This article needs an image or multiple images. Once suitable images are added to the appropriate section(s), remove this notice. Image(s) needed: Images and GIFs of special plushie interactions in action (e.g. Galaxy Man, Wood Man burnt, etc)
Plushies (also referred to as Toys in the game's files) are a level object added in 1.9.0. Aside from Ice Man and Cut Man plushies found in Clown Man's stage in Mega Man 8, plushies for various other characters such as Robot Master bosses, enemies and playable characters are also included in Mega Man Maker. Plushies also had no special interaction in Mega Man 8: interactions with plushies are unique to Mega Man Maker.
Plushies are gimmicks affected by gravity, most of which can be knocked around by attacking them with most weapons. They can also be knocked around by the player's Mega Ball's kick, bounce off walls, and interact with gimmicks such as Bouncy Balls and Astro Buttons. Tango will also attack plushies.
Plushies can be picked up and thrown with Super Arm or placed right in front of the player instead of thrown by holding the down button before pressing the shoot button. However, throwing or placing a plushie using Super Arm does not activate any special features of plushies. Since 1.9.1, plushies will flash slightly when the player is next to them with Super Arm equipped.
Plushies can be destroyed in many of the same ways as the player such as by crushing them or spawning a solid block like an On/Off Switch Block or Yoku Block in their place; destroying a plushie results in an explosion with confetti appearing from them. Certain weapons such as Uber Chain and Grab Buster can destroy plushies with enough hits though confetti does not appear.
Plushie types
Some plushies feature unique functionality and are listed below.
Boss Plushies
Enemy Plushies
Character Plushies
Pet Plushies
These have no known special interactions.
Upcoming Plushies
Fixed Bugs
- In version 1.9.0:
- Plushies other than the Guts Man plushie when lifted by the player could break Super Arm Blocks placed by the player on contact.
- There was no limit to how many plushies could be held at a time using Super Arm.
- If the player shot Splash Woman's plushie and it attempted to lower the acidity level of Chemical Solution, the game would crash.
- Changing weapons while lifting a plushie would result in the plushie floating in the air.
- The player could not grab a plushie when they no longer had weapon energy on Super Arm even if throwing a plushie cost no weapon energy.
- The player could not place a plushie down when another plushie was in front of them.
- Cut Man plushies could stack their increased knockback and travel rapidly.
- Plushies on different sections could be grabbed by Super Arm or fall in the current section if they were on the edge of the section.
- The player's collision when equipped with certain contact weapons such as Oil Slider could hit plushies multiple times per seconds, resulting in a stack effect.
- Rebound Striker was unable to interact with plushies.
- Leaving a section while holding a plushie would make the player stay in the hold sprite and did not disconnect with the plushie properly.
- Plushies used the player getting hit sound effect instead of the enemy hit sound effect.
- The explosion caused by destroying plushies would destroy certain level objects such as Blast Crates and Chill Blocks.
- During development, plushies were originally listed as decorations. However, after special interactions with other assets and additional plushies were added, they were moved to the level objects category.[1]
- Although a Guts Man plushie exists in Mega Man Maker, plushies based on Guts Man G from Mega Man 7 appear in Clown Man's stage and sprites of it exist in the files of Mega Man Maker. However, as of version, it remains unused.
- Prior to version 1.9.2, Quick Man plushies would also prevent the player from being damaged by Force Beams.
Beta versions of the Gravity Man plushie (sprites by
Unused Guts Man G plushie sprites