Shield Attacker

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Shield Attackers are recurring flying enemies with indestructible faces. They can only be damaged by attacking its back or attacking it with some of the special weapons. They first made an appearance in Mega Man 4.


Shield Attacker

Shield Attacker
Artwork of the Shield Attacker from Mega Man 4
Level Builder
Description: Flies back and forth, turning at walls. Vulnerable from behind.
Builder space: 2x2
Game information
HP: 4
Damage: 4 (contact)
Added in version: 1.0.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 4
Programmer(s): WreckingPrograms

The original Shield Attacker from Mega Man 4. It appeared in the stages of Dust Man and Skull Man, as well as the fourth Dr. Cossack's Citadel stage and the third Wily Castle stage. It will turn around when entering in contact with walls or with a solid level object. It comes in red and fuchsia and its direction can be set in the Level Builder.

New Shield Attacker

New Shield Attacker
Artwork of the New Shield Attacker from Mega Man 5
Level Builder
Description: Flies back and forth, turning at walls. Vulnerable from behind.
Builder space: 2x2
Game information
HP: 4
Damage: 4 (contact)
Added in version: 1.0.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 5
Programmer(s): WreckingPrograms

The New Shield Attacker is an upgrade of the Shield Attacker that appears in Mega Man 5. This version has had its armor improved, which increases the enemy's health and damage amount, however, this is not reflected in Mega Man Maker and it instead has the same stats of other Shield Attackers. It only appeared in Crystal Man's stage. The New Shield Attacker has the same behavior of the Mega Man 4 Shield Attacker, including its customizable direction. It only comes in orange.

Shield Attacker GTR

Shield Attacker GTR
Artwork of the Shield Attacker GTR from Mega Man 6
Level Builder
Description: Flies back and forth, turning at walls. Vulnerable from behind.
Builder space: 2x2
Game information
HP: 4
Damage: 4 (contact)
Added in version: 1.0.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 6
Programmer(s): WreckingPrograms

The Shield Attacker GTR is an upgrade of the Shield Attacker that appears in Mega Man 6. It now has spikes on its shield. It appeared in the stages of Blizzard Man and Tomahawk Man, as well as the fourth section of Mr. X's Castle and the second section of Wily Castle. Its direction is customizable as previous versions and it can come in either bright red or fuchsia.

Hannya Attacker

Hannya Attacker
Artwork of the Hannya Attacker from Mega Man 8
Level Builder
Description: A twist on the Shield Attacker, not turning on walls. Intimidating.
Builder space: 2x2
Game information
HP: 3
Damage: 4 (contact)
Added in version: 1.5.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 8
Programmer(s): WreckingPrograms
Spriter(s): Zedicon

Hannya Attacker is a variant of the Shield Attacker introduced in Mega Man 8 and that reappeared in Mega Man & Bass. In contrast to other Shield Attackers, the Hannya Attacker has a unique appearance that consists on an Oni mask. It has its own trajectory and it does not stop when touching walls and passes through terrain.

When spinning, this enemy is vulnerable to attacks until it fully turns its direction. Its direction can be customized with a button to go to left or right in the Level Builder.


Shield Attackers are vulnerable to frontal attacks through their shield using the following weapons:

