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Revision as of 01:20, 9 September 2024 by Midas Magnezone (talk | contribs) (→‎Trivia: Added info on Blast Man eye teaser)
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Promotional picture by BNMotive. It intends to be a more peaceful celebration of Mega Man.

Version 1.6.0 is a major update of "Mega Man Maker" focused on implementing content from Mega Man 10 and Mega Man 11 and introducing online multiplayer level editing. It was released on February 22, 2020.

WreckingPrograms stated in the first teaser of the update that 1.6.0 would not be as ambitious as 1.5.0 so that it could be released "within a reasonable time frame".[1][2] Despite this, 1.6.0 took more time to release than all other prior major updates primarily due to WreckingPrograms' commitments to 30XX during development. While Mega Man 10 assets were initially teased with sneak peeks, the Anniversary Announcement trailer revealed that the update would also focus on Mega Man 11.


New Features


  • You can now build levels with other people online!
    • Build with up to 8 players at once
    • Create and search rooms on our server using the Server Lobby, or create your own server using Direct IP
    • Secure your rooms with a password
    • Allow players to edit your level, or only view and play it




Level Objects

Yoku Blocks

  • Sheep Man Yoku Block
  • Enker Yoku Block
  • Endless Mode Yoku Block 2
  • Endless Mode Yoku Block 3
  • Challenge Mode Yoku Block
  • MM11 Wily 1 Yoku Block


  • Dark Man 2 Conveyor
  • Solar Man Conveyor
  • Block Man Conveyor
  • MM11 Wily 2 Conveyor

Moving Cogs


  • Cut BG 2
  • Guts BG (Alt)
  • Ice BG (Alt)
  • Time BG (Alt)
  • MM1 Wily 1 BG
  • MM1 Wily 3 BG 2
  • MM1 Wily 3 BG 2 (Alt)
  • Bubble BG 2 (Alt)
  • Wood BG 3
  • MM2 Wily 5 BG
  • Needle BG 4 (Alt)
  • Shadow BG 2
  • Shadow BG 3
  • MM3 Wily 2 BG 2
  • MM3 Wily 3 BG 2
  • MM3 Wily 4 BG
  • Cossack 2 BG 2
  • Cossack 3 BG 2
  • MM4 Wily 3 BG 2
  • Gravity BG 3
  • Gravity BG 4
  • Crystal BG 3 (Alt)
  • Wave BG 2
  • Wave BG 3
  • Charge BG 9
  • Dark Man 4 BG 2
  • MM5 Wily 1 BG 2
  • MM5 Wily 3 BG 2
  • MM5 Wily 4 BG 2
  • Blizzard BG 3
  • Wind BG 3 (Alt)
  • Centaur BG 5
  • Centaur BG 6
  • Centaur BG 7
  • MM6 Wily 3 BG 2
  • MM7 Wily 3 BG
  • MM7 Wily 4 BG
  • MM9 Wily 4 BG 2
  • Blade BG
  • Blade BG 2
  • Blade BG 3
  • Solar BG
  • Solar BG 2
  • Sheep BG
  • Sheep BG 2
  • Commando BG
  • Commando BG 2
  • Pump BG
  • Pump BG 2
  • Pump BG 3
  • Pump BG 4
  • Strike BG
  • Strike BG 2
  • Strike BG 3
  • Strike BG 4
  • Strike BG 5
  • Strike BG 6
  • Nitro BG
  • Nitro BG 2
  • Nitro BG 3
  • Nitro BG 4
  • Chill BG
  • Chill BG 2
  • Chill BG 3
  • Chill BG 4
  • Chill BG 5
  • MM10 Wily 1 BG
  • MM10 Wily 1 BG 2
  • MM10 Wily 1 BG 3
  • MM10 Wily 1 BG 4
  • MM10 Wily 2 BG
  • MM10 Wily 2 BG 2
  • MM10 Wily 3 BG
  • MM10 Wily 3 BG (Alt)
  • MM10 Wily 3 BG 2
  • MM10 Wily 3 BG 3
  • MM10 Wily 4 BG
  • MM10 Wily 4 BG 2
  • MM10 Wily 4 BG 3
  • MM10 Wily 4 BG 4
  • MM10 Wily 5 BG
  • MM10 Wily 5 BG 2
  • MM10 Wily 5 BG 3
  • Enker BG
  • Enker BG 2
  • Enker BG 3
  • Enker BG 4
  • Punk BG
  • Punk BG 2
  • Punk BG 3
  • Ballade BG
  • MM10 Endless BG
  • MM10 Endless BG 2
  • MM10 Endless BG 3
  • MM10 Endless BG 4
  • MM10 Endless BG 5
  • MM10 Endless BG 6
  • MM10 Endless BG 7
  • MM10 Endless BG 8
  • MM10 Endless BG 9
  • MM10 Endless BG 10
  • MM10 Endless BG 11
  • MM10 Endless BG 12
  • MM10 Endless BG 13
  • MM10 Endless BG 14
  • MM10 Endless BG 15
  • MM10 Endless BG 16
  • Challenge BG
  • Challenge BG (Alt)
  • Challenge BG 2
  • Difficulty BG
  • Block BG
  • Block BG 2
  • Block BG 3
  • Block BG 4
  • Acid BG
  • Acid BG (Alt)
  • Acid BG (Alt 2)
  • Blast BG
  • Bounce BG
  • Tundra BG
  • Impact BG
  • Torch BG
  • Torch BG 2
  • Torch BG 3
  • Torch BG 4
  • Fuse BG
  • MM11 Wily 1 BG
  • MM11 Wily 1 BG 2
  • MM11 Wily 2 BG
  • MM11 Wily 2 BG 2


