Fire Man

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Fire Man
Artwork of Fire Man from Rockman Complete Works
Level Builder
Description: Launches his flames of justice if the player shoots or is at a specific distance
Category: Boss
Game information
HP: 28
Damage: 4 (contact)
4 (Projectile)
Added in version: 1.7.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man
Other appearances: Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Mega Man Powered Up
Programmer(s): WreckingPrograms
Spriter(s): BigMaster and BushBacon (Additional shooting pose)

DLN-007/DRN-007 Fire Man is one of the six Robot Master bosses from the first Mega Man game featured in Mega Man Maker since version 1.7.0. His signature weapon is the Fire Storm, a projectile that is a 2 tile high fire wave that flies horizontally.

Fire Man was created by Dr. Light and is one of the Robot Masters that Dr. Wily stole and reprogrammed during the events of Mega Man/Mega Man Powered Up and Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge.


The AI has influence from Fire Man's appearance from Mega Man Powered Up.

Fire Man has a simple AI. He will shoot a blast of fire whenever the player presses shoot or at a certain distance between them, otherwise he will continuously walk around the arena.

He might sometimes throw two blasts instead of one. To telegraph this, Fire Man has a new sprite frame where his back is turned to the camera while firing a second shot, similar to his behavior in Mega Man Powered Up.

His shots have the same properties as the Fire Wave and can be redirected by Fire Wave Redirectors. However, while his shots can normally be reflected, they no longer can be when they are redirected by the Fire Wave Redirector Object.


  • Unlike in the first Mega Man game and its remakes, Fire Man's blast of fire does not a flame on the ground in Mega Man Maker. However, his blast of fire did not leave a flame on the ground in Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge or in New Style mode in Mega Man Powered Up either.

Video Tutorial

Fire Man



Mega Man Cut ManBomb ManIce ManFire ManGuts ManYellow Devil
Mega Man Powered Up Time Man
Mega Man 2 Bubble ManQuick ManWood ManCrash ManMetal ManBoobeam Trap
Mega Man 3 Spark ManTop ManMagnet ManHard ManKamegoro Maker
Mega Man 4 Ring ManSkull ManToad ManPharaoh ManCossack CatcherWily Machine 4
Mega Man 5 Stone ManCrystal ManNapalm ManCharge ManDark Man 3Dark Man 4Big Pets
Mega Man 6 Wind ManFlame ManKnight ManYamato ManPlant ManWily Machine 6
Mega Man 7 Spring ManFreeze ManShade ManBurst Man
Mega Man 8 Grenade ManAstro ManTengu Man
Mega Man 9 Concrete ManSplash WomanTornado ManGalaxy ManJewel Man
Mega Man 10 Sheep ManPump ManStrike ManNitro Man
Mega Man 11 Blast ManBounce ManFuse Man
Mega Man & Bass Cold ManBurner ManPirate Man
Game Boy EnkerPunkPluto
Unused Gemini Man
Other Boss DoorEnergy ElementParty BallAI Changes

Version 1.7
Fire ManQuick ManYamato ManFreeze ManSplash WomanStrike Man
PipiAtomic ChickenLadder PressBattanCoccoHologranSumatranSkull WalkerReturning Machine Gun JoeNeo Heli MetallMoleScwormSniper ArmorLantern FishElectric GabyoallElec'nBomb FlierNitronGiant SpringerVHotchkiss'nMolmoleMolierBrownBunby CatcherHeliponRing RingSubmarine FlierPropeller EyeSea MineBombierJet BombRatton
Roll SwingTango JumpFlappy BeatSuper ArmTime StopperBubble LeadSpark ShockDust CrusherGyro AttackNapalm BombYamato SpearCentaur FlashFreeze CrackerTriple BladeSolar BlazeCommand Selection
Level Objects & Pickups
Music ChangerSuper Arm BlockFire Wave SpawnerFire Wave RedirectorFire Wave ShaftOn/Off SwitchOn/Off Switch TimerOn Switch BlockOn/Off Switch BlockOn Switch SpikeOff Switch SpikeOn Switch LadderOff Switch LadderAcid DropNeedle PressTop LiftFork BlockSteamPlantformSpike PlatformIce BarrierSplash PlatformConcrete LiftHornet RollJumpthrough PlatformSoccer Ball JetFire Wall ModifierBouncy BallFuse RailFuse Laser CrawlerFuse Laser SpawnerFuse Laser ExitFuse CrosserFuse Xtender?-Tank
Major Patches

Mega Man 1
Mega Man
Mega BusterRolling CutterSuper ArmIce SlasherHyper BombFire StormThunder BeamMagnet Beam
MetOctopus BatteryBeakPicket ManScrew BomberBig EyeSpineCrazy RazyWatcherKiller BulletTackle FireFlying ShellFootholder
Level Objects
Fire BeamElec BeamFlame PillarSuper Arm BlockFire Wave Spawner
Cut ManIce ManBomb ManFire ManGuts ManYellow Devil
Other Pages

Mega Man Powered Up
Weapons (PU)
Proto BusterRoll SwingTime SlowOil Slider
Weapons (MM1)
Mega BusterRolling CutterSuper ArmIce SlasherHyper BombFire StormThunder Beam
MetOctopus BatteryBeakPicket ManScrew BomberBig EyeSpineCrazy RazyWatcherKiller BulletTackle FireFlying ShellFootholderHotheadShield Attacker
Level Objects
Fire BeamElec BeamFlame PillarSuper Arm BlockFire Wave SpawnerOn/Off SwitchOn Switch BlockOn/Off Switch Block
Cut ManIce ManBomb ManFire ManGuts ManTime ManYellow Devil
Other Pages

Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
Mega BusterRolling CutterIce SlasherFire StormThunder BeamBubble LeadQuick BoomerangTime StopperAtomic FireMirror Buster
MetOctopus BatteryScrew BomberBig EyeTackle FireHotheadPipiMoleScwormCutting Wheel
Level Objects
Super CutterMelting Snow BlockIcicle
Cut ManIce ManFire ManBubble ManQuick ManEnker
Other Pages