Sniper Joe

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Image(s) needed: Joe Classic and Returning Machine Gun Joe in Mega Man Maker

The Joes are a recurring enemy type in the Mega Man series. They mostly stay protected behind their shields, occasionally lowering their guard to attack. As of 1.7.5, seven Joes are available in Mega Man Maker if including Sniper Armor as a Joe variant.

List of Joes

Returning Sniper Joe

Returning Sniper Joe
Official artwork of a Returning Sniper Joe from Mega Man 2
Level Builder
Description: Stands behind a protective shield, lowering the shield to shoot at you.
Category: Enemies
Builder space: 2x2
Layer: 5 - Main elements
Game information
HP: 10
Damage: 4 (contact)
2 (bullet)
Added in version: 1.0.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 2
Other appearances: Mega Man: The Wily Wars

The Returning Sniper Joe (referred simply as Sniper Joe in the editor) is an enemy from Mega Man 2, originating from Flash Man's stage as well as the first and fourth Wily stages. It is featured in Mega Man Maker as of version 1.0.0.

It mostly stays behind its shield, occasionally shooting bullets in volleys of three. Unlike its predecessor from Mega Man 1, it will not chase the player if they go behind it.

Sniper Armor

Sniper Armor
Official artwork of Sniper Armor from Mega Man 2
Level Builder
Description: A Joe in a sturdy, big ride armor. Will come out to fight once the armor is gone.
Category: Enemies
Builder space: 3x4
Layer: 5 - Main elements
Builder options:
Game information
Damage: 8 (contact)
2 (shot)
Added in version: 1.7.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 2
Other appearances: Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Mega Man 11
Programmer(s): Luigi

Sniper Armor is an enemy that made its first appearance in Mega Man 2 and again in Mega Man: The Wily Wars. A variant of the Sniper Armor made an appearance in Mega Man 11. Sniper Armor was added to Mega Man Maker in version 1.7.0.

Sniper Armor is a large mech piloted by a Sniper Joe Once on screen, a Sniper Armor will periodically make a large jump toward the player's location. Once in close proximity to the player, it will fire several shots that can travel horizontally to diagonally downward originating from the carriage area of the large mech. If the player runs from the Sniper Armor, it will pursue the player by leaping until coming into close proximity once again and will resume its projectile firing behavior. If the Sniper Armor is destroyed the Sniper Joe riding the armor will leap to the ground and behave like a standard Mega Man 2 Sniper Joe.

Hammer Joe

Hammer Joe
Official artwork of a Hammer Joe from Mega Man 3
Level Builder
Description: Swing their mighty hammer around before throwing it. Weak when their eye is open.
Category: Enemies
Builder space: 2x2
Layer: 5 - Main elements
Builder options: N/A
Game information
HP: 8
Damage: 4 (contact)
2 (hammer)
Added in version: 1.0.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 3
Other appearances: Mega Man II
Mega Man III
Mega Man: The Wily Wars

The Hammer Joe is an enemy from Mega Man 3, originating from Snake Man's stage and the first Wily stage. It is featured in Mega Man Maker as of version 1.0.0.

It constantly swings a hammer, occasionally throwing it. While it swings the hammer, its eyes stays closed, and it only opens just before it throws the hammer; this is the only moment where the player can land a few hits on it.

Skeleton Joe

Skeleton Joe
Official artwork of a Skeleton Joe from Mega Man 4
Level Builder
Description: Throws bones at you. Falls apart when hit, becoming invincible temporarily.
Category: Enemies
Builder space: 2x2
Layer: 5 - Main elements
Builder options: N/A
Game information
HP: 3
Damage: 4 (contact)
2 (bone)
Added in version: 1.0.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 4
Other appearances: Mega Man III

The Skeleton Joe is an enemy from Mega Man 4, originating from Skull Man's stage. It is featured in Mega Man Maker as of version 1.0.0.

It stays still most of the time, occasionally throwing bones at the player. If if gets hit by a weapon, it will crumble before getting back up shortly after. While it is destroyed, it cannot be hit.