  • Elec Tile 2
  • Time Tile (Alt)
  • Magnet Tile 2
  • Cossack 3 Tile 2
  • MM4 Wily 3 Tile 2
  • Crystal Tile (Alt)
  • Star Tile
  • MM5 Wily 1 Tile 2
  • Tomahawk Tile 4
  • Tomahawk Tile 4 (Alt)
  • Shade Tile 2 (Alt)
  • Burst Tile 2
  • Burst Tile 3
  • Burst Tile 3 (Alt)
  • Turbo Tile 2
  • Turbo Tile 3
  • Turbo Tile 4
  • MM7 Wily 2 Tile
  • MM7 Wily 3 Tile
  • MM7 Wily 4 Tile
  • Concrete Tile 3
  • Fake Tile 2
  • Blade Tile
  • Blade Tile 2
  • Solar Tile
  • Solar Tile 2
  • Solar Tile 3
  • Sheep Tile
  • Commando Tile
  • Pump Tile
  • Pump Tile (Alt)
  • Pump Tile 2
  • Pump Tile 2 (Alt)
  • Strike Tile
  • Strike Tile 2
  • Nitro Tile
  • Nitro Tile 2
  • Chill Tile
  • Chill Tile 2
  • MM10 Wily 1 Tile
  • MM10 Wily 1 Tile 2
  • MM10 Wily 1 Tile 3
  • MM10 Wily 1 Tile 4
  • MM10 Wily 2 Tile
  • MM10 Wily 2 Tile 2
  • MM10 Wily 2 Tile 3
  • MM10 Wily 3 Tile
  • MM10 Wily 3 Tile (Alt)
  • MM10 Wily 3 Tile 2
  • MM10 Wily 3 Tile 2 (Alt)
  • MM10 Wily 4 Tile
  • MM10 Wily 4 Tile (Alt)
  • MM10 Wily 5 Tile
  • MM10 Wily 5 Tile 2
  • MM10 Wily 5 Tile 3
  • MM10 Wily 5 Tile 4
  • Enker Tile
  • Enker Tile 2
  • Enker Tile 3
  • Enker Tile 4
  • Enker Tile 5
  • Enker Tile 6
  • Punk Tile
  • Punk Tile 2
  • Punk Tile 3
  • Punk Tile 4
  • Ballade Tile
  • Ballade Tile 2
  • MM10 Endless Tile
  • MM10 Endless Tile 2
  • MM10 Endless Tile 3
  • MM10 Endless Tile 3 (Alt)
  • MM10 Endless Tile 4
  • MM10 Endless Tile 5
  • MM10 Endless Tile 6
  • MM10 Endless Tile 6 (Alt)
  • MM10 Endless Tile 7
  • MM10 Endless Tile 8
  • MM10 Endless Tile 9
  • MM10 Endless Tile 10
  • MM10 Endless Tile 11
  • MM10 Endless Tile 12
  • MM10 Endless Tile 13
  • MM10 Endless Tile 14
  • MM10 Endless Tile 15
  • MM10 Endless Tile 16
  • MM10 Endless Tile 17
  • MM10 Endless Tile 18
  • MM10 Endless Tile 18 (Alt)
  • MM10 Endless Tile 19
  • MM10 Endless Tile 20
  • MM10 Endless Tile 21
  • MM10 Endless Tile 21 (Alt)
  • MM10 Endless Tile 22
  • MM10 Endless Tile 23
  • MM10 Endless Tile 24
  • MM10 Endless Tile 25
  • MM10 Endless Tile 25 (Alt)
  • MM10 Endless Tile 26
  • MM10 Endless Tile 27
  • MM10 Endless Tile 28
  • MM10 Endless Tile 29
  • MM10 Endless Tile 30
  • Challenge Tile
  • Challenge Tile (Alt)
  • Challenge Tile (Alt 2)
  • Challenge Tile 2
  • Challenge Tile 2 (Alt)
  • Challenge Tile 3
  • Difficulty Tile
  • Block Tile
  • Acid Tile
  • Blast Tile
  • Bounce Tile
  • Tundra Tile
  • Impact Tile
  • Torch Tile
  • Fuse Tile
  • Fuse Tile 2
  • MM11 Wily 1 Tile
  • MM11 Wily 1 Tile 2
  • MM11 Wily 2 Tile
  • MM11 Wily 2 Tile (Alt)
  • MM11 Wily 2 Tile (Alt 2)
  • MM11 Wily 2 Tile (Alt 3)


