Super Adaptor

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Super Adaptor
Artwork of the Super Adaptor from Mega Man 7
Level Builder
Description: Adaptor that lets you boost upward a small distance and fire a homing fist.
Game information
Damage: 1(buster shot)
4 (rocket fist)
Added in version: 1.4.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 7
Programmer(s): WreckingPrograms
Spriter(s): Aze (edited from Rockman 7 FC)

Super Adaptor is a special weapon originating from Mega Man 7. It is featured in Mega Man Maker as of version 1.4.0. This weapon is exclusive to Mega Man.

When equipped, the user automatically changes into Super Adaptor form without the need to fuse into Rush. While in this form, sliding is disabled, and they can shoot up to three basic buster shots. If the attack key is held, they can charge up to unleash a rocket fist that homes in on the nearest enemy, returning to the user once it hits something. The fist can pass through shielded enemies, and is capable of destroying all Spine-type enemies. Only one rocket fist can be sent out at a time, and if there are no potential targets onscreen, it will instead travel eight tiles forward. A boost jump is also possible if the user presses the jump key while airborne, and this extra jump reaches three tiles upward and four tiles forward.


Super Adaptor


  • If the user switches to Super Adaptor while they are sliding, a unique sliding sprite is shown to have been made for it.
  • Super Adaptor combines the flight properties of Jet Adaptor with the powerful punch of Power Adaptor, and it's also the basis for Bass's Treble Boost.

Default Weapons Mega BusterProto BusterBass BusterRoll Swing
Mega Man Rolling CutterSuper ArmIce SlasherHyper BombFire StormThunder Beam
Mega Man Powered Up Time SlowOil Slider
Mega Man 2 Bubble LeadAir ShooterQuick BoomerangLeaf ShieldCrash BomberTime StopperMetal BladeAtomic Fire
Mega Man 3 Spark ShockSearch SnakeNeedle CannonTop SpinShadow BladeMagnet MissileGemini LaserHard Knuckle
Mega Man 4 Ring BoomerangDive MissileSkull BarrierFlash StopperDust CrusherDrill BombRain FlushPharaoh Shot
Mega Man 5 Power StoneGravity HoldNapalm BombGyro AttackCrystal EyeStar CrashWater WaveCharge Kick
Mega Man 6 Blizzard AttackWind StormFlame BlastSilver TomahawkKnight CrusherYamato SpearPlant BarrierCentaur Flash
Mega Man 7 Wild CoilNoise CrushDanger WrapFreeze CrackerSlash ClawScorch Wheel
Mega Man 8 Mega BallTornado HoldFlash BombThunder ClawFlame SwordIce Wave
Mega Man 9 Concrete ShotJewel SatelliteHornet ChaserLaser TridentMagma BazookaBlack Hole BombTornado BlowPlug Ball
Mega Man 10 Triple BladeSolar BlazeThunder WoolCommando BombWater ShieldWheel CutterRebound StrikerMirror BusterScrew CrusherBallade Cracker
Mega Man 11 Block DropperBounce BallPile DriverScramble ThunderAcid Barrier
Mega Man & Bass Ice WallWave BurnerCopy VisionSpread DrillTengu BladeMagic Card
Game Boy Grab BusterSalt WaterElectric ShockBreak DashSpark ChaserTango
Mega Man Maker NothingShineNadoCommand SelectionÜber Chain
Utility Rush CoilRush JetProto CoilProto JetTreble BoostTango JumpFlappy BeatMagnet BeamItem-1Item-2Item-3Super ArrowJet AdaptorPower AdaptorSuper AdaptorWire
Other 0Changes

Version 1.4
Major Features
Wily Challenge
Wind ManFlame ManSpring ManShade Man
BubukanKatonbyonCurlingerSRU-21/PGabgyoPookerCyber GabyoallYaffuSquidonTripropellanIcicle TeckTrio the WheelBacconeTom DaddyFrisk CannonGockroach STurbo RoaderKaminari KogoroCyorownGobotsTsuaranattori
Shadow BladeBlizzard AttackFlame BlastKnight CrusherWild CoilNoise CrushDanger WrapJet AdaptorPower AdaptorSuper Adaptor
Level Objects & Pickups
Cracked BlockPush BlockOilFanFloor LightJet PlatformPunch BlockWeapon RemoverYashichi
Major Patches

Mega Man 7
Mega BusterWild CoilNoise CrushDanger WrapFreeze CrackerScorch WheelRush CoilRush JetSuper Adaptor
TripropellanIcicle TeckTrio The WheelBacconeTom DaddyFrisk CannonGockroach SGockroach S NestTurbo RoaderKaminari KogoroCyorownGabgyoGobotsTsuranattorSwim Metall DXAstro Zombieg
Level Objects
Floor LightJet PlatformPunch BlockJunk DropperCracked Ice PlatformInvisible TileTel TelBurst Water
Spring ManFreeze ManShade ManBurst Man
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