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Enemies are a category of placeable assets in Mega Man Maker's Level Builder. They are usually dynamic objects that go out of their way to attack the player and most of the time, can be destroyed by damaging them.

List of Enemies

The game was originally released 1.0.0 with 45 enemies in total, including spawners and unused enemies. As of version 1.7.5, there are a total of 198 placeable enemies (including spawners) available from the original six NES games and subsequent numbered titles. This includes

Mega Man

Icon Name In-Game Description Options Added in Version
Met Hides under a reflective helmet. Get too close and it will shoot at you.
Octopus Battery Moves forwards and backwards at a regular rate.

Beak Usually protected, making itself weak when shooting 4 bullets.

Picket Man Stands behind a shield, lowering the shield to throw pickets at you.
Screw Bomber Periodically extends itself to fire 5 bullets across the screen.

Big Eye Jumps towards the player. If it closes its eye, it'll jump high. Very durable.
Spine Moves back and forth. Can be stopped if shot, but cannot be killed normally.

Crazy Razy Rushes forwards, dropping behind an aggressive chasing head when defeated.
Watcher Flies vertically along the screen, firing lightning when it comes in line with you.
Killer Bullet Flies in a wave across the screen.

Killer Bullet Spawner While this tile is on screen, Killer Bullets will spawn regularly.
Tackle Fire Rises from the ground in groups before raining down from above.
Flying Shell Flies across the screen, becoming vulnerable when it stops to fire 8 shots.
Flying Shell Spawner While this tile is on screen, Flying Shells will spawn regularly.
Footholder Flies between two set locations. Can be stood on and green ones shoot.

Mega Man 2

Icon Name In-Game Description Options Added in Version
Neo Met Hides under a reflective helmet. Runs after attacking the player.
Sniper Joe Stands behind a protective shield, lowering the shield to shoot at you.
Telly Flies towards you at a steady pace.
Telly Spawner Spawns Tellies at a regular rate.
Telly Spawner (Solid) Solid, and spawns Tellies at a regular rate.
Crazy Cannon Fires six shots forwards, then six shots upwards.

Batton Protected until you get close, at which point it opens up and begins chasing you.
Robbit Hops forwards, stopping to fire dangerous carrots directly at you.
Hothead Stands around, throwing fireballs at you regularly.
Blocky Only the face is vulnerable, when the face is hit, the stack falls down.

Pierobot A gear that floats in the air until approached, when a clown starts riding it.
Croaker Spits out three minifrogs, waiting until all three are defeated.
Crabbot Patrols back and forth until hit, when it loses its shell and gets faster.
Fly Boy Constantly tries to fly around and stomp you. What a rude boy.

Fly Boy Spawner While this tile is on screen, Fly Boys will spawn regularly.
Fan Fiend Pushes you away from it constantly. A huge Air Man fan.
Shrink Slowly swims towards you when underwater. But what if it's on land...?
Pipi Evil bird that drops an egg with its children on you. Shoot the egg or you'll be swarmed!

Pipi Spawner Continuously summons bad parents from the direction you're looking.
Mole Drills which move through terrain and air at various speeds. Why does it fly though?
Mole Spawner Spawns Moles in the defined area indefinitely in a pattern.
Mole Spawner (Random) Spawns Moles in the defined area indefinitely at random.
Scworm Simple spawner that bombards you with blue... Noodles? Bacon? ...Toothpaste?
Atomic Chicken Runs and jumps at set intervals, turning when it hits a wall. Stay still!
Atomic Chicken Spawner Spawns Atomic Chickens from the side of the screen indefinitely.
Big Fish The best enemy. Jumps up and falls down shortly after.
1.6.2 (Mega Man 2 skin)
Sniper Armor A Joe in a sturdy, big ride armor. Will come out to fight once the armor is gone.
Hot Dog Fires large arcs of fire. Very durable.
Lantern Fish Spits out shrinks from inside its belly to attack you. The light is the weak spot.