Crystal Joe

Crystal Joe
Official artwork of a Crystal Joe from Mega Man 5
Level Builder
Description: Summons a large, reflective crystal, then fires it forwards.
Category: Enemies
Builder space: 2x2
Layer: 5 - Main elements
Builder options: N/A
Game information
HP: 3
Damage: 6 (contact)
8 (crystal)
Added in version: 1.0.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 5
Other appearances: Mega Man IV

The Crystal Joe variant first appeared in Mega Man 5 in Crystal Man's stage. He was included in the release of Mega Man Maker in version 1.0.0. Impervious to attacks when creating crystal shard projectiles. When a crystal shard is fully created it fires the shard at the player that can continue to deflect player shots. Crystal Joe is vulnerable to attacks only in the brief moment its not creating its crystal shards.

Joe Classic

Joe Classic
Level Builder
Description: The classic green Joe, but equipped with a grenade.
Category: Enemies
Builder space: 2x2
Layer: 5 - Main elements
Builder options: N/A
Game information
HP: 5
Damage: 4 (contact)
2 (shot)
4 (grenade)
Added in version: 1.5.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 8
Other appearances: Mega Man and Bass

Joe Classic first appeared in Mega Man 8 and returned in Mega Man & Bass. Joe Classic was added to Mega Man Maker in version 1.5.0. Joe Classic stands still blocking the player's progress, using his shield for cover and only lowering it to fire at the player. This Joe can also lie on his belly thus making himself vulnerable, but also harder to hit, and in this state can throw a grenade at the player that will explode shortly after being thrown.

Returning Machine Gun Joe

Returning Machine Gun Joe
Returning Machine Gun Joe in MM10
Level Builder
Description: Fires in two short bursts of three shots each. Learned to jump.
Category: Enemies
Builder space: 2x2
Layer: 5 - Main elements
Builder options:
Game information
HP: 6
Damage: 3 (contact)
2 (shot)
Added in version: 1.7.0
Series information
Game of origin: Mega Man 10
Programmer(s): WreckingPrograms

Returning Machine Gun Joe is a variant debuting in Mega Man 10. Returning Machine Gun Joe was added to Mega Man Maker in version 1.7.0. Returning Machine Gun Joe will block the player's progress standing resolute in its assigned location with shield up to block player shots. This Joe will lower its shield to fire two short bursts of three shots each, and can jump to smash into any player that attempts to pass over them in close proximity.

Video Tutorials

MM2 Returning Sniper Joe

MM2 Sniper Armor

MM3 Hammer Joe

MM4 Skeleton Joe


  • When behind their shields, Sniper Joes can be hit at their feet and the top portion of their head.


Version 1.0
Mega Man
Cut ManBomb ManCrash ManMetal ManSpark ManTop ManToad ManPharaoh ManStone ManNapalm ManKnight ManPlant ManEnergy ElementParty Ball
Gemini Man
MetOctopus BatteryBeakPicket ManScrew BomberBig EyeFootholderNeo MetSniper JoeTellyCrazy CannonBattonRobbitHotheadPeterchyPottonHammer JoeMechakkeroPoleNew ShotmanSkeleton JoeTogeheroShield Attacker (MM4)Super Ball Machine Jr.SkullmetTaketentoGachapponTrain MetCrystal JoeNew Shield AttackerPukapellyLyricKoukerBitterColtonShield Attacker GTRFire TellyAu-AuBen KCannopellerTwin Roader
CaricarryPetit Devil
Mega BusterRolling CutterFire StormThunder BeamQuick BoomerangCrash BomberMetal BladeSearch SnakeTop SpinMagnet MissileSkull BarrierFlash StopperPharaoh ShotGravity HoldStar CrashCharge KickWind StormSilver TomahawkPlant BarrierRush CoilRush JetMagnet BeamShineNado0Nothing
Perfect Freeze
Level Objects & Pickups
CheckpointWaterYoku BlockCount BombTeleporterWeapon BlockWeapon BarrierFire BeamElec BeamConveyor BeltForce BeamLift PlatformDrop PlatformDust BlockCossack PlatformFalling PlatformRotating PlatformSpringFlip PlatformLarge HealthSmall HealthLarge Weapon EnergySmall Weapon EnergyLifeE-TankM-Tank
Major Patches

Version 1.5
Grenade ManAstro ManConcrete ManTornado Man
Shell'nBunby Tank DXJoe ClassicSurumakerHannya AttackerCrunchranFire MetWall TeckRabbitonPenpen EVBig TellyBombomboyFlower PresenterFire TotemOkosutobonDiarnHoohooKakinbatankAdamskiNombrellanSakretsCaricarryPetit Devil
Mega BallTornado HoldFlash BombThunder ClawFlame SwordConcrete ShotJewel SatelliteHornet ChaserLaser TridentMagma BazookaBlack Hole BombTornado Blow
Level Objects
Reflecting Yoku BlockThunder Claw PoleTNTAstro GateAstro ButtonAstro Reset ButtonMagma Beam GeneratorRainBokazurahIllusian
Major Patches

