Burst Man

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Burst Man
Artwork of Burst Man from Mega Man 7
Level Builder
Description: Makes bubbles that trap you or bounce you around. Mash to escape death!
Category: Bosses
Builder space: 2x2
Game information
HP: 28 (Burst Man)
2 (orange bubbles)
7 (Danger Wrap bubble when the player is inside a bubble)
26 (Danger Wrap bubble when player is not inside a bubble)
Damage: 4
Added in version: 1.9.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 7
Programmer(s): Meka
Spriter(s): Son Loto
Sound effect creator(s): Hansov

DWN-051 Burst Man is one of the eight Robot Master bosses from Mega Man 7. He was added to Mega Man Maker in 1.9.0. His signature weapon is the Danger Wrap.


Burst Man can perform one of two patterns:

  • Spawning bubbles (always performed first when spawned)
  • Danger Wrap

Spawning bubbles

Burst Man shoots a column of three small orange bubbles from his head one above the other horizontally at the player that bounces them backwards. These orange bubbles can be shot at by the player and have 2 HP.

Burst Man then slams his fist against the ground, summoning four larger bubbles that appear from where the player is standing and float upwards: these act like semisolids that can be stood on by the player and other assets. The larger bubbles cannot be destroyed by the player's weaponsx but pop when they reached a solid object.

Shortly after the fourth larger bubble is spawned, the orange bubbles despawn.

Danger Wrap

Burst Man jumps towards the player then shoots three Danger Wrap bubbles that can trap the player. The Danger Wraps contain orange bombs that detonate once the bubble has popped. The bubbles can also be dangerous if the player is trapped and fails to destroy them before the bubble reaches a spike.

If the player causes Burst Man to change direction while Burst Man fires his Danger Wrap, Burst Man's AI will reset: he will not spawn further Danger Wraps for that pattern.

If Burst Man is hit by a fire weapon, an ice weapon, a charged buster shot or a weapon set as a weakness, he will take knockback, spawning four orange bombs that immediately detonate.



Mega Man Cut ManBomb ManIce ManFire ManYellow Devil
Mega Man Powered Up Time Man
Mega Man 2 Bubble ManQuick ManWood ManCrash ManMetal ManBoobeam Trap
Mega Man 3 Spark ManTop ManMagnet ManHard ManKamegoro Maker
Mega Man 4 Ring ManSkull ManToad ManPharaoh ManCossack CatcherWily Machine 4
Mega Man 5 Stone ManCrystal ManNapalm ManCharge ManDark Man 3Dark Man 4Big Pets
Mega Man 6 Wind ManFlame ManKnight ManYamato ManPlant ManWily Machine 6
Mega Man 7 Spring ManFreeze ManShade ManBurst Man
Mega Man 8 Grenade ManAstro ManTengu Man
Mega Man 9 Concrete ManSplash WomanTornado ManGalaxy ManJewel Man
Mega Man 10 Sheep ManPump ManStrike ManNitro Man
Mega Man 11 Blast ManBounce ManFuse Man
Mega Man & Bass Cold ManBurner ManPirate Man
Game Boy EnkerPunkPluto
Unused Gemini Man
Other Boss DoorEnergy ElementParty BallAI Changes

Version 1.9
Major Features
Burst ManBurst BubbleTengu ManJewel ManGalaxy ManNitro ManFuse Man
Swim Metall DXAstro ZombiegSuccubattonShururunOctoneCamouflametallDarspiderSuzak and FenixYonbainArc WeldyBoyornLamper
Slash ClawScorch WheelIce WavePlug BallRebound StrikerAcid Barrier
Level Objects & Pickups
Water DropCracked Ice PlatformInvisible TileInvisible DecorationInvisible PlatformInvisible LadderInvisible SpikeTel TelTel Tel FountainBurst WaterCount Bomb CDCount Bomb CD SlowLift ElevatorLift Elevator MarkShupponpon Front DoorShupponpon Side DoorShupponpon RailFloating SpikeFloating Bubble GeneratorFlipping DoorsAnti Grav SectionBlast SensorBlast Sensor On/OffBlast WireBlast Wire On/OffBlast CrateFalling Blast CrateBlast Big CrateBlast Scrapped Car
Major Patches

Mega Man 7
Mega BusterWild CoilNoise CrushDanger WrapFreeze CrackerScorch WheelRush CoilRush JetSuper Adaptor
TripropellanIcicle TeckTrio The WheelBacconeTom DaddyFrisk CannonGockroach SGockroach S NestTurbo RoaderKaminari KogoroCyorownGabgyoGobotsTsuranattorSwim Metall DXAstro Zombieg
Level Objects
Floor LightJet PlatformPunch BlockJunk DropperCracked Ice PlatformInvisible TileTel TelBurst Water
Spring ManFreeze ManShade ManBurst Man
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