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Dr. Albert O'Wily is an Irish scientist and inventor, with the ability to create, modify, program, and reprogram various machines, robots, and Robot Masters. He is also known for his deception skills, manipulating others (people and Robot Masters) into doing his bidding, planning elaborate schemes, and being able to escape just about any situation if he is at a severe disadvantage.

Dr. Albert O'Wily was originally friends and classmates with Dr. Thomas O'Light at the Robot Institute of Technology, but both had a falling out due to Dr. Thomas O'Light getting his funding revoked and ultimately getting his "Double Gear System" project shut down, due to claiming the project could be too dangerous. This led to a long-lasting rivalry between the two with Dr. Albert O'Wily blaming Dr. O'Light for sabotaging the success of his projects and ruining his reputation.

He has intentions of world domination, and has been involved in various schemes intending to make those dreams a reality, but always fails due to Mega Man and his other allies interfering. However, despite always losing, Dr. Albert O'Wily always seems to have a backup plan to escape being arrested.

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