Mega Man 3

Icon Name In-Game Description Options Added in Version
Peterchy Walks towards you, occasionally turning around.
Potton Flies across the screen, stopping to drop its head when above you.
Hammer Joe Swing their mighty hammer around before throwing it. Weak when their eye is open.
Mechakkero Jumps towards you. It's too short to hit with a buster shot while still.

Pole Egg Solid, stationary and harmless. Shoot it, however, and it'll hatch into a pole.
Pole Flies towards you slowly.
New Shotman Fires bullets left and right. After a while it'll fire shots that rain down.
Petit Snakey Fires a projectile directly at the player on regular intervals.

Komasaburo Sits still and keeps dropping destroyable tops that travel along floors.
Hari Harry Shoots a double spread of needles before rolling up into a ball.
Cannon When approached, unfurls and shoots lobbing shots. Invincible when covered.
Walking Bomb Walks forwards, jumping over obstacles in its path. Explodes when defeated.
Gyoraibo Swims forwards and shoots a missile when approached. Afraid of the land.
Yambow Flies down until it lines up with you, at which point it charges.
Mag Fly Flies towards you and will pull you upwards. Control position with directional keys.
Electric Gabyoall Creates an electric pillar between its two halves at set intervals. Bzzt.
Bubukan Despite his impressive jumping skills, he never made it to the Olympics.
Nitron Drops downwards in an arc, fires three pillars of flame, and returns to space.
Elec'n Hovers forward in a wavy pattern, shooting 8 sparks when it's close to you.
Bomb Flier Hovers up and down until you break its cover, then flies at you at full force.
Hologran Turns the screen dark until it's destroyed, only leaving enemies visible.
Giant Springer Moves towards you, firing destructable missiles. Springs out when you get close.
Tama Bulky cat that spawns fleas and tries to make you play with the yarn.

Mega Man 4

Icon Name In-Game Description Options Added in Version
Skeleton Joe Throws bones at you. Falls apart when hit, becoming invincible temporarily.
Togehero Flies from one side of the screen to the other, slowly moving up and down.

Shield Attacker Flies back and forth, turning at walls. Vulnerable from behind.

Super Ball Machine Jr. Fires large bullets which bounce off of surfaces.
Skullmet Protected from harm on one side. When on the other side, it'll fire falling bullets.
Taketento Flies forwards. When approached, it abandons its propeller and chases you.
Gachappon Alternates between firing gumballs at you and firing low bullets.
Minoan Weaponized ceiling fan that drops down when approached, then twirls around. 1.3.0
Wall Blaster Shoots three shots at a time, angling itself to aim at you. Creatively named.
Totem Polen Leaps upward to attack you if not destroyed.
Pakatto 24 Cannon that makes itself vulnerable when it shoots. Everyone's favorite.
Docron Small skull vehicle that dies in 1 hit. I wonder who designed it.
Docron Spawner This thing is more durable than the enemy it creates. Makes you think.
Mummira Mummy that appears out of a door and throws its head at you! Wow! Wacky!
Garyoby Sawblade that slides along the ground. Invulnerable to almost all attacks.

Ladder Press Moves up and down ladders, occasionally chomping to knock you off them.
Helipon Flies and homes in on you until it senses ground, then drops and acts as a turret.
Ring Ring Flies towards you at a slow pace. Can someone pick up the phone?
Not to be confused with Batton, Ratton, or Rattan. Jumps when stood on, with you on it.

Sea Mine A casually floating explosive. Explodes when close to the player.
Sea Mine Spawner Continuously spawns Sea Mines. Works inside and outside of water.
Ratton Not to be confused with Batton, Battan or Rattan, this mouse only jumps forward.
Whopper Fires a burst of six rings, leaving its eyes vulnerable.

