Bell Ringer

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Bell Ringer
A purple Bell Ringer's ring rotating a Punch Block
Level Builder
Description: Normally turns the Spike Box, but different colors impact different gimmicks.
Category: Level Objects
Builder space: 3x2
Layer: 5 - Main elements
Game information
Added in version: 1.8.0
1.9.0 (interactions with Tel Tel, Section Wide Lava, Section Wide Burst Water, and Section Wide Chemical Solution)
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 8
Other appearances: Mega Man & Bass
Programmer(s): Meka
Spriter(s): Son Loto
Sound effect creator(s): Doctor Lumen

The Bell Ringer is a level object from Mega Man 8 and Mega Man & Bass, originating from Clown Man's stage and Magic Man's stage respectively. It is featured in Mega Man Maker since version 1.8.0.


The Bell Ringer is a hammer-wielding robot near a bell. Once the bell is rung by the robot, level objects corresponding to the color of the Bell Ringer will automatically be triggered. The interval between each ring can be set between 2 and 9 seconds.

A Bell Ringer is stationary as it was in Magic Man's stage in Mega Man & Bass instead of entering and leaving doors like it did in Clown Man's stage in Mega Man 8. As a level object, a Bell Ringer is not solid, is unaffected by gravity, and can be passed through by the player without dealing damage. It remains active in a section even if it is not on-screen. However, a Bell Ringer that is not on-screen is not active once the player has won a level.

There are six unique variations of Bell Ringer, each affecting different level objects:

Icon Color Description
Magenta Rotates Rotating Spike Blocks clockwise (as in Mega Man & Bass)
Orange Extends Hornet Rolls, momentarily pauses Fire Walls and increases the lava level
Yellow Activates Fuse Laser Crawlers/Turrets and Ring/Coil Platforms
Green Flips Spike Platforms and Flip Platforms
Cyan Increases the water level (including Section Wide Burst Water and Section Wide Chemical Solution) and strength of the Rain, cycles through a Tel Tel's weather with each ring in the following order: wind, clear, rain, snow, and heat.
Purple Rotates Punch Blocks and opens/closes Plantforms



  • In a publicly showcased developer build of 1.8 from the update's Q&A livestream, the Bell Ringer's ring sound effect was not implemented despite being finalized. This resulted in the a placeholder, the Taco Bell sound effect, playing every time the bell rang.[1]
    • When a chat member requested it be kept as an option, the developers said it would not be kept as it risked legal trouble. [2]
  • Despite first appearing in Mega Man 8, the Bell Ringer is found in the Mega Man & Bass section under Level Objects.
  • A special red variant of the Bell Ringer appears as a decoration in Magic BG 6 Bell while two red variants of the Bell Ringer appear in Magic BG 7 Bell. The time interval between each ring is fixed at 3 seconds and they act exactly the same as the magenta variant, rotating Rotating Spike Blocks clockwise.


Level Objects
Mega Man Fire BeamElec BeamFlame PillarSuper Arm BlockFire Wave Spawner
Mega Man Powered Up On/Off SwitchOn/Off Switch TimerOn Switch BlockOn/Off Switch BlockOn Switch SpikeOff Switch SpikeOn Switch LadderOff Switch Ladder
Mega Man 2 Conveyor BeltForce BeamPressCrash LiftAcid Drop
Mega Man 3 Moving CogLift PlatformDrop PlatformWanaanMagnetNeedle PressTop Lift
Mega Man 4 Dust BlockCossack PlatformRing PlatformCoil PlatformQuicksandFork Block
Mega Man 5 Falling PlatformRotating PlatformRolling DrillTeckyunSteamLow Grav Section
Mega Man 6 SpringFlip PlatformCracked BlockPush BlockOilFanPlantformSpike PlatformIce Barrier
Mega Man 7 Floor LightJet PlatformPunch BlockJunk DropperCracked Ice PlatformInvisible TileTel TelTel Tel FountainBurst Water
Mega Man 8 Thunder Claw PoleTNTAstro GateAstro ButtonAstro Reset ButtonGori Three RockCount Bomb CDLift ElevatorShupponponFloating SpikeFloating Bubble GeneratorFlipping Doors
Mega Man 9 TeleporterMagma Beam GeneratorRainBokazurahBokazurah BlockIllusianIllusian BlockSplash PlatformConcrete LiftHornet RollAnti Grav Section
Mega Man 10 Jumpthrough PlatformSheep BlockSheep SpikeChill BlockMoving ElevatorMoving Elevator Vertical StopSoccer Ball Jet
Mega Man 11 Spinning WheelChemical SolutionFire WallFire Wall ModifierBouncy BallFuse RailFuse Laser CrawlerFuse Laser TurretFuse Laser SpawnerFuse Laser ExitFuse CrosserFuse XtenderHotplateBlast SensorBlast Crate
Mega Man & Bass Ice BlockIce Block SpawnerExplosive CratesDynamo ConveyorMoving LightMoving Light RedirectorMoving Light TerminatorMoving Light DarknessFloating BalloonFloating Balloon SpawnerOni Cloud GeneratorOni Wind GeneratorPressurized Cracked BlockRotating Spike BoxBell RingerKamikamin Chest
Game Boy Super CutterMelting Snow BlockIcicleShifting Falling StoneGuts HoverMove HoverNapalm FireAlternating Timing ConveyorWater Fall SpawnerUranus PlatformGirderPluto BlockMagnet WellGravity FieldGravity Indicator
General / Mega Man Maker CheckpointYoku BlockReflecting Yoku BlockTime BombWeapon BlockDropperMusic ChangerKeyKey DoorMagnetic CeilingTargetHealth ModifierWeapon Energy ModifierLighter Push BlockHeavier Push BlockMobile Push BlockMagnetic CoilSection Wide WaterWater Height MarkerWater Height CrystalHealth Block CheckerWeapon Energy Block CheckerArrowsWater HoverLava HoverLava Hover Saver

