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Artwork of the Footholder from Mega Man 1
Level Builder
Description: Flies between two set locations. Can be stood on and green ones shoot.
Game information
Damage: 3 (green Footholder projectiles)
Added in version: 1.0.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 1
Other appearances: Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Mega Man Powered Up
Programmer(s): WreckingPrograms

Footholders are special elevator platform robots considered enemies originally from Mega Man which are featured in Mega Man Maker, appearing as early as the game's 1.0.0 version. These propeller-propelled robots are used to move between large gaps a get to new places.


Footholders can be set to move to and from a starting location and an end location, where they will slowly fly from point to point back and forth endlessly. The player character as well as enemies affected by gravity can stand on the top of Footholders and ride them in order to move around and get to different places in a stage. They are semi-solid platforms and can be jumped through from below, allowing for the ability to be easily jumped on with no risk of injury from collision or the possibility of bumping into them. If a Footholder flies off screen it will not despawn like most other enemies, instead continuing to move regardless if they and the player character are on the same screen or even the same room.

Footholders have two possible color pallets that they can be set to, and are also one of the few enemies where selecting an alternate color palette changes how the enemy functions. Orange Footholders simply fly from point to point and pose no threat to the player on their own. Green Footholders meanwhile will occasionally fire out small projectiles to the left and right sides of them every few seconds in addition to their normal flying behavior. These shots can damage the player character and makes mounting green Footholders more difficult.

Video Tutorial



  • As of version 1.6.3, Footholders are the only enemies in Mega Man Maker that are completely invincible.
    • Although invincible in all other appearances, Mega Man Powered Up allows the player to destroy Footholders with strong attacks.
  • In Mega Man, Footholders fired projectiles from their sides regardless of their color.
  • Footholders in Mega Man Maker originally needed to be on screen and in the same room as the player to move properly. This would sometimes result in them getting stuck off screen and make levels impossible to complete. It was later patched in a following update.
    • This update however had the unfortunate consequence of breaking some early levels, as they expected the Footholders in their level to be at their starting positions when the player enters a room, leading to some instances of the player falling to their deaths.

Mega Man 1
Mega Man
Mega BusterRolling CutterSuper ArmIce SlasherHyper BombFire StormThunder BeamMagnet Beam
MetOctopus BatteryBeakPicket ManScrew BomberBig EyeSpineCrazy RazyWatcherKiller BulletTackle FireFlying ShellFootholder
Level Objects
Fire BeamElec BeamFlame PillarSuper Arm BlockFire Wave Spawner
Cut ManIce ManBomb ManFire ManYellow Devil
Other Pages

Mega Man Powered Up
Weapons (PU)
Proto BusterRoll SwingTime SlowOil Slider
Weapons (MM1)
Mega BusterRolling CutterSuper ArmIce SlasherHyper BombFire StormThunder Beam
MetOctopus BatteryBeakPicket ManScrew BomberBig EyeSpineCrazy RazyWatcherKiller BulletTackle FireFlying ShellFootholderHotheadShield Attacker
Level Objects
Fire BeamElec BeamFlame PillarSuper Arm BlockFire Wave SpawnerOn/Off SwitchOn Switch BlockOn/Off Switch Block
Cut ManIce ManBomb ManFire ManTime ManYellow Devil
Other Pages