Mega Man 5

Icon Name In-Game Description Options Added in Version
Train Met Chugs along until you get close, at which point it shoots and becomes vulnerable.
Crystal Joe Summons a large, reflective crystal, then fires it forwards.
Shield Attacker Flies back and forth, turning at walls. Vulnerable from behind.
Pukapelly Moves towards you in quick bursts, pausing to rest inbetween.
Lyric Flies towards you at a steady pace.
Kouker Flies across the screen, falling down when you get too close.

Bitter Usually out of range. When approached, rises up and fires a shot before retreating.
Power Muscler Jumps towards you, stomping down until it gets above you. Very durable.
Bomb/Rock Thrown Very excitedly lobs bombs at you, or rocks if it's green.
Metall Cannon A giant cannon that fires huge shots. Turns around, so there's no escape.
Subeil When you get too close, it flattens and moves towards you.
Giree Travels up and down and all around the ground at a decent pace.

Giree Spawner Non-Solid, and spawns Girees at a regular rate.

Tondeall Flies back and forth while shooting two poorly aimed shots.
Pukapucker Hovers its head above itself, can bounce around freely on its own.
Bounder When approached, it starts violently bobbing up and down while shooting some shots.
Sumatran Feral tiger that jump towards you when approached or shot.
Bombier Hovers forward slowly until it passes you, then drops a bomb right on your head.
Cocco Spawns as many as three small chickens at once. Can you do the fabled chicken jump?
Jet Bomb Missile that sends debris after you when destroyed by a wall or shot.
V A simple buoy robot with a simple name. Hovers on water surfaces or floor... that's it.

Mega Man 6

Icon Name In-Game Description Options Added in Version
Colton Fires a bullet forward then waits for it to go out of sight before repeating.
Shield Attacker Flies back and forth, turning at walls. Vulnerable from behind.

Fire Telly Flies across the screen, sometimes stopping to spit a fireball.
Au Au Creates snowballs with their nose, before firing them diagonally down.
Ben K Spins a powerful spear from its arsenal before firing it forwards.
Cannopeller Flies up and down, firing explosive cannonballs regularly.
Twin Roader Drives forwards and backwards, ignoring you as it goes about its business.
Brain Break Intellectually honest. Walks back and forth until hit, becoming outraged.
Katonbyon Drops a bomb in front of the player once it gets close, what a bugger.
Curlinger Slides around while building up speed. Can be punched back with enough force.
SRU-21/P Drops out of the sky once approached, breaking into pieces. Floats in water.
Gabgyo Likes to swim and hates being a fish out of water, jumping at you in anger.

Pooker Sits until hit with a charge shot. Becomes a platform when knocked into oil.
Cyber Gabyoall Patrols floors and ceilings, charging at you once you get close.

Yaffu Pulls you in, then transforms and pushes you away. Spelled with an A.
Hotchkiss'n Wily created this robot after stapling his finger. Do what you want with this info.
Molier Moves straight forward, flies backwards when punched and destroys weaker blocks.
Submarine Flier Hides in a cloud until you break it, then fires at you if it hits water.
Propeller Eye Flies after you, ignoring walls. Opens it's weak spot to move and then stops.
Skull Walker Upgraded Docron that's much sturdier, jumps off ledges and tries to find you.
Brown Hides in a barrel until attacked, at which point the head pops out. It sure is brown.
Squidon Very durable. Shoots ice cold blocks out of it's mouth and wields homing missiles.

Mega Man 7

Icon Name In-Game Description Options Added in Version
Tripropellan Dynamic flying turret that fires at your location. Releases bombs too.
Icicle Teck Moves on the ceiling, when close this teck drops a spike to peck you.
Trio the Wheel Gradually sends its three tires at you before bouncing around.
Baccone A bouncing traffic cone that reveals its weak spot when it fires.
Tom Daddy Everyone loves a slinky, unless it wants to kill you.

