Jewel Man

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Jewel Man
Artwork of Jewel Man from Mega Man 9
Level Builder
Description: Jumps when you jump. His jewels reflect projectiles and can be fired at you.
Category: Bosses
Layer: 5 - Main elements
Game information
HP: 28
Damage: TBA
Added in version: 1.9.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 9

DLN-069 Jewel Man is one of the eight Robot Master bosses from Mega Man 9. He was added to Mega Man Maker in 1.9.0. His signature weapon is the Jewel Satellite - an orbiting shield of gemstones capable of reflecting enemy fire.


Jewel Man starts the battle by using his Jewel Satellite, which can deflect oncoming attacks from the player - however, whenever a jewel is struck, it is fired off towards the player in a straight horizontal line. After a period of time, he will fire off any remaining jewels. This will leave him vulnerable for some time until the Jewel Satellite is spawned again. As his description states, he will jump whenever the player jumps (albeit much higher) and, like Ring Man, will unconsciously run off ledges.

Video Tutorial



  • Although Jewel Man seems to be a 2x2 object in the Level Builder, just a few pixels extending from the jewel atop his head make him a 2x3 object.
  • Weapons such as Black Hole Bomb and Plant Barrier can absorb Jewel Man's gemstones without triggering their automatic counter.



Mega Man Cut ManBomb ManIce ManFire ManGuts ManYellow Devil
Mega Man Powered Up Time Man
Mega Man 2 Bubble ManQuick ManWood ManCrash ManMetal ManBoobeam Trap
Mega Man 3 Spark ManTop ManMagnet ManHard ManKamegoro Maker
Mega Man 4 Ring ManSkull ManToad ManPharaoh ManCossack CatcherWily Machine 4
Mega Man 5 Stone ManCrystal ManNapalm ManCharge ManDark Man 3Dark Man 4Big Pets
Mega Man 6 Wind ManFlame ManKnight ManYamato ManPlant ManWily Machine 6
Mega Man 7 Spring ManFreeze ManShade ManBurst Man
Mega Man 8 Grenade ManAstro ManTengu Man
Mega Man 9 Concrete ManSplash WomanTornado ManGalaxy ManJewel Man
Mega Man 10 Sheep ManPump ManStrike ManNitro Man
Mega Man 11 Blast ManBounce ManFuse Man
Mega Man & Bass Cold ManBurner ManPirate Man
Game Boy EnkerPunkPluto
Unused Gemini Man
Other Boss DoorEnergy ElementParty BallAI Changes

Version 1.9
Major Features
Burst ManBurst BubbleTengu ManJewel ManGalaxy ManNitro ManFuse Man
Swim Metall DXAstro ZombiegSuccubattonShururunOctoneCamouflametallDarspiderSuzak and FenixYonbainArc WeldyBoyornLamper
Slash ClawScorch WheelIce WavePlug BallRebound StrikerAcid Barrier
Level Objects & Pickups
Water DropCracked Ice PlatformInvisible TileInvisible DecorationInvisible PlatformInvisible LadderInvisible SpikeTel TelTel Tel FountainBurst WaterCount Bomb CDCount Bomb CD SlowLift ElevatorLift Elevator MarkShupponpon Front DoorShupponpon Side DoorShupponpon RailFloating SpikeFloating Bubble GeneratorFlipping DoorsAnti Grav SectionBlast SensorBlast Sensor On/OffBlast WireBlast Wire On/OffBlast CrateFalling Blast CrateBlast Big CrateBlast Scrapped Car
Major Patches

Mega Man 9
Mega BusterProto BusterConcrete ShotJewel SatelliteHornet ChaserLaser TridentMagma BazookaBlack Hole BombTornado BlowPlug BallRush CoilRush JetProto CoilProto Jet
Petit DevilCaricarryBombomboyFlower PresenterFire TotemOkosutobonDiarnHoohooHoohoo SpawnerKakinbatankAdamskiNombrellenNombrellen SpawnerSakretsBunby CatcherOctoneCamouflametall
Level Objects
TeleporterMagma Beam GeneratorRainBokazurahBokazurah BlockIllusianIllusian BlockSplash PlatformConcrete LiftHornet RollAnti-Grav Section
Concrete ManSplash WomanTornado ManJewel ManGalaxy Man
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