Video Tutorial

Shield Attacker


Mega Man MetOctopus BatteryBeakPicket ManScrew BomberBig EyeSpineCrazy RazyWatcherKiller BulletTackle FireFlying ShellFootholder
Mega Man 2 Neo MetReturning Sniper JoeTellyCrazy CannonBattonRobbitHotheadBlockyPierobotCroakerCrabbotFly BoyFan FiendShrinkPipiMoleScwormAtomic ChickenBig FishSniper ArmorHot DogLantern Fish
Mega Man 3 PeterchyPottonHammer JoeMechakkeroPoleNew ShotmanPetit SnakeyKomasaburoHari HarryCannonWalking BombGyoraiboYambowMag FlyElectric GabyoallBubukanNitronElec'nBomb FlierHologranGiant SpringerTama
Mega Man 4 Skeleton JoeTogeheroShield AttackerSuper Ball Machine Jr.SkullmetTaketentoGachapponMinoanWall BlasterTotem PolenPakatto 24DocronMummiraGaryobyLadder PressHeliponRing RingBattanSea MineRattonWhopper
Mega Man 5 Train MetCrystal JoeShield AttackerPukapellyLyricKoukerBitterPower MusclerBomb/Rock ThrownMetall CannonSubeilGireeTondeallPukapuckerBounderSumatranBombierCoccoJet BombV
Mega Man 6 ColtonShield AttackerFire TellyAu AuBen KCannopellerTwin RoaderBrain BreakKatonbyonCurlingerSRU-21/PGabgyoPookerCyber GabyoallYaffuHotchkiss'nMolierSubmarine FlierPropeller EyeSkull WalkerBrownSquidon
Mega Man 7 TripropellanIcicle TeckTrio The WheelBacconeTom DaddyFrisk CannonGockroach SGockroach S NestTurbo RoaderKaminari KogoroCyorownGabgyoGobotsTsuranattorSwim Metall DXAstro Zombieg
Mega Man 8 Shell'nBunby Tank DXJoe ClassicSurumakerHannya AttackerCrunchranFire MetWall TeckRabbitonPenpen EVBig TellySuccubattonSuccubattonShururun
Mega Man 9 Petit DevilCaricarryBombomboyFlower PresenterFire TotemOkosutobonDiarnHoohooKakinbatankAdamskiNombrellenSakretsBunby CatcherOctoneCamouflametall
Mega Man 10 Cargou QKaona GeenoPointanSola OOshitsu OsarettsuNumetallMerserkerBari III (Head)Bari III (Body)Mecha PitchanSearchyReturning Machine Gun JoeNeo Heli MetallMolmoleDarspiderSuzak and FenixYonbain
Mega Man 11 Electro GuardElectririPipettoAnti-EddieAir Stone/Fire/NutMash BurnerCrunch DonArc WeldyBoyornLamper
Mega Man & Bass Gori ThreeDodonpa CannonPlasmaRomperSnolerMini SnowmanBig TellyElectric GeneratorMokumokumoHogaleAmmonerOni RoboOni Robo CloudOni Robo WindSydeckaKamikamin
Game Boy Cutting WheelHyoeyBiribareePiripareeDoncatchHell Metall DXFukuhornMetall SniperTampLa JabaFankurowShuhornChainsoarFeeber
Other Changes

Version 1.0
Mega Man
Cut ManBomb ManCrash ManMetal ManSpark ManTop ManToad ManPharaoh ManStone ManNapalm ManKnight ManPlant ManEnergy ElementParty Ball
Gemini Man
MetOctopus BatteryBeakPicket ManScrew BomberBig EyeFootholderNeo MetSniper JoeTellyCrazy CannonBattonRobbitHotheadPeterchyPottonHammer JoeMechakkeroPoleNew ShotmanSkeleton JoeTogeheroShield Attacker (MM4)Super Ball Machine Jr.SkullmetTaketentoGachapponTrain MetCrystal JoeNew Shield AttackerPukapellyLyricKoukerBitterColtonShield Attacker GTRFire TellyAu-AuBen KCannopellerTwin Roader
CaricarryPetit Devil
Mega BusterRolling CutterFire StormThunder BeamQuick BoomerangCrash BomberMetal BladeSearch SnakeTop SpinMagnet MissileSkull BarrierFlash StopperPharaoh ShotGravity HoldStar CrashCharge KickWind StormSilver TomahawkPlant BarrierRush CoilRush JetMagnet BeamShineNado0Nothing
Perfect Freeze
Level Objects & Pickups
CheckpointWaterYoku BlockCount BombTeleporterWeapon BlockWeapon BarrierFire BeamElec BeamConveyor BeltForce BeamLift PlatformDrop PlatformDust BlockCossack PlatformFalling PlatformRotating PlatformSpringFlip PlatformLarge HealthSmall HealthLarge Weapon EnergySmall Weapon EnergyLifeE-TankM-Tank
Major Patches

