Concrete Shot

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Concrete Shot
Artwork for the Concrete Shot in Mega Man 9
Game information
Description: Launches a blob of concrete that can turn into a platform.
Damage: 3
Added in version: 1.5.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 9
Programmer(s): WreckingPrograms

Concrete Shot is Concrete Man's signature weapon, originating from Mega Man 9. It is featured in Mega Man Maker as of version 1.5.0.

A blob of cement is hurled in a downward arc that can reach two tiles forward if fired while on the ground. Upon touching solid terrain, it will harden into a block that can be stood on by the user, and will crumble away after half a second of doing so. If the block is left alone, it will break down after three seconds instead. This block is fully solid unless spawned at the user's current location, and can obstruct certain hazards such as Force Beams and Fans. When enemies are defeated by Concrete Shot, they will turn into blocks, but cannot drop items as a result. If an airborne enemy is turned into a block, it will fall straight down, being able to crush other enemies and even bosses should they be below. Carricarry, Petit Devil, and Fire Totem can be defeated in one shot by this weapon.

Another main feature of Concrete Shot is the ability to freeze the magma spewed from Magma Beam Generators, making them safe to touch for four seconds. While the beam is still frozen, hitting it with Laser Trident will break it. While armored enemies will deflect shots as expected, blocks can still be formed on most reflective objects. Finally, blocks cannot be stacked on top of each other.


  • Due to how the weapon functions, Pump Man can be easily defeated by turning one of the bubbles that make up his Water Shield into a block.
  • Spring Man can also be killed in one shot with it by turning his Wild Coils into blocks, but this requires more precision.

Mega Man 9
Mega BusterProto BusterConcrete ShotJewel SatelliteHornet ChaserLaser TridentMagma BazookaBlack Hole BombTornado BlowRush CoilRush JetProto CoilProto Jet
Petit DevilCaricarryBombomboyFlower PresenterFire TotemOkosutobonDiarnHoohooHoohoo SpawnerKakinbatankAdamskiNombrellenNombrellen SpawnerSakretsBunby Catcher
Level Objects
TeleporterMagma Beam GeneratorRainBokazurahBokazurah BlockIllusianIllusian BlockSplash PlatformConcrete LiftHornet Roll
Concrete ManSplash WomanTornado ManGalaxy Man
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