Tom Daddy

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Tom Daddy
Official artwork of the Tom Daddy from Mega Man 7.
Level Builder
Description: Everyone loves a slinky, unless it wants to kill you.
Category: Enemies
Builder space: 3x2
Layer: 5 - Main elements
Builder options:
Game information
HP: 5
Damage: 4 (contact)
Added in version: 1.4.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 7
Programmer(s): WreckingPrograms
Spriter(s): Sodacoma

The Tom Daddy is an enemy originating from Mega Man 7, appearing primarily in Spring Man's stage. It is a large robotic slinky robot, that marches along surfaces with its mechanical suction cups. As such, it can walk across and adapt to any floor, as well as some ceilings, with relative ease.

Tom Daddy debuted in version 1.4.0 of Mega Man Maker.

Level Builder

Tom Daddy is designated to the 5th layer, along with tiles and most level objects. Its initial facing direction can be changed to either left or right, and it can be flipped upside down or right-side up. The Tom Daddy's color can also be adjusted between either red or blue. The chosen color has no impact on the Tom Daddy's behavior.


After spawning, the Tom Daddy will begin marching in its facing direction, planting one foot firmly against the ground, before flipping over to plant the next. Each of its steps are, consistently, always two tiles apart, which means that it can step across one tile gaps with ease. As the Tom Daddy is designed to move much like a common slinky toy, the size of its hitbox constantly adjusts.

If the Tom Daddy encounters a ledge one or two tiles above the floor, it will freely step downwards off the ledge, as if it were a staircase. If a Tom Daddy is prompted to take a step, but there is terrain, a deep pit (three tiles or taller), or a screen border blocking their way, they will back out of the step and attempt to reverse their direction.

Tom Daddies can also be flipped upside down, and when attached to the ceiling, will move in precisely the same manner - simply mirroring what they would typically do on the floor. However - if the player enters a distance of around two tiles away from a ceiling-bound Tom Daddy's horizontal position, it will straighten out, and fall to the ground in an attempt to ambush them, waiting a few moments before beginning to move in their direction.

Fixed bugs

  • Prior to version 1.4.1, placing Tom Daddy upside down right above a floor would make it clip into the floor.
  • Prior to version 1.8.4, Tom Daddy would get stuck against walls when on ceilings.


  • The Tom Daddy is an upgraded version of the Tom Boy enemy from Mega Man 4. The Tom Boy itself has yet to be implemented in Mega Man Maker, as of version


Mega Man MetOctopus BatteryBeakPicket ManScrew BomberBig EyeSpineCrazy RazyWatcherKiller BulletTackle FireFlying ShellFootholder
Mega Man 2 Neo MetReturning Sniper JoeTellyCrazy CannonBattonRobbitHotheadBlockyPierobotCroakerCrabbotFly BoyFan FiendShrinkPipiMoleScwormAtomic ChickenBig FishSniper ArmorHot DogLantern Fish
Mega Man 3 PeterchyPottonHammer JoeMechakkeroPoleNew ShotmanPetit SnakeyKomasaburoHari HarryCannonWalking BombGyoraiboYambowMag FlyElectric GabyoallBubukanNitronElec'nBomb FlierHologranGiant SpringerTama
Mega Man 4 Skeleton JoeTogeheroShield AttackerSuper Ball Machine Jr.SkullmetTaketentoGachapponMinoanWall BlasterTotem PolenPakatto 24DocronMummiraGaryobyLadder PressHeliponRing RingBattanSea MineRattonWhopper
Mega Man 5 Train MetCrystal JoeShield AttackerPukapellyLyricKoukerBitterPower MusclerBomb/Rock ThrownMetall CannonSubeilGireeTondeallPukapuckerBounderSumatranBombierCoccoJet BombV
Mega Man 6 ColtonShield AttackerFire TellyAu AuBen KCannopellerTwin RoaderBrain BreakKatonbyonCurlingerSRU-21/PGabgyoPookerCyber GabyoallYaffuHotchkiss'nMolierSubmarine FlierPropeller EyeSkull WalkerBrownSquidon
Mega Man 7 TripropellanIcicle TeckTrio The WheelBacconeTom DaddyFrisk CannonGockroach SGockroach S NestTurbo RoaderKaminari KogoroCyorownGabgyoGobotsTsuranattoriSwim Metall DXAstro Zombieg
Mega Man 8 Shell'nBunby Tank DXJoe ClassicSurumakerHannya AttackerCrunchranFire MetWall TeckRabbitonPenpen EVBig TellySuccubattonSuccubattonShururun
Mega Man 9 Petit DevilCaricarryBombomboyFlower PresenterFire TotemOkosutobonDiarnHoohooKakinbatankAdamskiNombrellenSakretsBunby CatcherOctoneCamouflametall
Mega Man 10 Cargou QKaona GeenoPointanSola OOshitsu OsarettsuNumetallMerserkerBari III (Head)Bari III (Body)Mecha PitchanSearchyReturning Machine Gun JoeNeo Heli MetallMolmoleDarspiderSuzak and FenixYonbain
Mega Man 11 Electro GuardElectririPipettoAnti-EddieAir Stone/Fire/NutMash BurnerCrunch DonArc WeldyBoyornLamper
Mega Man & Bass Gori ThreeDodonpa CannonPlasmaRomperSnolerMini SnowmanBig TellyElectric GeneratorMokumokumoHogaleAmmonerOni RoboOni Robo CloudOni Robo WindSydeckaKamikamin
Game Boy Cutting WheelHyoeyBiribareePiripareeDoncatchHell Metall DXFukuhornMetall SniperTampLa JabaFankurowShuhornChainsoarFeeber
Other Changes

Version 1.4
Major Features
Wily Challenge
Wind ManFlame ManSpring ManShade Man
BubukanKatonbyonCurlingerSRU-21/PGabgyoPookerCyber GabyoallYaffuSquidonTripropellanIcicle TeckTrio the WheelBacconeTom DaddyFrisk CannonGockroach STurbo RoaderKaminari KogoroCyorownGobotsTsuranattori
Shadow BladeBlizzard AttackFlame BlastKnight CrusherWild CoilNoise CrushDanger WrapJet AdaptorPower AdaptorSuper Adaptor
Level Objects & Pickups
Cracked BlockPush BlockOilFanFloor LightJet PlatformPunch BlockWeapon RemoverYashichi
Major Patches

Mega Man 7
Mega BusterWild CoilNoise CrushDanger WrapFreeze CrackerScorch WheelRush CoilRush JetSuper Adaptor
TripropellanIcicle TeckTrio The WheelBacconeTom DaddyFrisk CannonGockroach SGockroach S NestTurbo RoaderKaminari KogoroCyorownGabgyoGobotsTsuranattoriSwim Metall DXAstro Zombieg
Level Objects
Floor LightJet PlatformPunch BlockJunk DropperCracked Ice PlatformInvisible TileTel TelBurst Water
Spring ManFreeze ManShade ManBurst Man
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