Programmer(s): Luigi

Big Pets is a fortress boss from Mega Man 5 and was added to Mega Man Maker in version 1.8.0. Big Pets was an amusement park guide robot until abducted and reprogrammed for battle by Dr. Wily. It originally served as the boss of the first Wily stage in Mega Man 5.


Big Pets has a Head and uses platforms that make up its body to which its head can rest upon, although it can be placed without its body segments. If the player shoots the platforms they will move towards the player in an attempt to smash into the player, after a short interval the platforms will return to their starting position. The platforms can be jumped upon by the player to be used to ride upon. Big Pets will also intermittently fire small robots from the top of its head that will fly directly upwards and then rain downwards at the player in a wavy pattern. Big Pets will take damage if its head is shot by the player, but only if its body segments are launched forward.

Video Tutorial

Big Pets

Mega Man Cut ManBomb ManIce ManFire ManGuts ManYellow Devil
Mega Man Powered Up Time Man
Mega Man 2 Bubble ManQuick ManWood ManCrash ManMetal ManBoobeam Trap
Mega Man 3 Spark ManTop ManMagnet ManHard ManKamegoro Maker
Mega Man 4 Ring ManSkull ManToad ManPharaoh ManCossack CatcherWily Machine 4
Mega Man 5 Stone ManCrystal ManNapalm ManCharge ManDark Man 3Dark Man 4Big Pets
Mega Man 6 Wind ManFlame ManKnight ManYamato ManPlant ManWily Machine 6
Mega Man 7 Spring ManFreeze ManShade ManBurst Man
Mega Man 8 Grenade ManAstro ManTengu Man
Mega Man 9 Concrete ManSplash WomanTornado ManGalaxy ManJewel Man
Mega Man 10 Sheep ManPump ManStrike ManNitro Man
Mega Man 11 Blast ManBounce ManFuse Man
Mega Man & Bass Cold ManBurner ManPirate Man
Game Boy EnkerPunkPluto
Unused Gemini Man
Other Boss DoorEnergy ElementParty BallAI Changes

Version 1.8
Cold ManPirate ManBurner ManEnkerPunkPlutoYellow DevilBoobeam TrapKamegoro MakerCossack CatcherWily Machine 4Dark Man 3Dark Man 4Big PetsWily Machine 6
Gori-ThreeDodonpa CannonPlasmaRomperSnolerBig TellyElectric GeneratorMokumokumoHogaleAmmonerOni RoboSydeckaHyoeyBiribareePiripareeDoncatchHeli Mettall DXFukuhornMetall SniperPress'NCutting WheelTampLa JabaFankurowShuhornChainsoar
Ice WallWave BurnerSpread DrillCopy VisionTengu BladeMagic CardGrab BusterSalt WaterElectric ShockBreak DashSpark ChaserTangoUber Chain
Level Objects & Pickups
Low Grav SectionHorizontal Astro GateHorizontal Astro ButtonHorizontal Astro Reset ButtonGori-Three RockHotplateIce BlockExplosive CrateDynamo ConveyorMoving LightMoving Light RedirectorMoving Light TerminatorMoving Light DarknessFloating BalloonOni Cloud GeneratorOni Wind GeneratorPressurized Cracked BlockRotating Spike BoxBell RingerSuper CutterMelting Snow BlockIcicleShifting Falling StoneGuts HoverMove HoverNapalm FireAlternating Timing ConveyorWater Fall SpawnerUranus PlatformGirderPluto BlockTargetsTarget RailHealth ModifierWeapon Energy ModifierLighter Push BlockHeavier Push BlockMobile Push BlockMagnetic CoilSection Wide WaterWater Height MarketWater Height CrystalHealth Block CheckerWeapon Energy Block CheckerArrowsFuse Laser TurretAnti YashishiDrop Suppressor
Major Patches

Mega Man 5
Mega BusterPower StoneGravity HoldNapalm BombGyro AttackCrystal EyeStar CrashWater WaveCharge KickRush CoilRush JetSuper Arrow
Train MetCrystal JoeShield AttackerPukapellyLyricKoukerBitterPower MusclerBomb/Rock ThrownMetall CannonSubeilGireeTondeallPukapuckerBounderSumatranBombierCoccoJet BombV
Level Objects
Falling PlatformRotating PlatformRolling DrillTeckyunSteamLow Grav Section
Stone ManCrystal ManNapalm ManCharge ManDark Man 3Dark Man 4Big Pets
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