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Role: Challenge Coordinator (formerly)
Contest judge (formerly)
Level moderator (formerly)
Lives in United States
Known for The Unofficial Mega Man Maker Challenge Event (former server owner and challenge coordinator)
Let Me Level With You (community manager)

NotQuiteHere is a former level moderator and challenge coordinator of Mega Man Maker. He was a judge for the Level Creation Contest 2019.

After Aze and V1ral left their roles as challenge coordinators, NotQuiteHere substituted them but was demoted on July 18, 2019 before being able to implement any contest. After the challenge event was discontinued, NotQuiteHere created "The Unofficial Mega Man Maker Challenge Event", a Discord server dedicated to Mega Man Maker level creation challenges similar to the official ones, but decided to close it after wrapping up a Level Creation Contest event due to personal problems and being interested on making the events official again.

After applying to a level moderator call, NotQuiteHere was selected as alongside JumpDashEvade, MM2WilySt2, Plasma Admin, and GamerFromTheWeb on May 23, 2021. After approaching Goldstorm, NotQuiteHere was rehired as a challenge coordinator on June 12, 2021 with contest veterans V1ral and Very Clean Guy as assistant Challenge coordinators.

Due to personal reasons he stepped down on August 11, 2022 and Very Clean Guy took over as the lead challenge coordinator. He had plans to leave after doing one event more, but decided to resign sooner.

NotQuiteHere is also a video game streamer on Twitch and creates Sega Genesis-styled music remixes. He was also a community manager in the Discord server Let Me Level With You.

Contest events

Contest Year Roles
Level Creation Contest 2019 2019 Judge
Turbo Time Trials 2021 Challenge Coordinator
Mega Man Maker Staff
Server Admins
BushBaconE-ClareGaemSashaSon LotoWreckingProgramsToxin-GX
Musicians and Sound Effect Creators
Beta Testers
AwaggKingE-ClareJumpDashEvadeMekaObjectionableSnoruntPyroTheButcherKevinTheSkyKnight100ChombeyNeo CutmanToxin-GX
Trailer Creators
Former Team Members
+ZirconACE_SparkALUMOXAn Absolute LoserArtAy JayAzeBig FishBigMasterBNMotiveCosmicGemCSketchDeltaMudkipDimpsyDoctorLumendolphinDullagamurElemntzElevenEntity1037FakeVirusFlashman85KelevKnuckyKazooieLegitimate TedLF222Littlelamp100Mad ManMakuMidas MagnezoneMiniMacroMrKyuremNMario84Ninjaman ZNoivsNumbersPKWeegeePolaria PoyonRRThielSchmiddiShallotMusselsSodacomaSooshySweetdudeSonicfam1102TimeLinkZediconZoroark