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Hotplates in Mega Man 11
Level Builder
Description: A plate that can hurt enemies and you when hot. Can also be used to make pancakes.
Category: Level Objects
Builder space: 2x1
Game information
Damage: 3 (player)
2 (enemies and bosses)
Added in version: 1.8.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 11
Programmer(s): Meka
Spriter(s): GamerFromTheWeb

Hotplates are level objects originating from Torch Man's stage in Mega Man 11. They are featured in Mega Man Maker in version 1.8.0.

If a Hotplate makes contact with any heat source in the game (such as Steam, the breath of a Hot Dog, the flame of a Mash Burner or any fire weapons) the Hotplate will become orange and heat up, dealing contact damage to the Player Character, Enemies or Bosses. If several Hotplates are placed on top of one another they will transfer the heat from the bottom, but in order to achieve this the heat source needs to stay constant. As a heat-based gimmick Hotplates have multiple interactions in Mega Man Maker including igniting Oil, melting Ice Blocks and detonating Explosive Crates.


  • According to the 1.8 developer Q&A, Hot Plates were never planned to be added in the update. Instead, their inclusion came from the team discussing how to celebrate Mega Man 11's anniversary, and was created within the hour while Luigi was busy.



Version 1.8
Cold ManPirate ManBurner ManEnkerPunkPlutoYellow DevilBoobeam TrapKamegoro MakerCossack CatcherWily Machine 4Dark Man 3Dark Man 4Big PetsWily Machine 6
Gori-ThreeDodonpa CannonPlasmaRomperSnolerBig TellyElectric GeneratorMokumokumoHogaleAmmonerOni RoboSydeckaHyoeyBiribareePiripareeDoncatchHeli Mettall DXFukuhornMetall SniperPress'NCutting WheelTampLa JabaFankurowShuhornChainsoar
Ice WallWave BurnerSpread DrillCopy VisionTengu BladeMagic CardGrab BusterSalt WaterElectric ShockBreak DashSpark ChaserTangoUber Chain
Level Objects & Pickups
Low Grav SectionHorizontal Astro GateHorizontal Astro ButtonHorizontal Astro Reset ButtonGori-Three RockHotplateIce BlockExplosive CrateDynamo ConveyorMoving LightMoving Light RedirectorMoving Light TerminatorMoving Light DarknessFloating BalloonOni Cloud GeneratorOni Wind GeneratorPressurized Cracked BlockRotating Spike BoxBell RingerSuper CutterMelting Snow BlockIcicleShifting Falling StoneGuts HoverMove HoverNapalm FireAlternating Timing ConveyorWater Fall SpawnerUranus PlatformGirderPluto BlockTargetsTarget RailHealth ModifierWeapon Energy ModifierLighter Push BlockHeavier Push BlockMobile Push BlockMagnetic CoilSection Wide WaterWater Height MarketWater Height CrystalHealth Block CheckerWeapon Energy Block CheckerArrowsFuse Lazer TurretAnti YashishiDrop Suppressor
Major Patches

Mega Man 11
Mega BusterBlock DropperBounce BallPile DriverScramble ThunderAcid BarrierRush CoilRush Jet
Electro GuardElectririElectriri Spawner (Edge)Electriri Spawner (Solid)PipettoAnti-EddieAir Stone/Fire/NutMash BurnerCrunch DonArc WeldyBoyornLamper
Returning Enemies
MetPicket ManGabyoallSniper JoeBattonSniper ArmorShield AttackerWall BlasterLyric
Level Objects
Spinning WheelChemical SolutionFire WallFire Wall ModifierBouncy BallFuse RailFuse Laser CrawlerFuse Laser TurretFuse Laser SpawnerFuse Laser ExitFuse CrosserFuse XtenderHotplateBlast SensorBlast WireBlast CrateBlast Scrapped Car
Blast ManBounce ManFuse Man
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