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The Shotman series of robots are a type of enemy that fire a barrage of arced shots, pause, then repeat.


Crazy Cannon

Shotman / Crazy Cannon
Artwork of a Crazy Cannon / Shotman from Mega Man 2
Level Builder
Description: Fires six shots forwards, then six shots upwards.
Builder space: 2x2
Game information
HP: 5
Damage: 2 (projectile)
4 (contact)
Added in version: 1.0.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 2
Other appearances: Mega Man II
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Mega Man Powered Up
Programmer(s): WreckingPrograms

The Crazy Cannon (or Shotman as it was originally called) is a small bipedal cannon robot that first appeared in Mega Man 2 and make an appearance in Mega Man II, Mega Man: The Wily Wars, and Mega Man Powered Up.

A Crazy Cannon fires six shots straight from its cannon, pauses to adjust its trajectory upwards, fires another six shots, then readjusts the cannon back to its initial position and starts the pattern again. The shots travel upwards slightly and then arc downwards—the angle of the arc of the shots depends on the position of its cannon. These shots also pass through solid tiles and objects and despawn when they travel off-screen.

Shotman can be assigned to face either left or right, and can be given two different color variations in the Level Builder—a blue face with a dark-pink and light-orange exterior or a dark-pink face with a blue and white exterior.

New Shotman

New Shotman
Artwork of a New Shotman from Mega Man 3
Level Builder
Description: Fires bullets left and right. After a while it'll fire shots that rain down.
Builder space: 2x2
Game information
HP: 3
Damage: 2 (projectile)
4 (contact)
Added in version: 1.0.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 3
Other appearances: Mega Man II
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Programmer(s): WreckingPrograms

New Shotman are small bipedal robots equipped with three cannons built into their bodies. Based off their name, New Shotman are implied to be improved versions of the Crazy Cannon / Shotman. The New Shotman first appeared in Mega Man 3 and makes an appearance in Mega Man II and Mega Man: The Wily Wars.

If the player is farther than 4.5 tiles away from New Shotman horizontally, the enemy fires a barrage of three straight shots left and right from the rotating ring of cannons along the sides of his head, shortly pauses, then repeats. If the player comes within 4.5 tiles or closer to New Shotman horizontally, the enemy fires two arced shots from the cannon on the top the of its head along with the barrage of three straight shots from either side of its body. These shots will travel upwards briefly, and arc downward towards the player's location. A New Shotman's shots can travel through solid objects and tiles and despawn when they travel off-screen.

Video Tutorials

Crazy Cannon

New Shotman


  • Crazy Cannon's AI behavior in Mega Man Maker where each of the enemy's two sets of six shots are always shot at the same arced angle is likely based off how Crazy Cannon's AI shoots the same way in Mega Man II.
    • By comparison, in Mega Man 2, each shot in a set of six fired by Crazy Cannon can vary slightly in angle arc, with some shots traveling slightly farther horizontally than others. This variant of the Crazy Cannon AI is not used in Mega Man Maker.
  • In Mega Man 3, a New Shotman's arced shots could not travel through solid tiles and were instead destroyed on impact. In Mega Man Maker, a New Shotman's arced shots travel through solid tiles and despawn when they travel off-screen. This change was supposedly done to make for more creative placement and usage of the enemy.
  • Despite New Shotman being implied to be an upgraded version of the Crazy Cannon, the New Shotman looks nothing like its predecessor and instead resembles an oversized Met enemy.
    • Additionally, despite seemingly being a new and improved model, the New Shotman has 2 less HP than its predecessor Crazy Cannon / Shotman.

Mega Man Powered Up
Weapons (PU)
Proto BusterRoll SwingTime SlowOil Slider
Weapons (MM1)
Mega BusterRolling CutterSuper ArmIce SlasherHyper BombFire StormThunder Beam
MetOctopus BatteryBeakPicket ManScrew BomberBig EyeSpineCrazy RazyWatcherKiller BulletTackle FireFlying ShellFootholderHotheadShield Attacker
Level Objects
Fire BeamElec BeamFlame PillarSuper Arm BlockFire Wave SpawnerOn/Off SwitchOn Switch BlockOn/Off Switch Block
Cut ManIce ManBomb ManFire ManGuts ManTime ManYellow Devil
Other Pages

Mega Man 2
Weapons Mega BusterBubble LeadAir ShooterQuick BoomerangLeaf ShieldCrash BomberTime StopperMetal BladeAtomic FireItem-1Item-2Item-3
Enemies Neo MetReturning Sniper JoeTellyCrazy CannonBattonRobbitHotheadBlockyPierobotCroakerCrabbotFly BoyFan FiendShrinkPipiMoleScwormAtomic ChickenBig FishSniper ArmorHot DogLantern FishSniper Armor
Level Objects Conveyor BeltForce BeamPressCrash LiftAcid Drop
Bosses Bubble ManQuick ManWood ManCrash ManMetal ManBoobeam Trap
Other Pages TilesetsBackgroundsMusic

Mega Man 3
Mega BusterSpark ShockSearch SnakeNeedle CannonTop SpinShadow BladeMagnet MissileGemini LaserHard KnuckleRush CoilRush Jet
PeterchyPottonHammer JoeMechakkeroPoleNew ShotmanPetit SnakeyKomasaburoHari HarryCannonWalking BombGyoraiboYambowMag FlyElectric GabyoallBubukanNitronElec'nBomb FlierHologranGiant SpringerTama
Level Objects
Moving CogLift PlatformDrop PlatformWanaanMagnetNeedle PressTop Lift
Spark ManTop ManMagnet ManHard ManKamegoro Maker
Other Pages

Mega Man II
Mega BusterAir ShooterLeaf ShieldClash BomberMetal BladeNeedle CannonTop SpinMagnet MissileHard Knuckle
TellyCrazy CannonBattonRobbitFly BoyFan FiendPipiScwormAtomic ChickenHot DogNew ShotmanKomasaburoHari HarryCannonYambowMag FlyGiant SpringerTama
Wood ManClash ManMetal ManTop ManMagnet ManHard Man
Other Pages