Version 1.5
Grenade ManAstro ManConcrete ManTornado Man
Shell'nBunby Tank DXJoe ClassicSurumakerHannya AttackerCrunchranFire MetWall TeckRabbitonPenpen EVBig TellyBombomboyFlower PresenterFire TotemOkosutobonDiarnHoohooKakinbatankAdamskiNombrellanSakretsCaricarryPetit Devil
Mega BallTornado HoldFlash BombThunder ClawFlame SwordConcrete ShotJewel SatelliteHornet ChaserLaser TridentMagma BazookaBlack Hole BombTornado Blow
Level Objects
Reflecting Yoku BlockThunder Claw PoleTNTAstro GateAstro ButtonAstro Reset ButtonMagma Beam GeneratorRainBokazurahIllusian
Major Patches

Mega Man 4
Mega BusterRing BoomerangDive MissileSkull BarrierFlash StopperDust CrusherDrill BombRain FlushPharaoh ShotRush CoilRush JetWire
Skeleton JoeTogeheroShield AttackerSuper Ball Machine Jr.SkullmetTaketentoGachapponMinoanWall BlasterTotem PolenPakatto 24DocronMummiraGaryobyLadder PressHeliponRing RingBattanSea MineRattonWhopper
Level Objects
Dust BlockCossack PlatformRing PlatformCoil PlatformQuicksandFork Block
Ring ManSkull ManToad ManPharaoh ManCossack CatcherWily Machine 4
Other Pages

Mega Man 5
Mega BusterPower StoneGravity HoldNapalm BombGyro AttackCrystal EyeStar CrashWater WaveCharge KickRush CoilRush JetSuper Arrow
Train MetCrystal JoeShield AttackerPukapellyLyricKoukerBitterPower MusclerBomb/Rock ThrownMetall CannonSubeilGireeTondeallPukapuckerBounderSumatranBombierCoccoJet BombV
Level Objects
Falling PlatformRotating PlatformRolling DrillTeckyunSteamLow Grav Section
Stone ManCrystal ManNapalm ManCharge ManDark Man 3Dark Man 4Big Pets
Other Pages

Mega Man 6
Mega BusterBlizzard AttackWind StormFlame BlastSilver TomahawkKnight CrusherYamato SpearPlant BarrierCentaur FlashJet AdaptorPower Adaptor
ColtonShield AttackerFire TellyAu AuBen KCannopellerTwin RoaderBrain BreakKatonbyonCurlingerSRU-21/PGabgyoPookerCyber GabyoallYaffuHotchkiss'nMolierSubmarine FlierPropeller EyeSkull WalkerBrownSquidon
Level Objects
SpringFlip PlatformCracked BlockPush BlockOilFanPlantformSpike PlatformIce Barrier
Wind ManFlame ManKnight ManYamato ManPlant ManWily Machine 6
Other Pages

Mega Man 8
Mega BusterMega BallTornado HoldFlash BombThunder ClawFlame SwordIce Wave
Shell'nBunby Tank DXJoe ClassicSurumakerHannya AttackerCrunchranFire MetFire Met SpawnerWall TeckRabbitonPenpen EVBig TellySuccubattonShururun
Level Objects
Thunder Claw PoleTNTAstro GateAstro ButtonAstro Reset ButtonGori Three RockCount Bomb CDLift ElevatorShupponpon DoorFloating SpikeFloating Bubble GeneratorFlipping Doors
Assets Listed Under Mega Man & Bass
Gori ThreeDodonpa CannonRomperHogaleHogale SpawnerAmmonerSydeckaIce BlockIce Block SpawnerExplosive CratesBell Ringer
Grenade ManAstro ManTengu Man
Other Pages