  • Blade Ladder
  • Solar Ladder
  • Solar Ladder (Alt)
  • Sheep Ladder
  • Pump Ladder
  • Pump Ladder (Alt)
  • Strike Ladder
  • Nitro Ladder
  • Chill Ladder
  • Chill Ladder (Alt)
  • Chill Ladder (Alt 2)
  • Chill Ladder (Alt 3)
  • Wily Ladder 25 (MM10 Wily 1)
  • Wily Ladder 26 (MM10 Wily 2)
  • Wily Ladder 27 (MM10 Wily 3)
  • Wily Ladder 28 (MM10 Wily 3)
  • Wily Ladder 29 (MM10 Wily 5)
  • Wily Ladder 30 (MM10 Wily 5)
  • Punk Ladder
  • Ballade Ladder
  • Endless Ladder 4
  • Challenge Ladder
  • Block Ladder
  • Acid Ladder
  • Blast Ladder
  • Bounce Ladder
  • Tundra Ladder
  • Impact Ladder
  • Torch Ladder
  • Fuse Ladder
  • Wily Ladder 31
  • Wily Ladder 32
  • Light Ladder


  • Blade Spike
  • Sheep Spike
  • Commando Spike
  • Pump Spike
  • Pump Spike (Alt)
  • Nitro Spike
  • Chill Spike
  • Chill Spike (Alt)
  • Chill Spike (Alt 2)
  • Chill Spike (Alt 3)
  • Wily Spike 36 (MM10 Wily 1)
  • Wily Spike 37 (MM10 Wily 2)
  • Wily Spike 38 (MM10 Wily 3)
  • Wily Spike 39 (MM10 Wily 5)
  • Enker Spike
  • Enker Spike (Alt)
  • Punk Spike
  • Ballade Spike
  • Endless Spike 4
  • Endless Spike 5
  • Challenge Spike
  • Challenge Spike (Alt)
  • Difficulty Spike
  • Acid Spike
  • Acid Spike 2
  • Blast Spike
  • Tundra Spike
  • Impact Spike
  • Wily Spike 40 (MM11 Wily 1)
  • Wily Spike 41 (MM11 Wily 2)
  • Light Spike


  • Pump Water
  • Wily Water 7 (MM10 Wily 1)
  • Wily Water 8 (MM10 Wily 3)
  • Wily Water 9 (MM10 Wily 4)
  • Endless Water 2
  • Endless Water 3
  • Challenge Water