Frisk Cannon This simple cannon fires 3 balls in an arc, each ball being slower.
Gockroach S A bug which crawls on the ground or ceiling and flies towards you. KILL WITH FIRE!
Gockroach S Nest MORE BUGS? We're gonna need a bigger flamethrower for this one.
Turbo Roader Twin Roader's long lost brother who likes to spin in place gleefully.
Kaminari Kogoro Slowly rises out of pits to surprise you, and fires lightning.
Cyorown A tough robotic crow which taunts you if you get hit by its shots.
Gobots A very simple enemy that flies towards you with a wavy pattern.
Tsuranattori A swarm of flying robots, they disperse if you shoot one of them.

Mega Man 8

Icon Name In-Game Description Options Added in Version
Shell'n Shoots bubbles, vulnerable when approached. More powerful underwater.
Bunby Tank DX Fires missiles. If the torso is destroyed, the head pops off.
Joe Classic The classic green Joe, but equipped with a grenade.
Surumaker Lunges in water and hops on land. Scared of sponges and sea stars.
Hannya Attacker A twist on the Shield Attacker, not turning on walls. Intimidating.
Crunchran A dangerous puddle of green acid that attempts to bite you if you get close.
Fire Met Adorably waddles around and jumps over gaps. Ignites any flammable object.
Fire Met Spawner More Fire Mets equals more flames of justice! FIIIRE!
Wall Teck Walks on walls, shooting at you when you're aligned with it.

Rabbiton Cute chubby bunny that slides around and spins in gleeful jumps.
Penpen EV Before launching at you, it spins in place gleeful-wait, this ain't a roader enemy!
Big Telly Drops a stream of bombs on you, turning around after. Always ate its greens.

Mega Man 9

Carricarry and Petit Devil have existed since the game's launch, but were unavailable through normal means until they were fully implemented in 1.5.0.

Icon Name In-Game Description Options Added in Version
Petit Devil Floats around. Splits off into 3 or 4 clones, depending on the color.

Caricarry Slides around, releasing rocks when shot. Was buried for a long time.
Bombomboy Bounces up and lobs two shots to the left and right when approached.
Flower Presenter Nothing is more threatening than a pot launching flowers at you!
Fire Totem Shields itself when distanced, spreads fire in random arcs when approached.
Okosutobon Hovers in place until approached or shot, then it angrily chases you.
Diarn Hovers towards you to shoot you, making itself vulnerable. SHINY!!
Hoohoo Peacefully flies around, dropping destructible rocks in front of you.

Hoohoo Spawner Spawns Hoohoos at a regular rate when on-screen.

Kakinbatank Tries to kill anyone who dares disturb his naps. Be careful.

Adamski A miniature Wily Capsule that swerves up and down. Has a cheap siren.

Nombrellan Very slowly descends, minding its own business. Interacts with rain.
Nombrellan Spawner Spawns Nombrellans at the top of the screen when on-screen.
Sakrets Rolls along walls, shooting out orbs that explode in six directions.

Bunby Catcher Claw go BRRRR. Drops down and drags you at high speeds against your will.


Mega Man 10

Icon Name In-Game Description Options Added in Version
Cargou Q Fires bouncing sports balls at you. How does it have so many?!
Kaona Geeno Uses its head as a projectile which breaks into 4 bullets when hitting a solid.
Pointan It makes 4 panes which fire at you. Now which one was my cursor again?
Sola 0 Sunflora wannabe that charges up a solar beam and fires it as it stops flashing.
Oshitsu Osarettsu Rams at you if you are level with him. Only his head is vulnerable.
Numetall Annoying slug that hides as long as you attack, then continues with slick goo.
Merserker Agile little axe that tries to ram into you with lots of short hops.
Bari III (Head) Immobile tower top that fires bouncing sound waves.
Bari III (Body) Harmful but destructible. Connected heads can squish or regenerate it.
Mecha Pitchan Hurls baseballs at you in an arc, blue ones are homing as well.
Searchy Flips the direction of all conveyors in the area when he spots you.
Searchy Spawner Spawns Searchies to switch conveyor direction or On/Off Blocks.
Returning Machine Gun Joe Fires in two short bursts of three shots each. Learned to jump.
Neo Heli Metall A fan favorite. Flies back and forth, firing three bullets as it stops.
Molmole Drills through terrain or obstacles, leaving marks where it enters or exits.
Molmole Spawner Spawns Molmoles in the defined area indefinitely in a pattern.
Molmole Spawner (Random) Spawns Molmoles in the defined area indefinitely at random.