Version 1.8
Cold ManPirate ManBurner ManEnkerPunkPlutoYellow DevilBoobeam TrapKamegoro MakerCossack CatcherWily Machine 4Dark Man 3Dark Man 4Big PetsWily Machine 6
Gori-ThreeDodonpa CannonPlasmaRomperSnolerBig TellyElectric GeneratorMokumokumoHogaleAmmonerOni RoboSydeckaHyoeyBiribareePiripareeDoncatchHeli Mettall DXFukuhornMetall SniperPress'NCutting WheelTampLa JabaFankurowShuhornChainsoar
Ice WallWave BurnerSpread DrillCopy VisionTengu BladeMagic CardGrab BusterSalt WaterElectric ShockBreak DashSpark ChaserTangoUber Chain
Level Objects & Pickups
Low Grav SectionHorizontal Astro GateHorizontal Astro ButtonHorizontal Astro Reset ButtonGori-Three RockHotplateIce BlockExplosive CrateDynamo ConveyorMoving LightMoving Light RedirectorMoving Light TerminatorMoving Light DarknessFloating BalloonOni Cloud GeneratorOni Wind GeneratorPressurized Cracked BlockRotating Spike BoxBell RingerSuper CutterMelting Snow BlockIcicleShifting Falling StoneGuts HoverMove HoverNapalm FireAlternating Timing ConveyorWater Fall SpawnerUranus PlatformGirderPluto BlockTargetsTarget RailHealth ModifierWeapon Energy ModifierLighter Push BlockHeavier Push BlockMobile Push BlockMagnetic CoilSection Wide WaterWater Height MarketWater Height CrystalHealth Block CheckerWeapon Energy Block CheckerArrowsFuse Laser TurretAnti YashishiDrop Suppressor
Major Patches

Mega Man 8
Mega BusterMega BallTornado HoldFlash BombThunder ClawFlame SwordIce Wave
Shell'nBunby Tank DXJoe ClassicSurumakerHannya AttackerCrunchranFire MetFire Met SpawnerWall TeckRabbitonPenpen EVBig TellySuccubattonShururun
Level Objects
Thunder Claw PoleTNTAstro GateAstro ButtonAstro Reset ButtonGori Three RockCount Bomb CDLift ElevatorShupponpon DoorFloating SpikeFloating Bubble GeneratorFlipping Doors
Assets Listed Under Mega Man & Bass
Gori ThreeDodonpa CannonRomperHogaleHogale SpawnerAmmonerSydeckaIce BlockIce Block SpawnerExplosive CratesBell Ringer
Grenade ManAstro ManTengu Man
Other Pages

Mega Man and Bass
Mega BusterBass BusterIce WallWave BurnerCopy VisionSpread DrillTengu BladeMagic CardTreble Boost
Gori ThreeDodonpa CannonPlasmaRomperSnolerMini SnowmanMini Snowman SpawnerBig TellyElectric GeneratorMokumokumoHogaleHogale SpawnerAmmonerOni RoboOni Robo CloudOni Robo WindSydeckaKamikamin
Level Objects
Ice BlockIce Block SpawnerExplosive CratesDynamo ConveyorMoving LightMoving Light RedirectorMoving Light TerminatorMoving Light DarknessFloating BalloonFloating Balloon SpawnerOni Cloud GeneratorOni Wind GeneratorPressurized Cracked BlockRotating Spike BoxBell Ringer
Returning from Mega Man 8
Shell'nBunby Tank DXJoe ClassicSurumakerHannya AttackerCrunchranFire MetFire Met SpawnerWall TeckRabbitonPenpen EVShururunKamikamin ChestShupponpon DoorFloating Bubble Generator
Cold ManBurner ManPirate Man
Other Pages