  • Duo (MM8)
  • Blade Man
  • Solar Man
  • Sheep Man
  • Commando Man
  • Pump Man
  • Strike Man
  • Nitro Man
  • Chill Man
  • MM10 Wily Stage 1 Outside
  • MM10 Wily Stage 1 Inside
  • MM10 Wily Stage 2
  • MM10 Wily Stage 3
  • MM10 Wily Stage 4
  • MM10 Wily Stage 5
  • MM10 Endless Attack
  • MM10 Challenges
  • Enker
  • Punk
  • Ballade
  • MM10 Robot Master
  • MM10 Wily Boss
  • MM10 Wily Boss (Machine)
  • MM10 Wily Boss (Capsule)
  • Block Man
  • Acid Man
  • Blast Man
  • Bounce Man
  • Tundra Man
  • Impact Man
  • Torch Man
  • Fuse Man
  • Wily Stages
  • MM11 Challenges
  • Dr. Light's Trial
  • MM11 Robot Master
  • MM11 Wily Boss
  • MM11 Wily Boss (Machine)
  • MM11 Wily Boss (Capsule)



  • Improved the visuals and stability of the auto-updater. Keep in mind that this does not apply when updating to 1.6 from a previous version.
  • Updated Yamato BG 3 Alt's asset icon to match Yamato BG 3's.
  • Updated the Obligatory Boss Rush Level with the new Robot Masters.

Fixed Bugs

  • Rain Flush cannot destroy destructible enemy projectiles.
  • Attempting to grab a ladder that has an Astro Gate on top of it can make you clip.
  • When clearing a level on a horizontally connected screen, rain visuals sometimes disappear.
  • When spawning a Mega Ball inside a solid moving platform, it sometimes spawns on the other side of it.
  • Concrete Man sometimes falls through jumpthrough platforms, like ladders or Footholders.
  • Certain weapons, like Mega Buster and Mega Ball, can slightly overflow their ammo count when using an M-Tank under specific circumstances.
  • During a screen transition, water under ceilings reveals its top layer.
  • Improved stability of boss weapon drops.
  • Flame Man's sprite for standing and first frame of shooting has some missing pixels for his hand.
  • Changing the direction of a conveyor belt in-editor has a slight delay before the other conveyor pieces are affected. This can have weird side effects.
  • The hashtag sign in a Wily Challenge game over message is incorrect.
  • Destroying a Dust Block or Pole Egg below water, with a solid, non-tile object below it, will cause the water to stop flowing through this object.
  • If Bass fires his buster during Treble Boost, his back flames don't animate.
  • Spring Man can be magnetized before his fight starts.
  • Jewel Satellite projectiles which are outright destroyed do not have explosion effects to show that.
  • Jewel Satellite does not apply the right speed to a reflected hammer by Hammer Joe when reflected up close.
  • Concrete Shot does not turn into a block when touching a jump through platform.
  • Water sometimes doesn't tile correctly when a section becomes used or unused, or when its connection type is changed.
  • Boss doors connecting vertical sections will stay locked if you fight another boss earlier on in the stage and have a boss suppressor on the screen where the vertical section goes to.
  • Clicking OK on certain message boxes in the editor will immediately place your selected asset.
  • Wood Man's falling leaves do not get removed when he is defeated.
  • Metal Man will still take extra damage from Metal Blade if it is selected as a weakness, but that weakness is disabled.
  • Ring Man will not throw his 2nd ring while jumping when using Time Slow.
  • Ring Man gets stuck on springs not being able to do anything.
  • Mega Man using the Jet Adaptor gets stuck flying up when hit by Concrete Man's Concrete Shot.
  • Mid-Bosses use wrong explosion effect when killed by Hornet Chaser.
  • Water columns mysteriously breaks when Dust Blocks are destroyed with an Astro Button under them.
  • Fighting Hard Man or Grenade Man at the very top of the level can crash the game.
  • Blocky will phase into ground when they walk into a formed concrete block.
  • Wily Challenge should now be less likely to hang upon a failed connection.
  • Hammer Joe's projectile's animation is not affected by Flash Stopper or Time Slow.
  • Rush Coil and Treble can get stuck in ceilings under specific circumstances.
  • During Astro Man's intro, if you scroll him off-screen by falling down far enough, the game may softlock.


  • Prior to the reveal of the Commando Bomb, the sneak peeks only used backgrounds and tilesets from Mega Man 9.
  • Developer Mors said that 1.6 was the first update since 1.1 where he contributed significantly, likely because of the Build Online feature implemented in the version.[3]
  • Blast Man's eye from his profile icon was used as a teaser for version 1.6.0 on Mega Man 11's first anniversary.[4][5] The background of the teaser is in all black and looks slightly different from the final version in-game with dark orange in place of the blue area where the eye meets Blast Man's head gear.