Version 1.7
Fire ManQuick ManYamato ManFreeze ManSplash WomanStrike Man
PipiAtomic ChickenLadder PressBattanCoccoHologranSumatranSkull WalkerReturning Machine Gun JoeNeo Heli MetallMoleScwormSniper ArmorLantern FishElectric GabyoallElec'nBomb FlierNitronGiant SpringerVHotchkiss'nMolmoleMolierBrownBunby CatcherHeliponRing RingSubmarine FlierPropeller EyeSea MineBombierJet BombRatton
Roll SwingTango JumpFlappy BeatSuper ArmTime StopperBubble LeadSpark ShockDust CrusherGyro AttackNapalm BombYamato SpearCentaur FlashFreeze CrackerTriple BladeSolar BlazeCommand Selection
Level Objects & Pickups
Music ChangerSuper Arm BlockFire Wave SpawnerFire Wave RedirectorFire Wave ShaftOn/Off SwitchOn/Off Switch TimerOn Switch BlockOn/Off Switch BlockOn Switch SpikeOff Switch SpikeOn Switch LadderOff Switch LadderTop LiftSplash PlatformBouncy BallFuse CrosserJumpthrough PlatformHornet RollAcid DropNeedle PressFork BlockSteamPlantformIce BarrierSpike PlatformSoccer Ball JetConcrete LiftFuse RailFuse CrawlerFuse Xtender?-Tank
Major Patches

Mega Man 2
Weapons Mega BusterBubble LeadAir ShooterQuick BoomerangLeaf ShieldCrash BomberTime StopperMetal BladeAtomic FireItem-1Item-2Item-3
Enemies Neo MetReturning Sniper JoeTellyCrazy CannonBattonRobbitHotheadBlockyPierobotCroakerCrabbotFly BoyFan FiendShrinkPipiMoleScwormAtomic ChickenBig FishSniper ArmorHot DogLantern FishSniper Armor
Level Objects Conveyor BeltForce BeamPressCrash LiftAcid Drop
Bosses Bubble ManQuick ManWood ManCrash ManMetal ManBoobeam Trap
Other Pages TilesetsBackgroundsMusic

Mega Man 3
Mega BusterSpark ShockSearch SnakeNeedle CannonTop SpinShadow BladeMagnet MissileGemini LaserHard KnuckleRush CoilRush Jet
PeterchyPottonHammer JoeMechakkeroPoleNew ShotmanPetit SnakeyKomasaburoHari HarryCannonWalking BombGyoraiboYambowMag FlyElectric GabyoallBubukanNitronElec'nBomb FlierHologranGiant SpringerTama
Level Objects
Moving CogLift PlatformDrop PlatformWanaanMagnetNeedle PressTop Lift
Spark ManTop ManMagnet ManHard ManKamegoro Maker
Other Pages

Mega Man 4
Mega BusterRing BoomerangDive MissileSkull BarrierFlash StopperDust CrusherDrill BombRain FlushPharaoh ShotRush CoilRush JetWire
Skeleton JoeTogeheroShield AttackerSuper Ball Machine Jr.SkullmetTaketentoGachapponMinoanWall BlasterTotem PolenPakatto 24DocronMummiraGaryobyLadder PressHeliponRing RingBattanSea MineRattonWhopper
Level Objects
Dust BlockCossack PlatformRing PlatformCoil PlatformQuicksandFork Block
Ring ManSkull ManToad ManPharaoh ManCossack CatcherWily Machine 4
Other Pages

Mega Man 5
Mega BusterPower StoneGravity HoldNapalm BombGyro AttackCrystal EyeStar CrashWater WaveCharge KickRush CoilRush JetSuper Arrow
Train MetCrystal JoeShield AttackerPukapellyLyricKoukerBitterPower MusclerBomb/Rock ThrownMetall CannonSubeilGireeTondeallPukapuckerBounderSumatranBombierCoccoJet BombV
Level Objects
Falling PlatformRotating PlatformRolling DrillTeckyunSteamLow Grav Section
Stone ManCrystal ManNapalm ManCharge ManDark Man 3Dark Man 4Big Pets
Other Pages

