1.7.4: Difference between revisions

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* Shade Man's intro animation plays too quickly.
* Shade Man's intro animation plays too quickly.

[[Category:Version history]]
[[Category:Version history]]

Latest revision as of 22:30, 10 August 2024

Version 1.7.4 is a minor update to Mega Man Maker that focused on changes and bug fixes and in adding a ban screen for online functions. This version also adds the main theme of 30XX, a game that WreckingPrograms and Alex are developers on. The update was released by WreckingPrograms on April 6, 2021. It was intended to be the final version of 1.7.0 released, but due to requests to transform a bug involving Bouncy Balls and ceilings into a feature and fix other situations, the team would later release 1.7.5.


New Features


  • Freeze Man now has his missing time-stopping effect when hit by certain projectiles.
  • Conveyor Belts and Moving Cogs now affect Fuse Laser Crawlers. Moving Cogs affect them even on the side.
  • Thunder Beam now breaks Super Arm Blocks like in MM1.
  • Moles and Molmoles are now less spammy and are more accurate to their MM2/MM10 spawning patterns.
  • Fire Wall Modifier can now be set to a specific direction instead of just reversing the direction, allowing for back and forth Fire Walls.
  • Acid Drop now has an option to change how soon the acid falls when spawned in.
  • Tango's spawning now has unlimited downward spawn range and can be spawned up to 3 blocks above you.
  • Bari III (Head) can now activate Astro Buttons.
  • You can now bounce on Fuse Laser Crawlers with Top Spin.