Mega Man 11

Icon Name In-Game Description Options Added in Version
Electro Guard An electrified construction barrier. Why did we add this again?
Electriri This Telly's electric aura seems to have fried its homing ability.
Electriri Spawner (Solid) Fully solid block that spawns Electriris at a regular rate.
Electriri Spawner (Edge) While this is on screen, Electriris will spawn regularly.
Pipetto A chemistry robot which shoots 2 liter blobs of concentrated acid at you.
Anti-Eddie Hides beneath pickups and takes them away if not defeated fast enough.
Air Stone/Fire/Nut Hides and only comes out to attack when enemies are nearby.
Mash Burner Burner Man's apprentice. Shoot it to put out its fire and jump on it.
Crunch Don A skull platform with a hammer. When it swings a platform pops up.

Mega Man & Bass

Icon Name In-Game Description Options Added in Version
Gori-Three A primitive, metal-knuckled warrior. Can throw balls, rocks, and more balls.
Dodonpa Cannon Aims and fires volley after volley at the player.
Plasma Two balls with a rod of pure energy in the middle.
Romper The boys are back in town and they want your energy. You better not get caught.
Snoler A snowman which pulls player and snow in and makes mini snowmen fall from the air.
Mini Snowman Mini Snowman fall from the air and lands on the ground.
Mini Snowman Spawner Mini Snowman fall from the air and lands on the ground.
Big Telly Drops a big bomb which causes a huge forest fire. Canada beware.
Electric Generator Fires homing projectiles, they are slow but don't let yourself get comfy!
Mokumokumo Slows you down and disables weapon usage. Certified cute cloud friend, or is it glue?
Hogale Basically a whale, can swim through water and tiles, almost indestructible.
Hogale Spawner A spawner which spawns a new Hogale every so often.
Ammoner Rolls down 1 tile drops and swim in water. Is there anything Ammoner can't do?
Oni Robo A stationary bot that throws maces. It's very lonely without it's machines.
Oni Robo Cloud Periodically ignores the player to create a new friend.
Oni Robo Wind Alternatively sucks or blows with the help of Oni Robo's mace.
Sydecka Rhino type enemy, shoots its horn and some missiles.
Kamikamin (enemy) Yarr Matey! This mimic chest can be used to protect me gold in the real chest!

Mega Man Game Boy

Icon Name In-Game Description Options Added in Version
Hyoey Helicopter which follows and shoots at you. It never gives up the chase.
Biribaree Doesn't actually like Piriparee. But he gets free stuff all the time.
Piriparee Best friends with Biribaree they share everything! Shoots electric projectiles.
Doncatch Follows the player and smashes the ground. Can break all sorts of floors.
Hell Metall DX A tanky Met varient.It needs a charged shot to show its weak spot.
Fukuhorn Acts exactly like Metall Sniper, but has a more electronic look.
Metall Sniper A cannon-Met,it is armoured and only gets up when the player is close to it.
Press'n Rises into the air and crashes into the ground trying to crush the player.
Cutting Wheel Falls on the ground and starts to head in the players direction.
Tamp The sudden feeling of being crushed by a teleporting space robot is only tamporary.
La Jaba La Jaba has arrived. Threatens humanity with every second it is alive.
Fankurow Who? Who? You, that's who. Flaps its wings to push or pull you with the wind.
Shuhorn Automated defense system "Shuhorn" activated. Find and destroy target "Mega Man."
Chainsoar A lumber mill robot. When he dies he will drop his saw blade.
Feeber A crab that releases a large bubble that traps the player and drags them away.
