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Revision as of 19:31, 9 August 2024 by DarkiusMC (talk | contribs)
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AwaggKing's personal staff profile icon in Mega Man Maker.
Role: Beta tester
Trailer creator
Moderator (formerly)
Also known as Awagg
Quote Trailer guy for the Mega Man Maker Team who makes trailers about Mega Man Maker. Crazy, right?

AwaggKing is a beta tester and trailer creator for Mega Man Maker and a former moderator of the community services, primarily the Discord server. She became a trailer creator on July 7, 2020.

She was a judge on the Level Creation Contest 2017 and the first Challenge event, "Intro to 1.3". During Level Creation Contest 2017, AwaggKing replaced ShinNessTen after the latter was dismissed for performing too short reviews.

In the same contest, AwaggKing won second place with her level "Time For Wind Storm". AwaggKing also judged the first challenge event, "Intro to 1.3".

Following HoundBlue and MrKyurem's departure as moderators, AwaggKing substituted them when she applied as a moderator in a call done in the developer server. AwaggKing became a trial moderator on June 20, 2018 along with user Bucket and was ascended to full moderator on July 2, 2018.

In July of 2019, AwaggKing alongside BushBacon and RollerC overhauled the moderation system due to the shortage on people at the moment. Aside from opening public moderator applications, they proposed to separate the moderator roles by the community they want to work on instead of giving Discord moderators other moderator roles by default. The same month, they worked to make not all developers have moderator powers in the Discord server due to them not being necessarily hired with skills to manage community services.

AwaggKing worked alongside Mors and Goldstorm to modify the bot in Discord server to allow it to give users gaming roles. It was finished in January 23, 2020. She made some example levels for 1.6.0, including her collaboration in Developer Challenges.

After being hired as a trailer creator during 1.7.0's development, AwaggKing made the various announcement videos for that update. In addition to that, she organized a video where other Mega Man Maker developers expressed gratitude and good wishes for WreckingPrograms after his semi-retirement.

AwaggKing resigned from the moderation team due to personal reasons and wishes to focus more on the game's development.


Example Levels

Level Added in version Note(s)
Blast Man's Hot Cave 1.6.0
Green Heaven
Wind City
Developer Challenges Alongside other developers of 1.6.0; made main hub (with Goldstorm), key path 3 (orange teleporter), and final path (with Luigi). Edited NMario84's path.


  • Third anniversary announcement
  • Command Selection announcement
  • 1.7.0 server upgrade announcement
  • WreckingPrograms farewell trailer
  • 1.7.0 release trailer
  • Fourth anniversary announcement

Mega Man Maker Staff
Server Admins
BushBaconE-ClareFakeVirusGaemGamerFromTheWebMiniMacroSon LotoWreckingPrograms
Musicians and Sound Effect Creators
Beta Testers
AwaggKingE-ClareJumpDashEvadeMekaMiniMacroObjectionableSnoruntPyroTheButcherKevinTheSkyKnight100TimeLinkChombeyNeo Cutman
Trailer Creators
Former Team Members
+ZirconACE_SparkAn Absolute LoserArtAy JayAzeBig FishBigMasterBNMotiveCosmicGemCSketchDeltaMudkipDimpsyDoctorLumendolphinDullagamurElemntzElevenEntity1037Flashman85KelevLegitimate TedLF222Littlelamp100Mad ManMakuMidas MagnezoneMrKyuremNMario84Ninjaman ZNoivsNumbersPKWeegeePolaria PoyonRRThielSchmiddiShallotMusselsSodacomaSooshySweetdudeSonicfam1102ZediconZoroark