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Lava is a level hazard originating in Mega Man 1 and was added to Mega Man Maker in version 1.8.4. Lava is an instant death hazard that can be applied to levels in the Editor the same as Water tiles. Lava can be frozen by Ice based Weapons, Level Objects, or Enemies. Once frozen it is harmless and can be touched by the player like regular tiles. Conversely Fire based Weapons, Level Objects, or Enemies can reactivate frozen Lava making it dangerous to the player again. One tile wide vertical sections of Lava, once frozen, will crumble allowing the player to go through what was once impassable.


Caption text
Icon Lava In-Game Description Game
Fire Lava This Lava is looking for a new job. Mega Man 1
Heat Lava It's actually not as hot as you think. Mega Man 2
Shadow Lava But is it Lava? Maybe, could be Mutagen, chemicals, or just sewage. Mega Man 3
Junk Lava This lava smells pretty awful. Don't breathe this. Mega Man 7
Sword Lava It's a sword made of lava.. Wait no. It's lava made out of swords! Mega Man 8
Magma Lava A popular drink which could be traded for an introduction to a famous dancer. Mega Man 9
Solar Lava Lava taken straight from the sun itself. Do not stare directly at it. Mega Man 10
King 1 Lava Useful in melting your political rivals to ascend the throne. Mega Man & Bass