Mega Man 8
Mega BusterMega BallTornado HoldFlash BombThunder ClawFlame SwordIce Wave
Shell'nBunby Tank DXJoe ClassicSurumakerHannya AttackerCrunchranFire MetFire Met SpawnerWall TeckRabbitonPenpen EVBig TellySuccubattonShururun
Level Objects
Thunder Claw PoleTNTAstro GateAstro ButtonAstro Reset ButtonGori Three RockCount Bomb CDLift ElevatorShupponpon DoorFloating SpikeFloating Bubble GeneratorFlipping Doors
Assets Listed Under Mega Man & Bass
Gori ThreeDodonpa CannonRomperHogaleHogale SpawnerAmmonerSydeckaIce BlockIce Block SpawnerExplosive CratesBell Ringer
Grenade ManAstro ManTengu Man
Other Pages

Mega Man 10
Mega BusterProto BusterBass BusterTriple BladeSolar BlazeThunder WoolCommando BombWater ShieldWheel CutterRebound StrikerMirror BusterScrew CrusherBallade CrackerRush CoilRush JetProto CoilProto JetTreble Boost
Cargou QKaona GeenoPointanSola OOshitsu OsarettsuNumetallMerserkerBari III (Head)Bari III (Body)Mecha PitchanSearchySearchy SpawnerReturning Machine Gun JoeNeo Heli MetallMolmoleMomole SpawnerMomole Spawner (Random)DarspiderSuzak and FenixYonbain
Level Objects
Jumpthrough PlatformSheep BlockSheep SpikeChill BlockMoving ElevatorMoving Elevator Vertical StopSoccer Ball Jet
Sheep ManPump ManStrike ManNitro Man
Other Pages

Mega Man and Bass
Mega BusterBass BusterIce WallWave BurnerCopy VisionSpread DrillTengu BladeMagic CardTreble Boost
Gori ThreeDodonpa CannonPlasmaRomperSnolerMini SnowmanMini Snowman SpawnerBig TellyElectric GeneratorMokumokumoHogaleHogale SpawnerAmmonerOni RoboOni Robo CloudOni Robo WindSydeckaKamikamin
Level Objects
Ice BlockIce Block SpawnerExplosive CratesDynamo ConveyorMoving LightMoving Light RedirectorMoving Light TerminatorMoving Light DarknessFloating BalloonFloating Balloon SpawnerOni Cloud GeneratorOni Wind GeneratorPressurized Cracked BlockRotating Spike BoxBell Ringer
Returning from Mega Man 8
Shell'nBunby Tank DXJoe ClassicSurumakerHannya AttackerCrunchranFire MetFire Met SpawnerWall TeckRabbitonPenpen EVShururunKamikamin ChestShupponpon DoorFloating Bubble Generator
Cold ManBurner ManPirate Man
Other Pages

Mega Man II
Mega BusterAir ShooterLeaf ShieldClash BomberMetal BladeNeedle CannonTop SpinMagnet MissileHard Knuckle
TellyCrazy CannonBattonRobbitFly BoyFan FiendPipiScwormAtomic ChickenHot DogNew ShotmanKomasaburoHari HarryCannonYambowMag FlyGiant SpringerTama
Wood ManClash ManMetal ManTop ManMagnet ManHard Man
Other Pages

Mega Man III
Mega BusterSpark ShockSearch SnakeShadow BladeGemini LaserDive MissileSkull BarrierDust CrusherDrill BombScrew CrusherRush CoilRush Jet
Petit SnakeyWalking BombYambowElectric GabyoallElec'nTogeheroSkullmetPakatto 24Ladder PressHelipon
Spark ManSkull ManPunk
Other Pages

Mega Man IV
Mega BusterRing BoomerangFlash StopperRain FlushPharaoh ShotPower StoneNapalm BombCrystal EyeCharge KickBallade CrackerRush CoilRush Jet
Press'nTaketentoMinoanGaryobyRing RingRattonBomb/Rock ThrownSubeilSumatranBombierCoccoJet Bomb
Level Objects
Shifting Falling StoneGuts HoverMove HoverNapalm Fire
Ring ManToad ManPharaoh ManStone ManCharge ManNapalm ManCrystal Man
Other Pages