Rush Jet

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Rush Jet
Artwork for the Rush Jet from Mega Man 7
Level Builder
Description: Rush transforms into a jet... somehow. Hold up or down to change your altitude.
Game information
Damage: 1(buster shot)
Added in version: 1.0.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 3
Other appearances: Mega Man 4

Mega Man 5 Mega Man 7 Mega Man 8 Mega Man 9 Mega Man 10 Mega Man 11

Programmer(s): WreckingPrograms

Rush Jet is a Special Weapon originating from Mega Man 3. It is featured in Mega Man Maker as of version 1.0.0. This weapon is exclusive to Mega Man.

When used, Rush is summoned to the area in front of where the player pressed the attack key. While he's present, the user can fire basic buster shots. Jumping on him will allow the user to ride on top of him as he flies forward, and the user will be anchored to him as he does. Pressing the up or down movement keys will allow for his altitude to be adjusted mid-flight, and holding the movement key opposite to the direction he's moving will slow him down. If Rush Jet touches a wall, or is left idle for three seconds, he will teleport away automatically. Rush cannot be successfully summoned within two tiles of a wall.


Rush Jet

Proto Jet

Proto Jet
Artwork of Proto Jet by Justazag.
Level Builder
Description: Like the Rush Jet, but doesn't leave its fur all around the house.
Game information
Damage: 1(buster shot)
Added in version: 1.3.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 9
Other appearances: Mega Man 10
Programmer(s): WreckingPrograms

Proto Jet is Proto Man's version of the Rush Jet, and as such can only be used by him. It is featured in Mega Man Maker as of version 1.3.0.

When attempting to spawn it too close to a wall, it will despawn rather than teleport away. Besides this, it is functionally identical to Rush Jet.


Proto Jet

Default Weapons Mega BusterProto BusterBass BusterRoll Swing
Mega Man Rolling CutterSuper ArmIce SlasherHyper BombFire StormThunder Beam
Mega Man Powered Up Time SlowOil Slider
Mega Man 2 Bubble LeadAir ShooterQuick BoomerangLeaf ShieldCrash BomberTime StopperMetal BladeAtomic Fire
Mega Man 3 Spark ShockSearch SnakeNeedle CannonTop SpinShadow BladeMagnet MissileGemini LaserHard Knuckle
Mega Man 4 Ring BoomerangDive MissileSkull BarrierFlash StopperDust CrusherDrill BombRain FlushPharaoh Shot
Mega Man 5 Power StoneGravity HoldNapalm BombGyro AttackCrystal EyeStar CrashWater WaveCharge Kick
Mega Man 6 Blizzard AttackWind StormFlame BlastSilver TomahawkKnight CrusherYamato SpearPlant BarrierCentaur Flash
Mega Man 7 Wild CoilNoise CrushDanger WrapFreeze CrackerSlash ClawScorch Wheel
Mega Man 8 Mega BallTornado HoldFlash BombThunder ClawFlame SwordIce Wave
Mega Man 9 Concrete ShotJewel SatelliteHornet ChaserLaser TridentMagma BazookaBlack Hole BombTornado BlowPlug Ball
Mega Man 10 Triple BladeSolar BlazeThunder WoolCommando BombWater ShieldWheel CutterRebound StrikerMirror BusterScrew CrusherBallade Cracker
Mega Man 11 Block DropperBounce BallPile DriverScramble ThunderAcid Barrier
Mega Man & Bass Ice WallWave BurnerCopy VisionSpread DrillTengu BladeMagic Card
Game Boy Grab BusterSalt WaterElectric ShockBreak DashSpark ChaserTango
Mega Man Maker NothingShineNadoCommand SelectionÜber Chain
Utility Rush CoilRush JetProto CoilProto JetTreble BoostTango JumpFlappy BeatMagnet BeamItem-1Item-2Item-3Super ArrowJet AdaptorPower AdaptorSuper AdaptorWire
Other 0Changes

Version 1.0
Mega Man
Cut ManBomb ManCrash ManMetal ManSpark ManTop ManToad ManPharaoh ManStone ManNapalm ManKnight ManPlant ManEnergy ElementParty Ball
Gemini Man
MetOctopus BatteryBeakPicket ManScrew BomberBig EyeFootholderNeo MetSniper JoeTellyCrazy CannonBattonRobbitHotheadPeterchyPottonHammer JoeMechakkeroPoleNew ShotmanSkeleton JoeTogeheroShield Attacker (MM4)Super Ball Machine Jr.SkullmetTaketentoGachapponTrain MetCrystal JoeNew Shield AttackerPukapellyLyricKoukerBitterColtonShield Attacker GTRFire TellyAu-AuBen KCannopellerTwin Roader
CaricarryPetit Devil
Mega BusterRolling CutterFire StormThunder BeamQuick BoomerangCrash BomberMetal BladeSearch SnakeTop SpinMagnet MissileSkull BarrierFlash StopperPharaoh ShotGravity HoldStar CrashCharge KickWind StormSilver TomahawkPlant BarrierRush CoilRush JetMagnet BeamShineNado0Nothing
Perfect Freeze
Level Objects & Pickups
CheckpointWaterYoku BlockCount BombTeleporterWeapon BlockWeapon BarrierFire BeamElec BeamConveyor BeltForce BeamLift PlatformDrop PlatformDust BlockCossack PlatformFalling PlatformRotating PlatformSpringFlip PlatformLarge HealthSmall HealthLarge Weapon EnergySmall Weapon EnergyLifeE-TankM-Tank
Major Patches

Version 1.3
Proto ManBass
Ring ManSkull ManCrystal ManCharge Man
MinoanWall BlasterTotem PolenPakatto 24DocronMummiraGaryobyWhopperBomb/Rock ThrownMetall CannonSubeilGireeTondeallPukapuckerBounder
Proto BusterBass BusterProto CoilProto JetTreble BoostDrill BombPower StoneWater WaveCrystal EyeSuper Arrow
Level Objects & Pickups
Ring PlatformCoil PlatformQuicksandRolling DrillTeckyunCharacter CapsuleHealth SpawnerWeapon Energy Spawner
Major Patches