Forest of Retribution

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Forest of Retribution
What curtesy!
Added as an example level in version: 1.9.0
Creator(s): BushBacon
Screens: 33
Available weapons: Proto Buster
Scorch Wheel
Available characters: Proto Man
Active abilities: None
Bosses: Shade Man

Forest of Retribution is an example level created by BushBacon.


Forest & Cavern: Upon beginning the level, the Yashichi is actually a Camouflametall. Be on guard for these throughout the rest of the level.

The path forward is protected by a Cyorown and Battons. Upon reaching the cavern a few screens in, be careful of the Yonbains, as they can pile up quickly if not dealt with, and the Petit Snakeys. Afterwards, there is a pit with waterfalls over it, too wide to jump across. However, the final column is a different color, and has a ladder behind it. Keep this is mind, as a secret is hidden behind this information later. At the bottom are two Astro Zombiegs.

Afterwards, there are a few rooms of enemies before a miniboss fight against a Whopper. Once beaten, the first checkpoint is reached.

Burst Flood & Castle: The room following the checkpoint has another gap with a ladder. However, this time, there are no waterfalls, and the ladder ends before the player can reach it. There is nothing on the other side even if you could make the jump, however.

Upon crashing at the bottom, the player will have to deal with Burst Water, making aiming and avoiding enemies more difficult. Darspiders will hang from above, waiting to attack. At the end is another Whopper fight. However, standing in the correct position will allow Proto Man's shield to easily defeat it.

Upon climbing up, the player will be in what appears to be a hallway of a castle. Beware of the Camouflametall, which takes the form of a large health pickup and may deal the last hit if low on health. Just before the exit is the second checkpoint.

Finale: The final second starts outdoors, with several returning enemies to deal with. While several waterfalls are here to block sight, one of them is a brown color, hinting at a ladder leading to an E-Tank, similar to the hidden ladder at the start of the level.

After a short climb, there is an Anti-Grav Section, with enemies shooting from all angles. Making good use of Proto Man's shield will make the encounter much easier. At the top is the final checkpoint, and a boss fight against Shade Man and a lone Suzak. Once Shade Man is defeated, the level will end.


Example Levels
Aquatic RuinsChamber of TrialsComputer LabCrash Bomb PalaceForgotten FortressMM1 MashupNapalm FactoryStandup ComedyTrial of ForceTrio Towers AscentWily 1 Remix (Mecha Dragon)
Authentic MM1 Oil ManAuthentic MM1 Time Man
Automata FortressEscape from the Space Station Puzzle
Creepy CastleKerosene FaneStorm FortressThe Tower of Wily
Sword and ShieldDesert BaseDouble TroubleInfiltrationObligatory Boss Rush LevelWhirlpool Ocean
Blast Mans Hot CaveClimate ManDeveloper ChallengesGreen HeavenIcy ParkourRide it RightScorchthaw SummitSkullsteam FactorySkullsteam Ruins - Zirate InterventionWily Public WorksWind City
1.7.0 & 1.7.5
Better TogetherBlast from the PastFlappy PhoenixMecha Cavern CantonWall Kicks Will WorkWily Airlines - Disaster TransportMagnetic Interference
Abandoned Mine (Acidic Mineshaft)Dr Crossfits Navigation StationGood Key Bad KeyRush HourWilys Museum
1.8.1, 1.8.2, & 1.8.4
Weapons Playground 1-8Wilys Dark CastlePit of 100 TrialsBushido - Warriors WaySeaside Steamworks
1.9.0 & 1.9.2
Drowned MinesForbidden IslandForest of RetributionHide And SeekRoll-er Skate RinkCrispy Kickin Cayenne Chicken
Fission Furnace Zone