Fixed Bugs

  • Dark 2 BG 5 has a misaligned column by 1 pixel and a part of it is transparent because of it.
  • Mash Burner's jumpthrough solid sometimes does not spawn on screen transitions.
  • The warning about the boss not ending the stage when defeated is not shown when the music changing option is enabled.
  • Roll Swing only does 1 damage to all enemy projectiles even if charged.
  • While holding a Super Arm Block, if you climb a ladder and hold left/right, you will slide horizontally across multiple columns of ladders instead of climbing them properly after the block has been thrown.
  • Jewel Satellite does not make an explosion effect when it destroys Hot Dog's fireballs.
  • Concrete Platforms recoil more than they should while Time Slow is active.
  • When a boss spawns on a moving platform, their starting position can be wrong and make it able to get crushed by said platform.
  • Elec'n and its projectiles can't activate Fuse Crosser and Fuse Xtender.
  • Electric Gabyoall and its projectiles can't activate Fuse Crosser and Fuse Xtender.
  • Electriri activating a Fuse Crosser may crash the game after it no longer collides with the Crosser.
  • Reversed Spike Platforms are slightly offset in the editor vertically.
  • MM6 Wily 2 Tile 2 (Alt) doesn't have the ice effect.
  • Thrown Super Arm blocks and their fragments do not trigger Hornet Rolls from the side like other weapons.
  • When standing on a jumpthrough moving platform, the player is not affected by Fans.
  • When using Tornado Hold under a Fan, the player can get stuck in the ground and the Tornado Hold effect is cancelled.
  • Bounce Man cannot punch Push Blocks upward.
  • Sea Mine Spawner's telegraph can flash infinitely after using Time Slow.
  • When placing a line of Tsunarattori, only the head bird spawns if the player spawns on the same screen.
  • When Splash Woman is out of water, reflecting her falling tridents right as they spawn makes them stay on screen forever.
  • When Splash Woman is out of water, reflecting her falling tridents offsets them to the left and doesn't flip them.
  • When carrying a Super Arm Block through a screen transition, it does not move alongside you properly.
  • Lantern Fish does not spawn Shrinks in certain situations.
  • Sniper Armor's jump cycle is faster and does not match MM2.
  • Super Arm blocks and their fragments do not trigger On/Off Switches.
  • Tango does not stand at the same height as the player.
  • Freeze Man's icicles do not destroy all the ice that he makes.
  • You can grab an Energy Element while in a Teleporter, potentially resulting in clipping.
  • Elec'n does not properly spawn and fall from the top of the screen when in vertically connected sections.
  • Elec'n does not properly fall through solids.
  • If you set a Music Changer to change on screen transition, enter a Teleporter to a boss room where the boss is set to change music upon death, and teleport back to the original room with the first Music Changer object, the music does not change.
  • The jumpthrough solids of On/Off Ladders sometimes do not get removed when turned off from another section.
  • Hologran's effect makes Moles and Molmoles invisible.
  • Sliding under tiles or spikes while on a jumpthrough moving platform can push you below the platform.
  • Landing on another solid when on a solid moving platform may kill the player in certain cases.
  • Sliding on a solid moving platform may teleport the player to the edge of the platform.
  • If a Fuse Rail is placed in a level, playing it in the editor for the second time may crash the game.
  • The player does not activate Bouncy Balls when moved by a moving platform.
  • The game may crash when Fuse Laser Crawlers move on a Jumpthrough Platform.
  • Various enemies can clip inside the top part of a solid moving platform.
  • Napalm Bomb turns around on its own on certain gimmicks.
  • On/Off Blocks get stuck mid-animation when you pause or use time stopping weapons.
  • Freeze Man does not turn around when walking into the edge of a section.
  • The player may get stuck in the ground when climbing down ladders.
  • Downward-moving Fire Walls instantly kill certain bosses which spawn from the top of the room.
  • Health or Weapon Energy Spawners may spawn items inside Dust Blocks, Chill Blocks, Time Bombs or Flame Pillars.
  • When two Push Blocks are stacked on top of each other, if you punch the top one and walk against it, you may be incorrectly crushed by it.
  • Brown's sound effect when shooting is missing.
  • Teckyun takes damage from a falling Super Arm Block.
  • Enemies and bosses surrounded by two Bouncy Balls horizontally may clip inside the ground.
  • Enemies and bosses on a Conveyor Belt hitting a Bouncy Ball may clip inside the ground.
  • Gravity and Crystal backgrounds' numbers are wrong.
  • Enker BG 3 and Enker BG 5 (Alt) have the same icon.
  • Tomahawk BG 6 (Alt) is missing parentheses.
  • After using the eyedropper tool to copy a plate, using a different plate will show the wrong visual preview.
  • Time Bombs are reversed after using the eyedropper tool to copy them.
  • Ice Man, Shade Man and Tornado Man are not able to take off when they land on a moving platform.
  • Freeze Man clips out of confined areas with Bouncy Balls as walls.
  • Bounce Man clips out of small areas when moved up by moving platforms.
  • When the player enters a downward screen transition, they can clip inside solids that are two tiles away.
  • When the player reflects Splash Woman's vertical underwater tridents, the reflected projectile is offset horizontally.
  • When the player reflects Splash Woman's vertical tridents, they don't turn upside down.
  • Tango's collision does not match his body size.
  • Tango cannot be summoned on Push Blocks.
  • Tango can spawn in Push Blocks when right next to them.
  • Mole and Molmole Spawners stop spawning moles when the invisible starting trigger (spawner) goes off screen.
  • If time is frozen while entering a room, Fire Wave Relocators are not solid anymore.
  • If time is frozen while entering a room, Spike Platforms are not solid anymore.
  • If time is frozen, the player can activate the Spike Platform, and will turn once time is resumed.
  • Multiple Bari III Heads stacked on a moving platform may crash the game.
  • Fuse Laser Spawners may desync when a Fuse Laser Crawler coming from another Spawner blocks the spawning spot.
  • Super Arm Blocks and fragments can destroy indestructible enemy projectiles.
  • Napalm Bomb does not instantly kill Mash Burner despite it being an explosive weapon.
  • Boss Doors can still be opened when a solid moving platform is blocking them on the other side, which can lead to clipping or death.
  • Oil and Time ladders have (PU) in their name.
  • Oil and Time spikes have (PU) in their name.
  • Elec'n has a direction option despite it automatically going towards the player when it starts moving.
  • The sound effects of Concrete Lift and Sumatran are too quiet.

On April 7, 2021, WreckingPrograms released version, a minor update which added Bass's theme from Mega Man 8 as boss music as well as fixing critical bugs from the prior update.

