Authentic MM1 Oil Man

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Authentic MM1 Time Man
Added in version: 1.1.0
Creator(s): TheSkipper1995
Screens: 25
Available Weapons: Mega Buster
Rolling Cutter
Ice Slasher
Hyper Bomb
Fire Storm
Thunder Beam
Time Slow
Magnet Beam
Available Characters: Mega Man
Active Abilities: None
Bosses: Ice Man

Authentic MM1 Oil Man is an example level created by TheSkipper1995. It functions as a Mega Man 1 style interpretation of Oil Man's stage from Mega Man Powered Up.

The level begins outside in the desert. The player may either climb a ladder or break a Thunder Beam Weapon Block to progress. On the way, the player will encounter several Beaks and Spines. The player will then reach a few rooms of ladder climbs with respawning Flying Shells. Upon reaching the top, the player will continue onwards while dealing with Crazy Razys.

Upon reaching the end, the player climbs into an underground section with the stage's first checkpoint and a Health pickup. Trekking forward, the player will have to deal with Beaks and Flying Shells attempting to knock them into spikes. After climbing down another ladder, a few Crazy Razys will reappear to impede the player.

After a single outdoor room, the player will reach the boss chamber with the second and final checkpoint. Flying Shells will spawn as you walk through. The boss is Ice Man. He is weak to the Thunder Beam and Hyper Bomb. Upon defeat, the level will end.



Example Levels
Aquatic RuinsChamber of TrialsComputer LabCrash Bomb PalaceForgotten FortressMM1 MashupNapalm FactoryStandup ComedyTrial of ForceTrio Towers AscentWily 1 Remix (Mecha Dragon)
Authentic MM1 Oil ManAuthentic MM1 Time Man
Automata FortressEscape from the Space Station Puzzle
Creepy CastleKerosene FaneStorm FortressThe Tower of Wily
Sword and ShieldDesert BaseDouble TroubleInfiltrationObligatory Boss Rush LevelWhirlpool Ocean
Blast Mans Hot CaveClimate ManDeveloper ChallengesGreen HeavenIcy ParkourRide it RightScorchthaw SummitSkullsteam FactorySkullsteam Ruins - Zirate InterventionWily Public WorksWind City
1.7.0 & 1.7.5
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1.8.1, 1.8.2, & 1.8.4
Weapons Playground 1-8Wilys Dark CastlePit of 100 TrialsBushido - Warriors WaySeaside Steamworks
1.9.0 & 1.9.2
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