New Features

  • Added Bass's theme from Mega Man 8 as boss music.


  • Adjusted timing for ban screen text to ensure that the first message fully draws properly.
  • Fixed Bugs
  • The player can fall through the ground under certain circumstances.
  • The player can sometimes not slide, dash or roll on the ground.
  • Shooting a Soccer Ball with more than 3 Soccer Balls above it will make the bottom Soccer Ball fly infinitely.
  • Moving platforms like Push Blocks on a jumpthrough platform can't be moved by another moving platform going horizontally.

On April 13, 2021, WreckingPrograms released version, a minor update which fixed bugs found in the previous version.

Fixed Bugs

  • Tango cannot spawn on player-made Super Arm Blocks when standing on them.
  • Soccer Ball Jet gets stuck when you stack many and the lowest one is spiked.
  • The player may be able to walk through a 1-tile gap.
  • The player slightly sinks into a Push Block on a Crash Lift.
  • The player can't die to spikes after a neutral jump while affected by wind.
  • The player may be crushed while moving between two Push Blocks on Crash Lift.
  • The player may enter the Fan when on the edge of it.
  • The player can be pushed by Fan when sticking next to it on the right.
  • Splash Woman doesn't stop her movement after being hit by Centaur Flash.
  • Horizontal Steam is not able to damage the player when time is frozen.
  • Steam may be able to damage the player when it's not firing in certain cases.
  • On/Off Searchy's player detection light is misaligned.
  • Spiked Soccer Ball Jet and Needle Press do not deal damage when time is stopped.
  • Enemies standing on Battan can randomly get crushed.
  • Battan falling on an enemy doesn't crush it.

On April 30, 2021, WreckingPrograms released version, a minor update which fixed bugs found in the previous versions.


  • Battan's collision with other moving platforms and others Battans has been slightly improved.

Fixed Bugs

  • The player can stick to a ceiling if a Bouncy Ball is placed next to it.
  • The player may not be able to climb down a ladder when next to another ladder.
  • The player may get stuck on the top of the screen when climbing a ladder that is one tile away from the border of the section.
  • Super Arrow can be shot to the other side of a tile.
  • Napalm Bomb can be shot to the other side of a tile.
  • If a Battan is carrying another moving platform, it may disappear upon hitting a Spring.
  • Battan may be blocked by a moving platform it's carrying when jumping.
  • Enemies and bosses are sometimes not able to jump off jumpthrough moving platforms.
  • When climbing a ladder to the top, the player can be teleported above a jumpthrough platform that is one tile above the ladder.
  • Fire Wall Modifier's neutral position can change the way the Fire Wall moves in certain cases.
  • After being affected by a Fire Wall Modifier, a Fire Wall still plays its sound effect after it moves outside the section.
  • When adding a new favorite but not choosing an asset, the game may crash upon selecting the empty favorite on the Favorite Wheel.
  • Item-2 is able to push enemies and certain objects other than Push Block, Soccer Ball and placed Super Arm Blocks.
  • Fire Wall does not kill bosses properly during their intro animation.
  • Beat does not despawn on screen transitions, creating various exploits.
  • Letting go of Mirror Buster from Command Selection while sliding as Roll can get you stuck.
  • Fuse Laser Crawlers may not appear if they are spawned at the edge of the screen.
  • Push Blocks moved by a jumpthrough moving platform may pass through enemies without pushing them.
  • Crash Lift is no longer able to carry a Push Block on the ground.
  • Fans pushing the player down do not work when the player is standing on a jumpthrough platform.
  • If the player kills a Brown and dies at the same time, the game may crash.
  • When riding a Falling Platform to the ground, the player may not be able to slide until they jump.
  • If a Yoku Block is placed under another Yoku Block, it may kill the player when spawned inside of then, even if the other Yoku Block is not yet active.
  • Sliding under a horizontal Key Door with Tornado Hold under it may crash the game.
  • Sliding under a horizontal Key Door with a Fan pushing you up may clip the player under the floor.
  • Spiked Jet Soccer Ball's damage collision will return to its starting position if it falls off screen.
  • Shade Man's intro animation plays too quickly.


